
Datang Hot Mom: Warning signs of lack of beneficial bacteria in the body, health warnings that cannot be ignored


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Datang Hot Mom: Warning signs of lack of beneficial bacteria in the body, health warnings that cannot be ignored

In the fast-paced modern life, bad living habits and eating habits are quietly changing our intestinal microecological environment, resulting in a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria, which allows harmful bacteria to multiply, leading to a series of health problems. When the body lacks beneficial bacteria, it will send us signals in many ways, reminding us that we need to take action to maintain intestinal health. The following are some warning signs that should not be ignored.

Intestinal aging: a precursor to microecological imbalance

The intestine is the "second brain" of the human body, and its health directly affects overall health. Irregular work and rest, lack of exercise, smoking, alcoholism, and mental stress can lead to an imbalance in the intestinal microecological environment and accelerate intestinal aging. This is not only manifested as poor defecation and strong gas odor, but more frighteningly, the toxins produced by the massive reproduction of harmful bacteria will penetrate into the blood and cause damage to important organs such as the heart, brain, liver, and kidneys. The high incidence of colorectal cancer is a severe warning of this problem.

Constipation: a direct manifestation of intestinal congestion

Constipation is a clear sign that your intestinal health is in danger. Long-term difficulty in defecation is not only painful, but can also cause anal diseases such as hemorrhoids. More importantly, constipation causes toxins in the feces to remain in the intestines, further damaging the intestinal environment and forming a vicious cycle. Therefore, once constipation symptoms occur, you should adjust your lifestyle in a timely manner, increase your dietary fiber intake, and promote intestinal peristalsis.