
4 key questions about "housing pensions"


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Evening of August 26

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has issued a statement on the hotly debated

Respond to topics such as "housing pension"

Dong Jianguo, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

Recently, it was disclosed at a press conference of the State Council Information Office

22 cities including Shanghai are currently piloting

Housing physical examination, housing pension, housing insurance

Three new systems

Let’s take a look together↓↓

What is the housing pension system?

Yin Fei, professor and dean of the law school at the Central University of Finance and Economics, said that the housing pension system is not aimed at "old, dilapidated and small houses".

Generally speaking, housing pensions include personal accounts and public accounts. Personal accounts are the current special housing maintenance funds;The establishment of a public account is the key point of this system.

Yin Fei said that, for example, if a common part of a residential area, such as an elevator, breaks down, it will be repaired using the personal account, i.e., the special residential maintenance fund;However, if after an earthquake it is necessary to inspect houses in the relevant area, or if a real estate project has major hidden dangers involving the safety of people's lives and property or involving public safety, this part of the funds will need to be paid from the public account.

Yin Fei said that compared with ordinary commodities, the life cycle of houses is longer.

In this process, in order to ensure the safety and normal use of the house,Costs related to the upkeep, maintenance, repair, replacement and reconstruction of the house and its ancillary facilities and equipment

This type of expense can be called "housing pension".

The housing pension involved in the current system design is limited to housing in the form of distinguished buildings within the urban planning area.

"From the starting point, the core of the housing pension system is to solve issues involving public safety by setting up a public account and using public funds," said Yin Fei.

Does the owner need to pay?

As soon as the news about housing pension came out, some netizens asked:If a housing pension is established, will the property owners have to pay money again?

Currently, the housing pension public account is funded from public funds, according to“Do not increase personal burdens, do not reduce personal rights and interests”Based on the principle of “returning funds to local governments”, local governments should explore channels for raising funds.

Yan Rong, director and researcher of Shanghai Real Estate Science Research Institute, also expressed the view that the current research on establishing a public housing pension account isIt does not require the people to pay directly.

So,Where does public funding come from?

"my country's Housing Pension System: Background and Framework" released by Yan Rong, Hao Yanting and Guo Ge of Shanghai Real Estate Science Research Institute shows that public account funds are used to ensure social public security and basic housing safety. They are used for regular housing inspections and repairs that affect public safety outside the scope of application of personal account funds, and have a social mutual aid function.

It is funded by fiscal funds, mainly from the income from the transfer of state-owned land, the central government’s urban affordable housing project subsidies (funds for the renewal and renovation of old residential communities), and local fiscal subsidies, supplemented by other real estate-related taxes.

Among them, there are two paths to consider for land transfer income as the main source of funds for housing pension: one is to directly add a housing pension fund expenditure item to the existing net income from land transfer; the other is to stipulate that no less than 2% of housing pension funds should be set aside in the major expenditure items.

At the same time, the renovation funds for old communities are added to public accounts, which can not only take into account the establishment of projects on demand, but also facilitate the later maintenance of the renewal results.

Is housing pension a disguised form of property tax?

In this regard, there are also"Stronger property tax is coming", "Establishing housing physical examination, housing pension, and housing insurance systems is just another name for property tax", "No exemption, just collect when you see a house", etc.

Yan Yuejin, deputy director of the Shanghai E-House Real Estate Research Institute, said that housing pensions are not property taxes, and some of the current claims that "housing pensions are a disguised form of property taxes" are misleading, wrong, and irresponsible.

Wang Yeqiang, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and director of the Real Estate Committee of the China Urban Economics Society, also said that property tax is a property tax, which is a tax that residents need to pay to the state for holding real estate.

A housing pension is a fund collection account set up for the future maintenance and repair of a house.

The two are fundamentally different in nature. Property tax is levied by the state to support urban construction and public services, and has little to do with greening and public areas within the community.

Housing pension is a system established to ensure that residents' housing is kept in good condition and can withstand the erosion of time.

There is already a special maintenance fund

Why a housing pension?

In fact, my country already has an inherent "fund pool" for the maintenance, renovation and reconstruction of houses - a special housing maintenance fund.

According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development's "Regulations on the Management of Special Housing Maintenance Funds", special housing maintenance funds are funds specifically used for the maintenance, renewal and renovation of common parts and common facilities and equipment of houses after the warranty period expires.

This amount of money is usually paid when residents buy a house. Since 2004, the special housing maintenance fund has beenFees that must be paid when applying for a property ownership certificate

A report from the Shanghai Real Estate Science Research Institute pointed out that currently, the national special residential maintenance fund surplus exceeds 1 trillion yuan, and cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Hangzhou have surpluses of more than 10 billion yuan.

According to the "Property Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China", special maintenance funds for residential communities belong to the owners and should be managed by the owners' committee. However, the situation in each community varies, and currently they are basically "managed" by government departments.

So,Why do we need a housing pension when we already have a special maintenance fund?

Chen Wenjing, director of market research at China Index Academy, pointed out that currently, my country mainly uses special housing maintenance funds for the maintenance and renovation of public parts of houses and public facilities and equipment. Since my country's special housing maintenance funds generally come from the owners' own payment, the overall fund volume is limited, and my country's real estate market is gradually entering the stock era.As of the end of 2022, nearly 20% of China's existing urban houses are more than 30 years old, and the proportion of old houses requiring maintenance and renovation is rapidly increasing.

Wang Yeqiang mentioned that the existing special residential maintenance funds are mainly aimed at the maintenance and renovation of common parts of buildings and public facilities and equipment.

Affected by my country's rapid urbanization in the past, a large number of migrant population poured into cities, resulting in high-rise and super-high-rise buildings becoming the main form of residence.These buildings will face various aging problems after a certain number of years.

If there are safety hazards in the building structure, rust and aging of facilities and equipment, roof leakage, and falling off of exterior walls, etc., if these buildings are not maintained and repaired in a timely manner, they may gradually become dangerous buildings and threaten the safety of residents.

The current special residential maintenance fund is paid by the owners themselves, with a limited overall amount of funds, low withdrawal efficiency, and uneven utilization efficiency. The existing special residential maintenance fund cannot meet the problem of "repairing all necessary houses", and these renovations are mostly focused on the renewal of infrastructure, with insufficient attention paid to the repair and upkeep of the house itself. It is also difficult to solve the problems of large-scale urban renewal and renovation of old communities in the era of stock, especially the current need for maintenance of aging facilities and equipment in old communities.

Exploring the establishment of a housing pension system to provide security for housing throughout its life cycle will help better solve the funding problem for the renovation of old neighborhoods, implement urban renewal actions in depth, further promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and accelerate the construction of a new model for real estate development.