
Beware of the phenomenon of “reporting good news but not bad news”


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□Wang Ying
The newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" clearly stipulates penalties for "condoning, instigating, hinting, and forcing subordinates to tell lies or report false information when their superiors inspect or supervise their work or report to their superiors." "Reporting good news but not bad news" is an old problem, but it still happens to some cadres from time to time. It is necessary to raise vigilance, take real action, and thoroughly eliminate the breeding ground.
In reality, some cadres are "complacent" about their achievements when reporting their work, "hide" their mistakes, and emphasize their achievements and advantages, while downplaying their problems and shortcomings, adding a "beautifying" filter to their work. This practice will not only induce cadres' speculative mentality, encourage false atmosphere, and dampen cadres' enthusiasm and creativity. It will also interfere with superiors' grasp of the real situation, resulting in unclear information, affecting the scientific nature of decision-making and deployment, delaying the opportunity to solve problems, and easily turning small contradictions into big problems, causing immeasurable consequences.
The existence of the phenomenon of “reporting good news but not bad news” is due to bureaucratic thinking and formalism.At present, some cadres believe that telling the truth will bring trouble to themselves, leave a bad impression on their leaders, and affect their careers; some cadres have a "lie down" mentality, lack work ability, cannot really solve problems, and can only do superficial work; some cadres mistake "traces" for "political achievements", over-emphasize trace management, care about "face" but not "inside", ignore existing problems, and only focus on the completion of indicators.
Having the courage to report worries is a practical requirement for practicing loyalty to the Party.Party members and cadres must firmly establish a correct view of political achievements, adhere to the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, abandon selfish thoughts, speak one way and two ways, report both good news and bad news, and truthfully reflect the real situation. We must face up to, understand, reflect and solve the objective problems, not avoid the important issues, and not pretend to know what we don’t know. We must help our superiors to fully and accurately grasp the actual situation and form a joint force to solve problems. The superior departments should also be willing to listen to the "truth" and the "worries". We cannot use the number of good news and bad news as the standard for evaluating work. We must also "talk about worries" to our subordinates, seek truth from facts and point out problems, and create an environment for telling the truth, doing practical things, and seeking practical results.
The system is holistic and stable, and can manage the fundamentals and benefit the long-term.We must improve the performance appraisal methods for cadres, adhere to the correct personnel orientation, conduct appraisals in a diversified manner, promote and reuse cadres who dare to speak the truth and have outstanding performance, and hold accountable and punish cadres who falsify information; we must continuously improve the system for accountability for concealing major emergencies, and hold cadres accountable for late reporting, omissions, false reporting, and concealment of reports, so that the policy of "reporting both good news and bad news" can be implemented through the rigid constraints of the system.
(Author's name: Weifang City Kuiwen District Committee Organization Department)
Planning: Wu Yonggong
Coordinator: Li Yang
(Produced by the Mass New Media Platform)