
The purpose of in vitro fertilization downregulation is not only to regulate the cycle but also to do this!


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In the assisted reproductive technology of in vitro fertilization (IVF), downregulation is a key link in the treatment cycle. Its main purpose is not only to regulate the cycle, but also has other important functions. In this article, I will talk to you about the purpose of downregulation in IVF.

The purpose of downregulation is to control and regulate the patient's menstrual cycle. During the natural menstrual cycle, a woman's ovaries will release an egg autonomously, a process called ovulation. However, in IVF technology, doctors need to precisely control the time of ovulation so that egg retrieval and fertilization can be performed at the right time. Through downregulation, doctors can suppress the patient's own ovulation process, and then use ovulation-stimulating drugs to stimulate the ovaries to release multiple eggs within a specific time. In this way, doctors can perform egg retrieval in a controlled environment to ensure a smooth fertilization process.

In addition to regulating the cycle, down-regulation can also help improve the success rate of IVF. In the natural menstrual cycle, usually only one egg can mature and be released, which limits the chances of fertilization and embryo culture. By down-regulating and using ovulation-stimulating drugs, doctors can obtain multiple eggs in one cycle, thereby increasing the chances of fertilization and embryo culture. This can not only improve the success rate of IVF, but also provide more embryos for embryo transfer or embryo cryopreservation.