
Cover Comment | Super anchors are "receding", and store broadcasts are no longer a sham for others


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□Jiang Jingjing
Recently, the news that Dong Yuhui resigned from Oriental Selection has been all over the Internet. Not only Dong Yuhui, the dynamics of the top anchors have always been the focus of public attention. Judging from the trends in recent years, many top anchors have faded out of the public eye, either actively or passively, and the frequency of live broadcasts has continued to decline. At the same time, the demand for top anchors from brands and platforms is also declining. Only making a fuss but not making money. This is the common feeling of many brands that have appeared in super-head live broadcast rooms. While the anchors are seeking a second career curve, brands are also turning their attention to store self-broadcasting. (Xinhua News Agency)
To this day, live streaming e-commerce still maintains a relatively high growth rate. At the same time, the structural changes within the industry are also advancing in depth. As the saying goes, one thing rises while the other falls. On the one hand, the live streaming of experts is accelerating to its peak, and the state of prosperity and decline is gradually showing; on the other hand, the store’s own live streaming is growing rapidly, and there is a tendency to catch up from behind... This change has actually been traced for a long time. Super anchors have created astonishing myths of bringing goods and making wealth. What needs to be clarified is that this is not a process of "generating wealth" out of nothing, but must be a process of "distributing wealth". The cruelty of this is far beyond what outsiders can imagine.
In the first stage of live e-commerce, the top talents and super anchors are the biggest beneficiaries. They seem to be people who "possess magic", and their sales of goods are often huge, and their personal wealth has skyrocketed. But the question is, whose cake are they cutting? Generally speaking, traditional platform e-commerce and brand manufacturers are the biggest losers. A noteworthy fact is that the high "pit fees" and commissions, coupled with the fact that super anchors often control prices with the "lowest price on the entire network", have made many brands have very little net profit even if they sell a lot of goods. It is purely a false joy and a wedding dress for others.
When super anchors become a strong channel, "channel cost" becomes an issue that must be faced. Judging from the market feedback over the past period of time, the "high fees" of super anchors and the extremely high return rate of live e-commerce itself are becoming key factors in reversing expectations. Data shows that in 2023, the proportion of store broadcasts by brand merchants will be 51.8%, exceeding the proportion of live broadcasts by experts for the first time. During this year's "618", there were dozens of store live broadcast rooms on an e-commerce platform with transaction volumes exceeding 100 million yuan, and the number of store broadcast orders was several times that of the same period last year. Tired of being manipulated by super anchors, brands are extremely strong in their will to regain control of their destiny.
The magic of super anchors is not only the fan economy driven by personal charm, but also the price power brought by bargaining and price control. Nowadays, with the rise of store broadcasting, the "price advantage" has been taken back for their own use. The "price power" of the expert anchors has been weakened or even stripped away, and they have to return to the entrepreneurial stage where they showed their magical powers and relied on their own abilities. The big waves wash away the sand, earning enough to go ashore, and retreating at the peak of the tide may not be a bad choice.