
I really recommend women to build muscle!!! The benefits are more than just a little bit


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The Paris Olympics is coming to an end. What scene has left the deepest impression on you in this Olympics?? (Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~)

This is just a unilateral guess, Zheng Qinwen winning the gold medal in women's tennis will definitely be one of them.

It's not just her achievements that have made history;Her confident smile when playing, her powerful arm lines when swinging the racket, her strong thigh muscles……In her, the "beauty of power" of women is fully embodied.

Who knows, it is simply my "dream love arm". The picture comes from the Internet

In the past, influenced by some traditional ideas, many girls may hope that they can be "thinner" or "thinner still". But in fact,I really recommend women to build muscle!!!

Women muscle training

More than a little benefit


Reduced risk of death

A study published in the British Journal of Sports MedicineBritish Journal of Sports Medicine)The research shows that:Only 30 to 60 minutes of muscle-strengthening exercise is needed each week., you can significantly reduce the risk of death.

In addition, muscle strengthening exercises are also related toCardiovascular disease,overallcancerdiabetesandLung cancerThe risk of developing leukemia was reduced by 10% to 17%.

Another study also showed thatPeople with thick thighs and full buttocks may live longerSpecifically, for every 5 cm increase in thigh circumference, the risk of death can be reduced by 18%; and for every 10 cm increase in hip circumference, the risk of death can be reduced by 10%.

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Reduces risk of diabetes

Muscle tissue has the ability to store glycogen, which helps to effectively manageblood sugarlevels, thereby reducing the body'sinsulinGenerally speaking, the higher the proportion of muscle in the body, the better the body's sensitivity to insulin, which can reduce the risk of diabetes.


Reduce the risk of joint injuries

Commonly used in medicineMultiple ligament laxity score(Beighton score)” to quantify whether a person has joint laxity, includingCan the thumb touch the forearm, can the little finger be extended beyond 90 degrees, can the elbow joint be hyperextended, can the knee joint be hyperextended, can the wrist pass the toes when the body is bent forward... Each of the above indicators is scored 1 point, with a full score of 9 points. The higher the score, the looser the person's overall joints are.Arthralasia is not a disease, and some sports, such as dancing, can actually be beneficial. However, arthritis also carries the risk of joint injury.Strengthening muscle strength can offset joint relaxation.

In addition, compared with men,Women's bone structure is more likely to be unstable. In layman's terms, women are more likely toKnee valgum.Knee valgum is one of the causes of knee injury.


Preventing osteoporosis

After menopause, womenhormoneLevel changes make women more likely to develop osteoporosis than men. Severe osteoporosis can even lead tofractureOne of the effective ways to combat osteoporosis isStrength training


Increase control over your body and increase your self-confidence

Every progress in strength training can increase women's confidence,Improve women's "body anxiety" and relieveDepressionmood.

0 Basic Fitness

You can start with these actions


Clam-style opening and closing

To do the clam-like opening and closing, first lie on your side, slightly bend your hips and knees, stabilize your pelvis, keep your feet still, and use the force through your hip joints to open your knee joints, just like a shell opening.

Generally, you can do 15 to 20 times per set, 3 to 5 sets per day. Gradually increase the number of sets according to your condition. You can also use elastic rings to increase resistance.

Action diagram. Provided by the author


Seated Leg Raise

Sit on the edge of the bed with your knees stuck on the edge of the bed, let your calves hang naturally, and then slowly lift your calves until they are fully straightened. Keep your thighs close to the bed during the process, and only think about straightening your knees, not lifting your legs. Stay in this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. When you feel soreness and fatigue on the upper side of your knees, that is, in the quadriceps area, it means that you are exerting force correctly.

As your muscle strength continues to grow, you can also add small sandbags to your ankles to increase the difficulty. Generally, 5 to 6 sets of seated leg raises per day are sufficient.

Action diagram. Provided by the author


Slow squat

When doing this exercise, first check whether the knee joint isDiscomfortIf you have problems with your knee joint, you should seek professional medical advice first.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold your hands in front of your chest, bend your hips and knees, and squat down slowly with small movements. Be careful not to flex your hips too little, otherwise your knees will bend too much, even beyond your toes, which may cause discomfort.

Squat slowly within the pain-free range, 8 to 12 times per set, 3 to 5 sets per day. As muscle strength increases, we can hold a kettlebell in front of our chest to increase the difficulty.

Action diagram. Provided by the author


Calf Raise/Cal Triceps Stretch

Heel raises can be a good way to train the calf triceps, which not only makes the lower limbs more advantageous, but also is more conducive to blood circulation in the lower limbs. The calves and ankles are located at the far end of the body, and the blood in the deep veins here not only needs the blood pressure to return, but also needs the calf muscles to squeeze the veins.Therefore, the triceps surae is also called the "second heart" of the human body.

The simplest method is to find a step, hold the handrail to maintain balance, stand on the front third of both feet, with the back hanging in the air, gradually descend to the lowest point, and then slowly raise to the highest point, repeat this 12 to 15 times/group, 3 to 5 groups per day. Later, as muscle strength increases, you can gradually increase the number of groups, or gradually transition to single-leg heel raises.

Action diagram. Provided by the author

Some people may want to ask, will this kind of training make the calves thicker?In fact, as long as we do sufficient muscle stretching, we can avoid this problem.

Stand in front of a wall, push the wall with both hands, and stand in a lunge, with the side that needs to be stretched at the back. At this time, you can feel the back of your calf being stretched, and hold it in the most extreme position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

This stretching needs to be done not only between sets of calf raise training, but also for an additional 5 to 10 minutes after the training.

Action diagram. Provided by the author


Foot towel

The strength of the plantar muscles is easy to overlook, butThe muscle strength of the soles of the feet is equivalent to the foundation of the human body.The support on the sole of the foot can protect the arch of the foot and keep the entire lower limb in the correct force line.

Lay a towel on the ground, step on it barefoot, then grab the towel firmly with your toes, and then slowly relax. Generally, do 12 to 15 times per set, 3 to 5 sets per day.

Action diagram. Provided by the author

Some people will feel cramps in the soles of their feet when doing this exercise at the beginning. At this time, you need to pull a few toes upward in the opposite direction by yourself or ask others for help.

Action diagram. Provided by the author

You can choose the above movements that suit you and do them in the gaps between work and study. Of course, it would be even better if you could have a few sports activities that you can stick to for a long time.

Finally, I want to say,femaleDon't be afraid of your muscles, they are the source of your confidenceIt will not only improve your quality of life, but also make you more calm when facing challenges.

Planning and production

Author: Huang Tao, Head of the Sports Medicine Rehabilitation Department at the Chongli Branch of Peking University Third Hospital

Audit丨Ji Gang, deputy chief physician of orthopedics, the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University

Planning丨Yang Yaping

Editor: Yang Yaping

Proofread by Xu Lailinlin

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