
School is about to start, it is necessary to start "focusing" two weeks in advance


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Wang Moyi, omnimedia reporter of Yangcheng Evening News
Chaotic schedule, addicted to mobile phones, and a lot of homework left... The vacation is almost over. Is your little beast in this situation? It's time to focus! "Focusing" is not only to end the summer vacation, but also to better prepare for the arrival of the new semester. With less than two weeks left before the start of school, what should be "focused"? How to "focus"? The reporter visited and interviewed the psychology teacher to give the answer.
These symptoms may be "holiday syndrome"
As the summer vacation draws to a close, Ms. Zhang, who has a fourth-grade elementary school student, is having a headache. She told reporters that in order to prevent her child from being too tired, she arranged a relaxing summer vacation. However, as school starts, her child seems to be very resistant. On the one hand, the phenomenon of "not sleeping at night and not getting up in the morning" is very serious. She is also addicted to her mobile phone and is slow in her summer homework. On the other hand, the child seems to be completely unprepared for the new semester and keeps saying that he doesn't want to go to school.
In this regard, Li Yingying, a psychology teacher at Nansha Tianyuan School of Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School, introduced that this is commonly known as "holiday syndrome", that is, the new semester is about to begin, and the children's rhythm of life will change, which will bring about changes in physiological and psychological rhythms. They need to change from a relatively free and casual holiday life to a regular and rigorous school mode, and this change occurs in a relatively short period of time, so they may not be able to adapt.
What are the specific manifestations of "holiday syndrome"? Li Yingying mentioned that physiologically, insomnia and decreased sleep quality may occur, and it is difficult to concentrate on learning tasks. In addition, many children may feel afraid of the learning challenges of the new semester, and psychologically, they may experience uncomfortable emotions such as tension, anxiety, and resistance.
It is advisable to start the transition two weeks before school starts.
These situations did not form overnight, and changes naturally need to be gradual. Li Yingying mentioned that the two weeks before school starts is a good time point. Now, both parents and children are aware of the importance of transition and are taking positive measures.
The reporter noticed that near the end of summer vacation, many childcare services called "focus classes" appeared on the market, which provided an option for parents who were too busy to take care of their children but had such needs. The reporter visited a childcare institution near Tianhe Park. From the course schedule, it can be seen that the focus classes are arranged around "academics + habits". In the morning, summer homework is completed. In addition, review and preview are organized according to the stage of study. In the afternoon, outdoor activities and reading training are arranged, and activities such as eye exercises are interspersed in between. The work and rest schedule and arrangement are quite similar to those of schools. The person in charge said that most of the children currently participating in such focus classes are in the middle and lower grades.
Older children make adjustments on their own with the help of their parents. Zhang Jingxuan, a junior high school student, can be seen at the Tianhe Library Junjing Branch every afternoon. She told reporters that this is a way for her to "focus her mind": "Reading books will make me feel calm." In the morning, she and her mother will make a preview plan and preview the content of the new semester on their own.
During the holidays, Zhang Jingxuan went to Yangjiang with her parents. She was often so excited that she didn't fall asleep until one or two in the morning. In August, Zhang Jingxuan began to consciously adjust her schedule: "Now I go to bed at 11 pm and get up at 8 am, which is closer to my schedule after school. I am slowly adjusting and hope to adapt better after school starts."
There are three ways to calm down
Li Yingying affirmed the above practices and gave her own suggestions. In her opinion, the "focus" during the holidays can be started from three aspects: life order, mentality adjustment, and study preparation. "In terms of life order, it is necessary to gradually adjust the work and rest schedule and diet, and gradually restore the sleep time to 8-10 hours in the first two weeks of school to avoid a sudden change after school starts, which will lead to a serious decline in sleep quality." She especially mentioned that it is also very important to gradually shorten the use of electronic products to help restore attention.
In terms of adjusting their mentality, Li Yingying suggested that children engage in ritualistic behaviors, such as choosing their favorite stationery, hanging their school uniforms in a prominent place in the room, etc. At the same time, they should also try to face their inner emotions honestly and realize that the tension and anxiety in their hearts at this moment are normal. Parents also need to be listeners to their children and help them find an outlet for their emotions.
Study preparation is undoubtedly also very important. Li Yingying suggested using the method of "reviewing the old and learning the new": "Reviewing the old means reviewing the knowledge points of the previous semester, and using familiar content to help yourself build confidence. If you haven't completed your summer homework yet, don't be too nervous. You can tell yourself that this is an opportunity to review your knowledge." In terms of "learning the new", you can make a plan for yourself in terms of study, interpersonal relationships, campus activities, etc. The process of making a plan can form an expectation effect, which helps to stabilize your mentality and increase your motivation and confidence in facing the new semester.