
A new dad who takes care of his wife during the confinement period has become popular. After seeing 3 tips to prevent sleepiness at night, netizens said: The mother married the right person


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Who takes care of the confinement period most of the time? In our daily lives, there are many mothers-in-law who take care of their daughters-in-law during confinement. As the old saying goes, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies. Many conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law arise when the mother-in-law takes care of the confinement period. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who used to get along well with each other may become enemies after a month of confinement. In order to avoid conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, some people will choose to hire a confinement nanny or go to a confinement center for confinement. This is a good way. In today's society, the requirements for men are getting higher and higher. In addition to making money to support the family, most men also participate in housework, and it has become mainstream for novice fathers to serve the confinement period. Recently, a novice father came up with three tricks to serve the confinement period.

A father came up with three ways to prevent himself from getting sleepy in the early morning. Each one was more ruthless than the last, and each one was very thoughtful. Netizens were very excited after reading this. They felt that this mother had married the right man, and that this father was really great. Many netizens praised this father. His three ways to avoid getting sleepy really refreshed our modern people's three perspectives.

In order to prevent himself from falling asleep, the father filled the spray with cold water. When he felt sleepy, he sprayed himself with the cold water to stay awake. Thinking about this scene is really touching.

Men always have a special smell, and this father would smell his socks that he hadn't washed for a month, probably because he wanted to use the stench to keep himself from feeling sleepy.

This trick is indeed a self-torture tactic that is too cruel to oneself. If one is not really sleepy, one should avoid using this trick. It is too painful to clip the ears with clips. Netizens have expressed their sympathy.

Many netizens are curious about what the father does when the mother and baby are asleep. Netizens began to speculate that the father might prepare milk powder or change clothes for the baby at this time. Or maybe the father is afraid that the baby will wake up suddenly, so he uses this method to reduce his sleep and wait for the baby to wake up so that he can take care of the baby.