
9 certificates in 3 years! Why are college students so crazy about certificates?


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Omnimedia reporter Jiang Shiyu, correspondent Shen Kexin, Wu Qian, Guo Siyu
In recent years, the "certificate fever" has been high in universities, and various certificates have also entered the vision of college students. Qin Shuxiao, a student at Hunan University of Science and Technology, obtained 9 certificates including all-media operator, new media manager, and tour guide in just three years of college, and can be said to be a "professional" in certificate examinations.
Why are college students so crazy about taking certificates? Where did the "certificate taking trend" come from, and where will it go? Recently, the reporter interviewed some college students who love taking certificates.
Omnimedia operator, performance agent...
"Niche" certificates are popular on campus
In recent years, with the development of the Internet, a number of emerging professions have emerged in the media industry, and omni-media operators and new media managers are one of them.
Omni-media operators are professionals responsible for brand or product operations and promotion through various channels such as social media, websites, and mobile applications; new media managers focus more on new media operations and team management, and are responsible for the top-level layout and overall planning of new media.
"The all-media operator certificate has no level, which is suitable for people who have just entered the industry with no basic knowledge; the new media manager certificate has three levels: elementary, intermediate and advanced. Both require registration at a fixed institution, which is difficult and expensive, so they are more valuable in the professional field." Qin Shuxiao said that she spent more than 2,000 yuan to buy materials online to pass the new media manager exam, and spent another 1,680 yuan to register for the all-media operator exam at an institution. Students studying with her in the institution also included business students, art students, and even engineering students.
In addition to the new media industry, in the traditional media industry, the profession of performance agent, known as "the person behind the stars", has also been known by more people as the idol economy develops. Zhang Luoluo from Tianjin Conservatory of Music obtained the certificate when she was a sophomore, and now she has returned to her hometown Changsha to work in related jobs as she wished.
In Zhang Luoluo's eyes, the performance agent certificate is not a niche, and many students around him who are interested in the media industry and are not majoring in related fields have applied for the exam. "I know a classmate who wants to become an agent like Yang Tianzhen and chose to apply for it," said Zhang Luoluo.
"Although passing the performance agent certificate exam does not necessarily mean you can become an agent, it is an official certificate after all and is more authoritative." Zhang Luoluo introduced that for non-professional students who want to enter related industries, this certificate can also help them during their early internships.
Having too many certificates can also be stressful
Be careful not to get caught up in the “vortex” of textual research
The reporter learned that the certificates currently obtained by college students are mainly divided into three categories: general certificates, such as English CET-4 and CET-6 certificates, computer certificates, driver's licenses, etc.; competency certificates, such as IELTS and TOEFL, human resource management certificates, etc.; professional qualification certificates, such as teacher qualification certificates, accounting qualification certificates, referee certificates, etc. Survey data shows that more than 90% of young people have had the experience of obtaining certificates, and college students have "rolled up" the "certificate examination trend".
Why do college students love to take exams? "To improve competitiveness," "To increase employment opportunities," "I want to be a teacher or accountant in the future," "Everyone else is taking the exam, so I'll do it too," and "I have nothing to do anyway." These are all reasons.
However, are these certificates really useful? Qin Shuxiao, a certificate-taking professional with nine certificates, said frankly that he still feels anxious after taking so many certificates.
"I felt a brief sense of accomplishment when I got the certificate, but I felt like I was just running without knowing where the end was." She believes that this anxiety may come from the fact that she spent most of her time on studying, but lacked in-depth thinking about future plans. When asked what kind of job she wanted to do in the future, Qin Shuxiao said she had not found a clear direction yet. "With more certificates, there are more options for 'backward paths', but the 'forward path' is even more confusing."
The trend of obtaining certificates is still hot, how can we make the certificates useful? Teacher Yan Shiqi from the School of Business of Xiangtan Institute of Technology suggested that we should think calmly, avoid "stamp collecting"-style examinations, and change from competing in "quantity" to competing in "quality".
"Young people can indeed improve their competitiveness in finding jobs by obtaining certificates, but if they just take exams for the sake of taking them, without focusing on improving their core skills and meeting actual work needs, it will be difficult for the certificates to play a role." Yan Shiqi said, "Behind the "certificate fever" is a reflection of people's anxiety about employment. Students should not be led by this emotion, but should rationally choose and prepare for relevant certificate exams based on their own professional characteristics, interests and future career plans, and avoid blindly following trends."
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