
Hongguan Wuxi▏From being unwanted to being sought after, what is the story behind the Huaihua job seekers’ “raising their heads”?


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Red Net Times reporter Yang Lingxia reports from Huaihua
These days, Ren Yong feels particularly comfortable and even has a sense of "being proud".
Previously, because he had no skills, he applied for jobs in the park three times, asking for a basic salary of 2,000 yuan per month, but no company hired him. A few days ago, he participated in a luggage employment skills training class organized by the Huaihua Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Department. After he acquired a skill, he was still in the company for practical training. Several companies came to recruit people, and he chose one of them with a basic salary of 3,000 yuan. "If I work overtime, I can earn 4,000 to 5,000 yuan a month."
Ren Yong at work.
How did Ren Yong go from being unwanted to being in great demand? What is the story behind it? The reporter did some research on this.
In the production workshop on the third floor of Hunan Bolian Bag Accessories Co., Ltd. in Huaihua International Land Port Bag Industrial Park, workers are busy with multiple processes such as installing lining, sewing zippers, and putting on pull rods. Those wearing blue school uniforms are trainees from Huaihua Vocational and Technical College, who have initially mastered the technical essentials under the guidance of the factory's practical masters.
Hou Qianghong, the director of the college's Continuing Education School, said that Bolian is a designated enterprise for vocational skills training for skilled workers under the "Lugang Luggage Craftsman" brand, designated by the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security. The company operates the entire industry chain and can provide the school with more than 100 practical training positions, covering all types of occupations required for luggage production. "During the training period, trainees will receive free food and accommodation, and will be directly hired after passing the training. This is much better than blindly applying for a job without the necessary skills."
Ren Yong was one of them. He told the reporter frankly: "After several setbacks in job hunting, I was already discouraged. I also deeply felt how difficult it is to find a job without skills. After hearing that the government organized free technical training, I felt hopeful again and signed up immediately." During the training, Ren Yong was afraid that he would not pass the test, so he studied very seriously. He carefully wrote down every knowledge point the teacher taught. After the training, he was already very skilled in doing his job.
Like Ren Yong, who went from having no skills to being trained as a skilled worker for free, Huaihua City has conducted 23 skill training sessions this year, and more than 170 trainees have successfully signed employment agreements with companies after completing the training, achieving a seamless transition from training to employment. It is reported that this year Huaihua City will also promote a new model of skill training throughout the city, covering areas such as luggage, tourism, electronic components, new display materials, etc., and strive to complete the training of 11,000 skilled talents of various types by 2024.
This year’s first skills training class for agricultural product and food inspectors at the municipal level.
Speaking of the original intention of the training, Zhang Juan, Party Secretary and Director of the Huaihua Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said that Huaihua is currently making every effort to build an "international luggage capital". The enterprises introduced into the park and their rapidly growing businesses require a large number of laborers, especially skilled workers. Although the human resources and social security departments have previously established a corresponding chain service enterprise mechanism and provided a large number of laborers, after joining the company, due to unfamiliarity with the work, low production efficiency and high defective product rate reduced the company's benefits.
"We must find a solution. Especially according to the current development situation, the luggage and leather goods industry chain enterprises in Huaihua are expected to absorb more than 30,000 workers in 3 to 5 years. It is impossible for all such a large number of workers to be skilled workers, so we can only train them ourselves."
How to train a group of workers who meet the company's requirements in a relatively short period of time?
After some research and coordination, a full-chain work system skill talent training model was established, in which the industry regulatory department organizes enterprises or the public to "place orders" according to demand, the human resources and social security department "dispatches orders", the training institutions "accept orders", and enterprises "place orders" for high-quality positions. Now, more and more "Ren Yongs" have found satisfactory jobs through skill training.
Skills training has enabled more people to become skilled workers.
Similar cases include Chen Huifang, Yu Meihua, Tang Chengxiao, etc. They either do odd jobs outside or stay at home for a long time and occasionally do odd jobs. They have worked in many industries, but because they have no skills, they are tired and the salary is low. Now, after becoming skilled workers, they not only work more regularly, but also earn more.
A careful reading of the stories of "Ren Yong" and others reflects the general environment of investment promotion in the human resources and social security departments, the people-centered development philosophy, and the new requirements for high-quality and full employment under the new situation.
Optimizing the business environment has never been the responsibility of just one department. All departments are adding color to the city by doing their service work well.
Employment is the most important livelihood. Industry is the main battlefield for absorbing employment. If the industry develops, there will be jobs. At present, Huaihua is in the ascendant to build an "international luggage capital", and many entrepreneurs have seized the opportunity to invest and start businesses.
The Human Resources and Social Security Department of Huaihua City took the initiative to provide services, and worked with the International Land Port Economic Development Zone to promote luggage companies through the media matrix, actively promote school-enterprise cooperation, encourage and support human resources service agencies to provide professional services, etc., to build a chain service enterprise mechanism, and provide diversified employment guarantees and talent recruitment and training services for luggage industry companies. It can be said that it has done enough "logistics support" to allow companies to just run at full capacity and step up production.
Zhu Bingbing, general manager of Bolion Company, admitted that without the help of various departments and the strong support of human resources and other departments, his company would never be able to officially start production and expand capacity so quickly.
Development is for the people, and economic development must always take into account the people's sense of happiness and gain.
Each of these "Ren Yong" can quickly master the technical essentials through free centralized training and enter the company for employment. Behind this is the promotion of government departments, the responsibility of enterprises, and of course, the efforts of the employees themselves. The final result is actually a win-win situation for all parties.
We are happy to see more situations like this and look forward to more similar innovative practices.
Fortunately, Huaihua is currently exploring this aspect. For example, with the creation of skill training brands as a starting point, and with the focus on serving the high-quality and full employment of urban and rural labor, a series of vocational skill trainings have been organized around four key skilled worker brands, namely "Lugang Luggage Craftsmen", "Wuling Mountain Herbal Farmers", "Xuefeng Mountain Fruit Farmers" and "Wuxi Intangible Cultural Heritage Craftsmen".
It is worth mentioning that the Jingzhou Poria workers and Qianyang fruit farmers, which have been included in the key labor brands of Hunan Province, have respectively mobilized more than 60,000 and 50,000 local people to engage in related work, promoting a new pattern of modern agricultural industry development with prosperous local industries, increased employment, labor income and social stability.
Under the new circumstances, high-quality and full employment has become a new requirement for services provided by human resources and social security departments.
At present, the employment work in our province is facing new situations and changes such as low birth rate, aging population, coexistence of "no work to do" and "no work to do", increasingly diversified employment demands of workers, and higher and higher expectations. Correspondingly, it is also required that all human resources and social security departments make systematic efforts and adopt comprehensive measures to comprehensively promote high-quality full employment in the new era and new journey.
Huaihua's "four single" skills training approach is a solution to the contradiction between the increasing demand for technical workers in enterprises and the insufficient skills of job seekers under the new situation. It not only provides enterprises with high-quality labor, but also improves the skills of workers and gives them more employment options.
In addition, Huaihua has also combined "big data" and "iron feet" to improve the employment service system, so that the people and enterprises can enjoy better employment services. For example, the Huaihua International Land Port Human Resources Port Intelligent System has been established to promote the deep sharing of internal and external data, the full sharing of job information, and the one-stop handling of high-frequency service matters; vigorously promote the 15-minute employment service circle, strengthen grassroots governance, and most of the people's matters can be handled at the nearest human resources and social security station.
Solving small problems brings benefits to people's livelihood. In recent years, with the implementation of employment policies and measures, Huaihua has also helped more job seekers find good jobs.