
Heyunjia-Kyrgyzstan丨Risk of fetal arrest in third-generation IVF: Three measures to effectively prevent


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With the rapid development of medical technology, the third-generation IVF technology (PGT-A, i.e. preimplantation genetic screening) has become an important way for many infertile couples to realize their dream of having children. This technology significantly improves the success rate of pregnancy and reduces the risk of genetic diseases by screening healthy embryos for transplantation. However, even with the advanced third-generation IVF technology, there is still a risk of fetal arrest (embryos stop developing). In order to effectively prevent this risk, we can start from the following three aspects.

1. Optimize pre-preparation and physical conditioning

First of all, before receiving the third-generation IVF treatment, the couple should undergo a comprehensive physical examination, including reproductive system health assessment, genetic counseling and necessary genetic testing. This will help to identify potential health problems and solve them in a timely manner, thereby improving embryo quality and pregnancy success rate.

In addition, improving lifestyle and eating habits are also important links that cannot be ignored. Quitting smoking, drinking, avoiding staying up late, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and exercising moderately can all create an environment that is more conducive to embryo implantation and development. Women in particular should pay attention to supplementing nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin E, which have a positive effect on maintaining ovarian function and improving egg quality.