
"Pro-inflammatory foods" are harmful to the heart. You should really eat less of these 4 things


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In many major diseasesofInflammation is an important part of the process. Chronic inflammatory stimulation not only increases the risk of cancer, but alsoDamage to cardiovascular system.

Recently, Chinese scholars publishedA new study in the international journal PLOS ONEFindings: The more you eat pro-inflammatory foods,Heart failureThe higher the biomarker level.

Pro-inflammatory foods can weaken your heart

In this study, researchers from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University analyzed data from 10,766 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1999 to 2004. After considering demographic factors and related variables, the researchers found thatDiscover

In the absence ofHeartAmong participants with failure,Dietary Inflammatory Index(Important indicator for evaluating the impact of diet on inflammation)The increase was significantly correlated with the increase in NT-proBNP levels, a biomarker for heart failure.

The researchers believe that this study clarified the positive correlation between the dietary inflammatory index and the heart failure biomarker NT-proBNP, indicating that there is a strong correlation between the two, which is of great significance for dietary adjustments in cardiovascular risk management.

These 4 categories are typical pro-inflammatory foods

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has stated that 1/6 of the world'scancerCaused by bacterial and viral infections, theseInfectIt is commonly known as inflammation.

Chronic inflammatory stimulation can causeimmunityDisorders lead to inflammatory factors invading the inner walls of blood vessels, causing damage, stiffness or blockage of the blood vessel walls.

There are many factors that affect inflammation levels, and diet is an important step. Tan Guijun, director of the Nutrition Department of Tianjin First Central Hospital, said that overall,The main types of pro-inflammatory foods are:


Foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates

Victoria Drake, a nutritionist at Oregon State University, pointed out:BloodFoods with a high glycemic index (GI) can increase inflammation, which is related to its riseblood sugarIt's about speed.

Other studies have found that high-sugar foods can disruptIntestinal floraenvironment, inducing chronic inflammation.

Therefore, try to eat less sweet drinks, sweet bread, cakes, etc.Many yogurts also have a high sugar content, so please read the nutrition label carefully when purchasing.


High-fat foods

Foods containing more trans fatty acids, such as egg yolk pie, pearl milk tea, French fries, potato chips, cakes, ice cream, biscuits, etc., are alsoIt will promote the occurrence and development of inflammation in the body.

Many processed foods are labeled as containing trans fatty acids or hydrogenated oils. People with chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and rhinitis should especially control the amount of these foods they eat.


fried food

A study from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, USA, found that when the intake of fried foods is reduced, inflammatory markers in the body also decrease.Because a lot of fried foods use oil that has been fried repeatedly, which contains a lot of saturated fatty acids, and the high-temperature frying process also produces trans fatty acids.


Red meat, processed meat

Red meat is high in saturated fatty acids, and excessive intake can also increaseInflammation, don't be greedy.

Processed meat products such as sausages, hot dogs, ham, bacon, etc. are also rich in saturated fatty acids, which will aggravate inflammatory stimulation.

It is recommended to replace processed meat products with fresh meat, especially fish and white meat. Red meat needs to be eaten in moderation, with each person limiting the amount to no more than the size of a palm per day.

Recommend 10 kinds of "anti-inflammatory foods"

Gu Chuanling, a registered dietitian in China, said that the following foods contain more ingredients that fight chronic inflammation. If you eat fruits and vegetables raw, the anti-inflammatory effect is better, but you don’t have to force it. People with poor stomachs can stir-fry them quickly, which also has a good anti-inflammatory effect:

1、Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, radish;
2、Purple cabbage;
3、Green peppers and colored peppers;
6、Green tea, black tea;
8、Flaxseed oil, perilla oil (suitable for cold dishes);
10、Fish, such as salmon, tuna and sardines, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which also help fight inflammation.

According to the three major nutrients,carbohydrateFatproteinThere are anti-inflammatory foods in each.Convenient memory version"as follows:



  • Best anti-inflammatory choice: whole grains(such as millet, corn, oats, buckwheat,Brown rice, black rice, quinoa, etc.)

  • Middle choice: potatoesNot as good as whole grains, but no negative effects either.Such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, taro, yam)

  • Pro-inflammatory options: Refined carbohydrates with a high glycemic index(especially glutinous rice balls, fried dough sticks, fried cakes, fried cakes, etc.)


Increasing the total amount of fat intake will promote inflammation, and fat intake should not exceed 30% of the total diet. Under this premise, unsaturated fatty acids can be preferred, and saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids can be eaten less.

  • Foods high in unsaturated fatty acids: nuts, fish oil,Rapeseed oil, linseed oil, olive oil, corn oil, soybean oil, peanut oilwait.

  • saturated fatty acidFoods with high content: Lard, fat, palm oil, butter, etc.

  • Trans fatty acids: Foods that have been fried at high temperatures or made with cooking oils that have been fried repeatedly.


In an anti-inflammatory diet, the best sources of protein are fish, poultry, eggs, lean red meat, soy foods, nuts, etc., and eat less processed meat.

  • Best anti-inflammatory choice: fish.

  • Middle choice: poultry.

  • Pro-inflammatory choices: Excessive amounts of red meat, processed meats.

Of course, controlling chronic inflammation also requires active exercise, staying away from pesticides, organic solvents and other environments, and timely treatment of acute infections, etc., which will work together with diet to maximize the effect of controlling inflammation. ▲

Editor of this issue: Zheng Ronghua