
Tips for girls to keep healthy during the beginning of autumn


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Liqiu is the 13th solar term in the 24 solar terms, marking the beginning of autumn. During this season, the weather gradually turns cooler and the air becomes drier. For girls, the correct way of keeping in good health can help us stay healthy and beautiful.

1. Diet and health

1. Nourishing Yin and Moistening Dryness The climate in autumn is dry, so girls should eat more foods that nourish Yin and moisten dryness. For example, Tremella fuciformis, known as the "poor man's bird's nest", is rich in natural plant colloids and has a nourishing Yin effect. Long-term consumption can moisturize the skin and remove facial chloasma and freckles. Pears are also sweet and cool in nature, slightly sour, and have the effects of clearing heat and promoting body fluid, moistening the lungs and resolving phlegm. They are a good product for autumn health preservation.

Healthy recipe 1: Tremella, lily and lotus seed soup

Ingredients: Tremella, lily, lotus seeds, rock sugar, red dates. Method: Soak the Tremella and tear it into small pieces, wash the lily and lotus seeds, and remove the pits of the red dates. Put all the ingredients in a pot, add appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat until the Tremella gelatinizes and the soup thickens, finally add rock sugar to taste. This soup is sweet and delicious, and has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, nourishing the heart and calming the mind.

2. Less spicy and more acidic

After the beginning of autumn, you should eat less spicy food, such as peppers and peppercorns, to avoid aggravating the impact of autumn dryness on the body. Instead, you should increase the intake of sour food, such as apples, grapes, hawthorn, etc. Sour food has the effect of astringing lung qi and helps to maintain the liver.