
"One question per month" to respond quickly and handle complaints immediately to gain closer ties with the public


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If you want to report a problem to the director of Ritan Park in Chaoyang District, Beijing, you are usually advised to scan the code to enter the "director's mailbox." "It takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds for sunlight to reach the earth, so our response time standard is set at 8 minutes," said Yu Yajun, director of Ritan Park.
The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision") adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that the city's social governance capabilities should be improved, the functions of public service platforms such as citizen hotlines should be strengthened, and the management mechanism and regular promotion mechanism of the list of key items of "efficiently getting one thing done" should be improved.
Ritan Park's response to public demands is a microcosm of Beijing's efforts to deepen the reform of handling complaints immediately and improve the mechanism for rapid response to public demands.
Among the visitors to Ritan Park, there are nearby community residents, office building employees, hospital medical personnel, and foreigners from the embassy, ​​etc. The range of people involved is wide, and the recreational demands are large and complex. How to build a smoother and faster feedback channel for the public's demands in a park that receives an average of 12,000 visitors a day? Yu Yajun showed the reporter the "Director's Mailbox" applet.
He explained that on April 3 this year, Ritan Park set up 24 "Director's Mailbox" QR codes, "mainly concentrated in places where problems may occur, so that the people can scan the code to report the problems as soon as possible."
The reporter saw in the park that the "Director's Mailbox" QR code was set at the park entrance, the entrance of the visitor center, the exterior wall of the toilet and other locations. The QR code poster was nearly 1 meter long and read "If you have any suggestions, scan it."
Yu Yajun introduced that the park has set up a "Director's Mailbox" team, which includes 11 people including the director, deputy director, department heads, and specific staff. The "Director's Mailbox" collects and classifies citizens' demands in real time, and arranges corresponding team members to respond according to the type of demands.
"We have tried our best to solve most of the problems that can be solved." Yu Yajun introduced a hot spot for complaints from the "Director's Mailbox" - the construction of toilet infrastructure. The toilets in Ritan Park were built in 2001. The facilities are old and the lighting is dim. They have not been renovated or upgraded for 23 years. After receiving suggestions from the 12345 citizen hotline and the mailbox, the "Director's Mailbox" team decided to "solve" this old problem and renovate the toilets in the park according to the star standard.
At present, two toilets in the park have been upgraded and renovated. The "star-rated toilet" is equipped with a barrier-free electronic toilet, which can open and close automatically by pressing a button. "The toilet problem is closely related to the people, especially since the park is located in the embassy area and close to the CBD. After the renovation, the people are very satisfied." Yu Yajun said.
Many citizens left messages, hoping to add lockers in the park to store badminton rackets, small speakers, Tai Chi swords and other items, so that citizens can go to the park every day to open the lockers to take out items and exercise directly. The "Director's Mailbox" team referred to the locker setting standards of Taoranting Park and, after an actual assessment of Ritan Park, decided to set up lockers that are "free for the first two hours and charged from the third hour onwards", which not only provides convenience for people to store things, but also avoids the situation of occupying lockers for a long time.
Along with the questions, there are also letters of praise in the "Director's Mailbox". One request about the baby room showed that when a mother was in a hurry to use the baby room, she found that the door was locked. About 3 minutes after she scanned the code to report it, the park security guard rushed over and opened the door. The mother praised the security guard, saying that "the response was really fast."
"In the first one or two months after the setup, there were only complaints and suggestions. Later, we started to receive praises, people understood us, and some said we responded quickly," said Yu Yajun.
By the end of June, a total of 939 visitors had scanned the "Director's Mailbox" QR code 1,132 times at Ritan Park, and 368 valid suggestions and opinions were received. Relevant recreational demands were promptly and effectively handled, and the quality and efficiency of park management services were significantly improved. In May this year, the number of complaints received through the 12345 citizen hotline at Baiziwan Park, which Ritan Park is responsible for, dropped to zero, achieving the goal of "no complaints are filed outside the park."
As the main tool for proactive governance and handling complaints before they are filed, Beijing has focused on high-frequency common and difficult issues where people's demands are concentrated, based on the big data of people's livelihood handling complaints in the previous year. It has selected a number of issues that require reform and innovation measures at the municipal level to carry out special governance, forming a "one topic per month" approach, and promoted the transformation of handling complaints immediately from "handling one complaint at a time and learning from one case to apply to other cases" to proactive governance and handling complaints before they are filed, continuously deepening the reform of handling complaints immediately and improving the effectiveness of grassroots governance.
As of the end of June, 194 work tasks for the 13 issues of the “One Question per Month” campaign had been completed, 58 policies had been introduced, and the governance results were obvious.
The reporter learned that the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape and Greening has established a monthly reporting mechanism for the "one question per month" work, deeply explored the typical experiences and practices in the "one question per month" work, and promoted the "Director's Mailbox" work method of Ritan Park throughout the city. Currently, "Director's Mailboxes" have been deployed in 30 parks.
"A small QR code has established a communication platform between the park and tourists. Ordinary people can truly feel that this platform responds quickly and has good results." Yu Yajun feels that the "Director's Mailbox" has solved problems and brought people closer together.
China Youth Daily and China Youth Network reporter Yin Xining
(Source: China Youth Daily)