
Promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market


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How is the real estate market developing? How is the construction and supply of affordable housing progressing? What are the specific measures for urban renewal? At the "Promoting High-quality Development" series of press conferences held by the State Council Information Office on the 23rd, the head of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development responded to current hot issues.
Accelerate the construction of a new model for real estate development
The real estate market situation has attracted much attention. Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Ni Hong said that at present, the supply and demand relationship in the real estate market has undergone major changes, and the market is still in a period of adjustment. With the implementation of various policies, the market has seen positive changes. Judging from the process of urbanization in my country and the people's new expectations for good houses, the real estate market still has great potential and space. We must strengthen our confidence, formulate policies based on the city, and implement them vigorously to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
Accelerating the construction of a new model of real estate development is a fundamental solution to prevent and resolve real estate risks and achieve high-quality development of real estate. Ni Hong said that the construction of a new model of real estate development can be summarized into four aspects: First, in terms of concept, we must deeply understand the positioning of "houses are for living, not for speculation", and build good houses that meet the new expectations of the people. Second, in terms of system, the government should mainly meet rigid housing needs, and the market should mainly meet diversified improved housing needs. Third, in terms of system, reform and improve the real estate development, transaction and use system to lay a solid institutional foundation for the transformation and development of real estate. Fourth, in terms of factor allocation, establish a new mechanism for the linkage of "people, houses, land, and money".
Dong Jianguo, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will work closely with relevant departments to further strengthen top-level design while summarizing the relevant pilot practices in the previous period, firmly grasp the basic point of ensuring the people's safe housing, and accelerate the reform and improvement of basic systems such as commercial housing sales, land, finance, and taxation. It will use reform to promote institutional innovation, use reform to promote the construction of new models, and use reform to promote industrial development, and strive to promote high-quality real estate development.
Increase the construction and supply of affordable housing
Increasing the construction and supply of affordable housing is a matter of great concern to urban families with housing difficulties, new citizens and young people. Dong Jianguo introduced that the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and relevant departments have strengthened overall planning and guided local governments to focus on the construction of sales-oriented affordable housing on the one hand to speed up the solution of housing difficulties for wage-earning groups; on the other hand, they have focused on the supply of rental-oriented affordable housing, solving the housing problems of new citizens, young people and other groups in a diversified and diversified way such as "one bed, one room, one apartment".
According to data provided by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, in the first seven months of this year, 2.35 million units of affordable housing and urban village renovation resettlement housing have been started and raised nationwide, with an investment of more than 440 billion yuan.
Dong Jianguo said that the planning of affordable housing is an important part of the housing development plan. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development guides local governments to formulate five-year and annual plans for affordable housing based on local economic capabilities, real estate market conditions and housing needs of various disadvantaged groups, adhere to the principle of building and purchasing according to demand, and adapt to local conditions.
In terms of system improvement, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is guiding all localities to adhere to the national top-level design, combine local realities, adhere to doing their best and act within their capabilities, and promptly introduce specific implementation opinions, management methods and supporting policies to further refine and improve specific requirements such as the objects of protection, methods of protection, standards of protection, and distribution management.
Dong Jianguo said that for the projects included in this year's planned construction, we must implement fiscal, tax, land, and financial support policies, speed up the start of projects and construction progress, strengthen project quality and safety supervision, and carry out rental and sales distribution as soon as possible. We must strengthen the planning and reserve of projects, do a good job in the preliminary work of the projects next year and the year after, and form a rolling promotion mechanism of "implementing a batch, reserving a batch, and planning a batch". At the same time, in combination with the local real estate market situation, we will actively promote the acquisition of existing commercial housing for use as affordable housing, promote the accelerated completion of acquisition of projects with mature conditions, and timely rental and sales distribution.
In addition, we must also focus on "good housing" models. At present, various regions have identified a number of affordable housing demonstration projects, and carried out "good housing" construction in accordance with the requirements of "green, low-carbon, intelligent and safe", and continuously improved the quality of affordable housing.
Building livable, resilient and smart cities
Implementing urban renewal actions is an important measure to transform urban development patterns and achieve high-quality development. Qin Haixiang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that it is necessary to systematically promote the construction of "four good" buildings, good neighborhoods, good communities, and good urban areas.
"We must continue to focus on the renovation of old urban communities and work hard to solve problems such as installing elevators, parking, and charging. Our plan this year is to complete the renovation of more than 50,000 old communities. On this basis, we will promote the construction of a number of complete communities and advance the renovation of old neighborhoods and old factory areas." Qin Haixiang said.
At the same time, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will continue to promote the construction of "inner" projects in cities, strengthen the construction of underground comprehensive pipelines and the renovation and upgrading of old pipelines, and strive to renovate more than 100,000 kilometers of various types of old pipelines this year. Vigorously promote the construction of urban lifeline safety projects, and use digital means to monitor various municipal facilities such as water supply, drainage, gas, heating, bridges, and pipelines in real time, so as to achieve early detection, early warning, and early disposal of safety hazards to ensure the safe operation of cities. Strengthen urban waterlogging control, and complete the treatment of 100 cities and more than 1,000 waterlogging points this year.
Ni Hong said that we should adhere to the principle of “the people build the city and the city is for the people”, adapt to the new requirements of urban development entering the stage of urban renewal, further deepen the reform of urban planning, construction and governance, establish a sustainable urban renewal model and policies and regulations, and adhere to the principle of “physical examination first, then renewal”. The problems found in the physical examination are the key points to be solved in the renewal, so as to build livable, resilient and smart cities and make people’s life in cities more convenient, comfortable and better.
(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 23)