
Hangzhou released a pilot program for integrating vocational and general education in high school, with Yuhang and other four districts (cities) as pilot areas


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Jin Dandan, reporter of Chao News Client
On August 9, the Hangzhou Municipal Education Bureau issued the "Hangzhou City's Pilot Work Plan for the Integration of Vocational and General Education at the High School Stage" and the "Notice of the Hangzhou Municipal Education Bureau Office on Determining Yuhang District and Other Four Districts (Cities) as Pilot Areas for the Integration of Vocational and General Education at the High School Stage in Hangzhou", which determined Yuhang District, Linping District, Fuyang District, Jiande City and other four districts (cities) as pilot areas for the integration of vocational and general education at the high school stage in Hangzhou, with a pilot period of three years.
Image source: Hangzhou Education Bureau official website
Image source: Hangzhou Education Bureau official website
The integration of vocational and general education refers to a new model of running schools where general and vocational high schools work together to share resources, fully implement quality education, focus on improving students' learning ability, practical ability and innovation ability, promote students to actively adapt to society, and cultivate innovative, practical and compound talents.
In recent years, this model has been tried in many places.
Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, launched a reform to integrate general and vocational education, and introduced a policy of "mutual transfer of student status and mutual recognition of credits" between general education and vocational education. Ten years have passed so far, and nearly 1,500 students have benefited from the policy.
How is the integration of vocational and general education being carried out in Hangzhou? There are several key points.
1. Each pilot district may independently select one or more general high schools and one or more secondary vocational schools as pilot schools based on the actual situation of high school education resources in the district, and carry out the pilot program of integrating vocational and general education after approval by the Municipal Education Bureau. In principle, the pilot schools will not be adjusted during the three-year pilot period.
2. The enrollment of vocational-general education pilot schools (including comprehensive high schools) must be implemented in accordance with the enrollment management methods of general high schools. Among them, the enrollment plan of vocational-general education pilot classes is implemented separately, and the application and admission are completed simultaneously with general high schools. The teaching plan, school location, etc. should be announced in advance. The initial enrollment of vocational-general education pilot classes is uniformly entered into the high school where the pilot classes are located.
3. Gradually promote the transfer of student status between general high school students and secondary vocational school students, and establish an "overpass" for the admission of general high school and secondary vocational school students. Students in the vocational-general integration classes of pilot schools can voluntarily apply for a change of school based on their own learning situation. The application is generally submitted at the end of the first semester of the first year of high school, and each student can only apply for a change once.
The following is the "Hangzhou City High School Vocational and General Education Integration Pilot Work Plan"
In accordance with the "Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Modern Vocational Education" and "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Construction of a Modern Vocational Education System" issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council, and the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Reform of Ordinary High School Education Methods in the New Era" issued by the General Office of the State Council, in order to promote comprehensive reform in the field of high school education and innovate the education model of high school, it has been decided to implement a pilot reform of the integration of vocational and general education in our city, and this plan has been specially formulated.
I. Guiding Ideology
Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on vocational education and the spirit of the National Vocational Education Conference, implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, follow the laws of educational development and talent growth, deepen the reform of high school education methods, school-running models, and management systems and mechanisms, innovate high school education and teaching models, meet the diverse educational needs of the people, enrich students' growth and development paths, allow junior high school graduates more opportunities to choose their own development, and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics, and labor.
II. Pilot Objectives
By carrying out pilot projects for the integration of general and vocational education, we will guide society, schools and students to establish a correct outlook on educational growth, build a diversified learning platform for the all-round development of students, provide a good development space, further optimize the allocation of resources for general high schools and secondary vocational education in our city, build an "overpass" for the horizontal integration of general education and vocational education at the high school level, establish a talent training mechanism for the mutual integration and coordinated development of general high school education and secondary vocational education, and allow students with different talents to have multiple choices and develop in a diversified way.
III. Implementation Measures
1. Establishment of pilot district schools
In principle, the pilot work is carried out in districts, counties (cities). Localities can independently research and formulate pilot work plans and independently apply for and voluntarily participate in accordance with the local high school resource situation, in accordance with the principles of adapting measures to local conditions, student-oriented, and pilot first. The Municipal Education Bureau will select and determine 3-4 pilot areas based on the application situation of various places, on the basis of full demonstration and review, and the pilot period will be three years. Each pilot area can independently select one or more general high schools and one or more secondary vocational schools as pilot schools based on the actual situation of high school education resources in the area, and carry out the vocational and general integration pilot after approval by the Municipal Education Bureau. In principle, the pilot schools will not be adjusted during the three-year pilot period.
Based on voluntary applications from schools, the Municipal Education Bureau has identified several directly affiliated schools as pilot schools to carry out the pilot work.
2. Pilot tasks
1. Explore ways to integrate
The pilot areas and schools for vocational-general education integration should actively explore innovative pilot methods for vocational-general education integration, and encourage the establishment of vocational-general education integration classes, cooperation in the construction of vocational-general education integration courses, and mutual opening of elective courses to promote the pilot work of vocational-general education integration. Among them, the pilot general high school must cooperate with the paired secondary vocational school in at least one major (excluding five-year vocational education classes and integrated secondary and undergraduate classes), and use the cooperative major as the professional training direction for students in the pilot school. Pilot areas with conditions are encouraged to promote the pilot work of vocational-general education integration by establishing new comprehensive high schools.
2. Improve enrollment policies
The enrollment of vocational-general integration pilot schools (including comprehensive high schools) must be implemented in accordance with the enrollment management methods of general high schools. Among them, the enrollment plan of vocational-general integration pilot classes is implemented separately, and the application and admission are completed at the same time as general high schools. The teaching plan, school location, etc. should be announced in advance. The initial enrollment of vocational-general integration pilot classes is uniformly entered into the high school where the pilot classes are located.
3. Optimize course settings
All pilot districts and pilot schools should establish mechanisms such as curriculum resource co-construction and sharing, and mutual recognition of credits, promote the construction of a curriculum system that integrates vocational and general education, and build diversified courses for the all-round development of students; explore and improve the curriculum plans for vocational and general education classes, scientifically set up general cultural courses and vocational and technical courses, and achieve coordinated development of cultural knowledge learning and professional skills and ability cultivation; jointly research and develop vocational and general education elective courses, promote pilot schools to offer elective courses to each other, actively implement high school career planning education, and strive to enhance students' ability to independently choose their studies and future careers.
4. Encourage teacher sharing
The pilot districts and pilot schools should establish a mechanism for mutual dispatch of teachers to promote the sharing of teaching resources; they should integrate the teaching resources of both schools and jointly strengthen the staffing of vocational and general education integration classes. The elective courses that teachers teach for the other school will be counted into the teachers' teaching workload.
5. Strict student status management
Gradually promote the transfer of student status between general high school students and secondary vocational school students, and establish an "overpass" for the promotion of students from general high schools and secondary vocational schools. Students in the vocational-general integration classes of pilot schools can voluntarily apply for a change of school according to their own learning situation. The application is generally submitted at the end of the first semester of the first year of high school, and each student can only apply for a change once. The education department of the pilot area should formulate student status transfer standards in accordance with the principles of "strict standards, unified assessment, openness and fairness", and organize written tests and interviews for qualified applicants. Those who meet the standards can transfer to the corresponding school (major) after reporting to the Municipal Education Bureau. After the transfer of student status, the credits of the pilot class students can be mutually recognized; students who transfer to secondary vocational schools can enjoy various funding policies of secondary vocational schools. Strictly implement the principle of "consistent registration of people and registration, registration follows people", review students' student status every semester, and strictly prohibit empty registration and repeated registration of secondary vocational and general high school student status.
IV. Related requirements
1. Strengthen overall guidance. The education administrative departments of the pilot areas should attach great importance to the reform of the talent training model of vocational and general education integration, strengthen planning, overall planning and guidance, formulate scientific and reasonable pilot work plans, and improve the examination admission and student registration management methods. The enrollment plan, credit recognition, student registration transfer management methods, etc. must be approved by the Municipal Education Bureau and reported to the Provincial Education Department for filing before they can be implemented. The teaching and scientific research departments should strengthen the guidance and research on the curriculum construction of pilot schools, and help pilot schools continuously improve the curriculum system of vocational and general education integration.
2. Do a good job in organization and implementation. The education departments in the pilot areas should actively support the construction of pilot schools for vocational-general education integration, actively explore new management mechanisms for vocational-general education integration, strengthen process supervision and inspection, create a good environment for the implementation of the pilot work, and form a long-term mechanism for vocational-general education integration.
3. Carry out publicity and guidance. The education departments in the pilot areas should do a good job in publicity and interpretation of the vocational-general education integration pilot policy, create a good social public opinion atmosphere, accurately interpret the policy to the society, parents and students in an all-round way, guide students and parents to make careful choices, and effectively protect students' right to know and legal rights and interests, so as to ensure that the vocational-general education integration pilot work is smooth and orderly.
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