
Nanchang Huaershan Reproductive Science Popularization: "Sunbathing for Health" during the Dog Days, Suitable for People Preparing for Pregnancy


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The dog days of summer, as the hottest period of the year, are traditionally considered a good time to keep fit. Among them, "back sunning" as an ancient and effective health care method is gradually gaining attention.

Sunbathing can help the body absorb ultraviolet rays in the sun and promote the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, which is essential for the absorption and utilization of calcium and helps bone health. At the same time, sunbathing can also improve the skin's resistance and prevent the occurrence of skin diseases. In addition, Chinese medicine believes that there are many important meridians on the back of the human body. Sunbathing can dredge the meridians, regulate qi and blood, and help the body stay healthy.

For those who are preparing for pregnancy, "back sunning" during the dog days of summer also has many benefits. It can promote the absorption of calcium, increase bone density, and lay the foundation for bone health during pregnancy and after childbirth. Secondly, the infrared rays in the sun can enter the subcutaneous tissue, play a warming role, promote local blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and help women preparing for pregnancy to maintain active body functions. Furthermore, moderate sunlight exposure can also make the body and mind happy, relieve anxiety during the period of preparing for pregnancy, and create a more favorable psychological environment for pregnancy.

People who are planning to get pregnant also need to pay attention to the following points when sunbathing their backs: first, avoid doing it when the sun is strongest to prevent heatstroke or sunburn; second, proceed step by step and gradually increase the time of sunbathing your back according to your physical condition; third, take sun protection measures to prevent ultraviolet rays from damaging the skin; fourth, pay attention to replenishing water to prevent dehydration.

"Sunbathing your back for health" during the dog days of summer is suitable for people who are planning to have a baby, but you need to pay attention to the methods and techniques to ensure health and safety.