
Heyunjia-Kyrgyzstan丨Exploring the mystery of IVF embryo culture: Why is the number quietly decreasing?


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In the IVF journey, every little life carries the hopes and dreams of the family. However, when the embryos go through the cyst stage, sometimes we find that the number decreases, which makes many families feel puzzled and worried. Today, let's explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and solve the mystery in everyone's mind.

1. Natural selection of embryos and survival of the fittest

First of all, we must understand a natural law: the birth and growth of life are always accompanied by the process of survival of the fittest. This law also applies to the embryonic blastocyst stage of IVF. Not all fertilized eggs can successfully grow into healthy blastocysts. Only those embryos with complete genetic information and strong development potential can stand out at this stage. Therefore, the reduction in number is actually the result of natural selection and survival of the fittest of embryos.

2. Differences in embryo quality

The quality of each embryo is unique, depending on the quality of the egg and sperm, the success of the fertilization process, and the embryo's own developmental capacity. During the blastocyst culture process, embryos with poor quality and slow development may gradually stop dividing or even die. In contrast, embryos with high quality can continue to divide and form healthy blastocysts.