
"Speaking by strength" becomes the vane of Beijing's professional title evaluation reform


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Recently, Beijing is carrying out the 2024 professional title application. Cang Jirong, founder of Xingce Future Technology Co., Ltd., encouraged young people in the team to try. In September last year, Cang Jirong was only 30 years old when he obtained the title of senior engineer in artificial intelligence.
Cang Jirong, a young man who studied physics at Tsinghua University for his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, started his own business in 2020. His main innovation is to equip satellites with AI "brains". According to the professional title evaluation rules of the previous years, young entrepreneurs like Cang Jirong cannot find a professional title evaluation channel without an "in-system" identity. Even if you are "in-system", it takes at least 7 years to obtain a senior professional title after graduating with a doctorate.
Such cases of obtaining senior professional titles in an exceptional manner are not uncommon in Beijing, thanks to Beijing's reform of the talent evaluation mechanism, especially the reform of the professional title evaluation system, in recent years in its construction of a high-level talent base.
The Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Modernization with Chinese Characteristics (hereinafter referred to as the Decision), adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, has a special chapter anchoring the reform of education, science and technology talents, which mentions "establishing a talent evaluation system oriented towards innovation ability, quality, effectiveness and contribution". The professional title system is also an important dimension of talent evaluation.
Since 2018, Beijing's professional title evaluation system has been continuously improved, emphasizing ability, performance and contribution as the orientation, and establishing new standards for talent evaluation by category.
"High-level, urgent and special" talents are evaluated for senior professional titles, speaking based on their strength
The case of senior engineer Cang Jirong reflects some characteristics of Beijing's professional title evaluation reform. The first is to break the boundaries between the inside and outside of the system, and skilled talents from non-public economic organizations and social organizations can participate in the evaluation.
Secondly, the professions covered by professional titles are constantly enriched. Artificial intelligence is a new profession added by Beijing in 2020. The 2024 Beijing professional title review currently underway has added eight more professions, including integrated circuits, quantum information, virtual reality, and big data, which are closely linked to the hot industries in the market. According to relevant officials from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, in recent years, Beijing has continuously improved the professions covered by professional title applications based on the emergence of new professions, aiming to provide guarantees for the sustainable development of high-tech industries and lead the integrated development of industrial chains, talent chains, and innovation chains.
In addition, starting from 2023, Beijing will open a green channel for "high-level, urgently needed, special and special talents" to apply for senior professional titles. Cang Jirong is one of the first 23 people to obtain senior professional titles through the "high-level, urgent and special" green channel. This is also one of the important measures to "break the four onlys" in Beijing's professional title reform.
Recalling his experience of applying for professional titles, Cang Jirong felt that it was an almost "seamless" process. He did not have to fill out too many forms, nor did he spend too much energy proving his abilities.
According to the green channel opened by Beijing for the evaluation of professional titles for "high-level, urgent and special" talents, Cang Jirong obtained the senior professional title through the "recommendation system". When applying, he was recommended by three industry experts with senior professional titles and one relevant person in charge of the industry's competent department. Each person had a different strategy, and it all depended on his strength in the industry.
Cang Jirong does have the ability to "fight". After starting his own business, he undertook 17 projects as the first technical person in charge and participated in two national projects as a core member. He was committed to solving problems such as limited bandwidth for satellite-to-ground data transmission. Some of his breakthroughs also filled domestic gaps.
These strengths also meet Beijing’s definition of “high-level, urgent and special” talents. For example, relevant documents describe high-level talents as follows: professional and technical talents who have made significant contributions in major basic research and cutting-edge technological breakthroughs, solving major engineering and technical problems, disruptive technological innovation, and solving “bottleneck” problems in Beijing’s high-end industries and strategic emerging industries.
In June this year, another 56 "high-level, urgent and special" talents in Beijing passed the senior professional title assessment. 36-year-old Xu Peng was recommended by three academicians and obtained the title of senior engineer in artificial intelligence; Li Ning, who rubs pills at Tongrentang, and Xiong Songtao, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of cloisonné, also obtained the corresponding senior professional titles due to their honors as national skill masters.
According to a relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, since Beijing launched the reform of the professional title evaluation system in 2018, the system has been continuously optimized, but there have always been several constants: strengthening ability evaluation and weakening paper evaluation; strengthening the quality of results and weakening the quantity of results; strengthening performance contributions and weakening seniority.
Breaking the separation of “evaluation and use”
In the past, there was sometimes a problem of "evaluation and employment" being two separate entities in professional title evaluation: the evaluation organization did not employ people, and the employing unit did not have the right to evaluate. This led to the possibility that the evaluation standards might be divorced from the actual work on the front line, and the innovations on the front line were recognized with a lag in the professional title evaluation system.
In the reform of professional title evaluation, Beijing has made great efforts to break the "two-faced" problem, and delegated the professional title evaluation authority to national innovation laboratories, new research and development institutions, leading technology companies with sound human resource management systems and large basic scientific research investments, and industry-leading companies, guiding them to formulate plans that meet the requirements of the city's independent evaluation and appointment reform and evaluation standards and conditions with distinctive characteristics.
Employers can independently formulate talent evaluation standards and conduct independent evaluation and appointment of professional titles based on disciplinary characteristics and development needs.
Under the guidance of the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Xiaomi Group established a professional title evaluation system in October 2023, and can conduct professional title evaluation independently. It is the first private enterprise in Beijing to conduct independent professional title evaluation after registration.
A relevant person in charge of Xiaomi Group said that building an internal professional title system has enriched the talent evaluation dimension and given employees a greater sense of identity. More importantly, professional title self-evaluation breaks through the internal and external technical language barriers. In the past, because the company's R&D and technical directions had confidentiality requirements, when employees applied for professional titles through social channels, their technical capabilities and contributions often did not match the evaluation standards of social channels, and the review agencies did not understand the employees' contributions, which affected the review results.
Xiaomi Group has formulated documents such as the Professional Title Management Method, and has developed an evaluation system with the characteristics of corporate R&D based on reference to social evaluation standards. Employees can apply on their own or be nominated by the organization. After the material review and defense, they will obtain the corresponding professional title and report it to the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for review.
During the trial operation, a total of 161 professional and technical personnel from Xiaomi Group passed the review, including 75 people with associate senior professional titles and 86 people with intermediate professional titles.
A relevant person in charge of Xiaomi Group said that after the implementation of this system, the stability and enthusiasm of technical personnel have been improved. For example, after core technical personnel apply for the evaluation of associate senior professional titles, they can then apply for talent introduction in Beijing, which provides support for the long-term and stable development of employees.
In addition, for enterprises, through self-evaluation of professional titles, they can more clearly define job requirements, which will help enterprises analyze talent gaps and optimize talent training plans.
A relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau said that the bureau is currently studying the effectiveness of Xiaomi Group's professional title self-evaluation system, and further expanding the pilot program of corporate professional title self-evaluation, highlighting the "use-based" feature of professional title evaluation in talent evaluation.
Optimize talent evaluation and promote industrial development
The new goals for talent evaluation reform proposed in the "Decision" are also the driving force for deepening the professional title reform in Beijing.
In Beijing, the professions for professional title evaluation will be dynamically enriched. According to the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Beijing is currently conducting research on the establishment of professional titles such as financial technology and new energy. Currently, there are 1,235 professions for professional title evaluation in Beijing, and they are still being dynamically updated every year.
A relevant person in charge from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security said that to set up a new major, the responsible department needs to study the economic contribution of the relevant industry, the number of employees, etc., and launch it at an appropriate time to ensure that the talent chain coincides with the industrial chain.
In the past, the establishment of a new professional title was usually proposed by the competent industry department, and the number of new professional titles may not keep up with the increase in new occupations. At present, in Beijing, industry associations and human resources and social security departments of each district can submit the demand for new professional titles to the municipal human resources and social security department, which has expanded the subjects of making suggestions and increased the speed of adding new professional titles.
The relevant person in charge of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security explained that in Beijing, some emerging industries show the characteristics of regional development. For example, the financial technology in Xicheng District is developing rapidly. As the functional department of Xicheng District, it can feel the urgency of the evaluation of financial technology talents. Therefore, this year, the human resources and social security department of Xicheng District conducted preliminary research on the system of professional title evaluation. This approach is closer to reality and gives employers more say.
In Beijing's professional title review in 2024, approximately 74,000 people applied for professional titles, involving more than 2,500 people in eight newly added majors such as quantum information. If the review goes smoothly, some professional and technical talents can become the first people to obtain professional titles in this profession.
Do professional titles have any meaning for young people? Cang Jirong's answer is yes. A more scientific evaluation system is a recognition of individuals and enterprises. Cang Jirong said that the title of senior engineer will be printed on business cards and written in the company profile.
China Youth Daily and China Youth Network reporter Liu Shixin Source: China Youth Daily
Source: China Youth Daily