news After “using lanterns to assess damages”, we see “asking people to inspect the house” again. Who can control such landlords?


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When Ms. Chen from Shenzhen checked out after her lease expired,The landlord hired a professional inspector to check the house with a flashlight, and he marked 70 or 80 problems., including the falling off of the induction light strip of the wall cabinet, loose bonding, wall paint pollution, wall paint bulging, loose skirting boards, scratches on the socket panel, water accumulation on the dry floor, etc.

She disagreed with calling the police, butThe landlord still refused to return the 18,000 yuan deposit and asked her to compensateOn August 22, Ms. Chen, the party involved, said,After the street office intervened in the mediation, she received a full refund of her deposit.

The landlord has refunded

The landlord's house inspection is as detailed as

Criminal police inspect the scene

According to previous media reports, Ms. Chen introduced that in August 2023, she rented a house from the landlord with a monthly rent of 9,000 yuan and a deposit of 18,000 yuan. The two parties agreed that the lease period was one year.

In May this year, she told the landlord in advance that she would not renew the lease.

When she checked out on August 20, the landlord required her to restore the house to its original state and hired a house inspector to check the house bit by bit. He then put sticky notes on places where he thought there were problems and wrote down the details. It was estimated that there were 70 to 80 sticky notes in total. The landlord also gave her a house inspection report.

Ms. Chen said that she did not agree with the problems listed in the report becauseMany things are caused by natural wear and tear or natural consumption. There are also so-called "problems" such as water accumulation on the dry floor, foreign objects in the floor drain, etc., she couldn't understand it and felt that he was "picking on me".

Screenshot of the housing report. Source: News

Community staff who own the house in question said that they had learned about the matter from the property management office and suggested that Ms. Chen resolve the issue through legal means if the landlord refuses to mediate.

On August 22, Ms. Chen told reporters that just as she had drafted a complaint and was preparing to submit the documents to resolve the matter through litigation, the Qingshuihe Street Office where the house was located informed her that the landlord was willing to return the deposit. "The street office has been mediating, and I received the refund in the afternoon."

Ms. Chen also expressed her gratitude to the Qingshuihe Sub-district Office and Police Station on her personal social account.

It is not a good idea to always rely on the Internet to defend your rights

In a society ruled by law, citizens can certainly use legal weapons to protect their own rights.

but,In every matter, we have to "take legal action" to get the justice we deserve. Moreover, even matters where the right and wrong are clear are forced to force citizens to spend a lot of time and money to file civil lawsuits. Doesn't this mean that something is wrong?

As far as housing rental disputes are concerned, the interests of landlords and tenants should be equally protected, but in reality,Landlords have more initiative, on the one hand, they are "fighting on the local ground", more importantly,Holding thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan in deposits has become a "killer weapon" for exploiting tenants at will., finding faults in every possible way and deliberately withholding the deposit.

Talking about getting back the deposit has become a "psychological shadow" for many young people renting in big cities.

If the tenant causes damage to the rented house during the rental process, the landlord has the right to claim compensation according to the law or contract.

However, the normal wear and tear, bumps, and depreciation of a house are costs that the landlord should bear and cannot be passed on to the tenant, or even become an excuse to blackmail the tenant.

Houses always get older the longer they are rented, and furniture always gets older the longer they are used. This is an objective law of physics.Some landlords use the method of "using lanterns to estimate damages" and claim normal depreciation and loss, which is extortion and far exceeds the scope of normal claims.

The law cannot and will not allow one party to undermine fair trade rules and wantonly erode the legitimate rights and interests of other entities under the guise of legality.

Renting a house in a city is not easy, and many young people choose to rent a house in a big city. Dramas like "using lanterns to determine damages" not only damage the economic rights and interests of the majority of tenants, but also endanger the order and stability of the rental market.

Landlords withholding deposits and refusing to pay back have become a major scourge in the rental market, but tenants find it difficult to find convenient channels to protect their rights.

Just like in this incident, even if the police arrived at the scene and criticized the landlord, they could not interfere in the civil dispute; the local community only asked the tenant to sue.

In fact, these are not effective ways to resolve conflicts.This requires our communities, public security, judicial mediation, real estate departments and other departments to work together to come up with a more convenient and lower-cost dispute resolution mechanism, so as to prevent the "torch-based damage assessment" incident from happening again and again and to prevent tenants from having to resort to the internet to defend their rights.