
Professor Lu Aini: Extraperitoneal cesarean section - how to bypass the peritoneum and allow mothers to give birth "painlessly"


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The core idea of ​​extraperitoneal cesarean section is to avoid cutting the peritoneum and reduce the interference of the operation on the abdominal cavity, thereby reducing the risk of postoperative complications such as infection and adhesion, and reducing the pain of the mother as much as possible to ensure the safety and health of the mother and baby. This surgical method reflects the refined management and humane care of the maternal delivery process in modern medicine, and aims to provide a safer and more comfortable delivery experience for mothers through technological innovation.

Professor Lu Aini is widely praised for her in-depth research and superb skills in extraperitoneal cesarean section. This technology, with its unique surgical method, cleverly bypasses the peritoneum, not only provides a safer and more efficient way of delivery for mothers, but also greatly reduces the pain of mothers during delivery, achieving a truly "painless" childbirth.

Innovations in Extraperitoneal Cesarean Section

Traditional cesarean sections often require cutting the peritoneum to expose the abdominal organs such as the intestines and greater omentum to the surgical field. Although such an operation can effectively remove the fetus, it will inevitably cause certain interference to the abdominal environment, increase the risk of postoperative adhesions and infections, and may also increase the pain of the mother. The extraperitoneal cesarean section advocated by Professor Lu Aini cleverly avoids these problems.