
First-tier cities can now also "buy a house and settle down"! This place announced that buying a house can enjoy "quasi-hukou" treatment


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China Business News (Reporter Wang Tongxu)First-tier cities can also realize "household registration after purchasing a house"! On August 6, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Huadu District, Guangzhou City issued the "Notice on Several Measures to Further Promote the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). Among them, the expression of "quasi-household registration" has attracted attention.
The notice clearly states that buying a house will enjoy the "quasi-hukou" treatment in Huadu: non-Guangzhou residents who purchase newly built commercial housing in the administrative area of ​​Huadu District can receive a Huadu "Hua Card" and enjoy the district's policy-based preferential admission treatment with the Huadu "Hua Card" and the purchase contract. In the preschool education stage, the children of the cardholders who meet the age requirements are eligible to register for computer allocation of kindergartens run by the education department of the district where they live in accordance with the relevant regulations of the education department on preschool education; in the compulsory education stage, they are arranged by the education department and are eligible to enter the starting grade of compulsory education in public schools (including places purchased by the government in private schools).
Chen Xueqiang, research director of China Index Academy South China Branch, said that the policy issued by Guangzhou Huadu District to enjoy "quasi-hukou" treatment when purchasing a house has taken the lead in "purchasing a house and settling down" in first-tier cities, and also reflects the concept of formulating policies based on the district.
What impact will this move by Guangzhou have?
Bai Wenxi, a distinguished tutor at the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that by providing "quasi-hukou" treatment, more talent and population can be attracted, especially for those who want to settle in big cities but are restricted by household registration policies.
"As the first first-tier city to implement such policies, Guangzhou's approach may have a demonstration effect on other cities, prompting more cities to explore similar policy innovations," Bai Wenxi told China Business News.
Yan Yuejin, deputy director of the Shanghai E-House Real Estate Research Institute, believes that relevant policies in first-tier cities will continue to be optimized.
In Yan Yuejin's view, the current period is the key period for all regions to digest existing policies in the second half of the year. The introduction of this policy in Guangzhou Huadu further illustrates the orientation of the real estate market based on one city, one policy. This policy is based on the policy in the first half of the year and has a strong signal significance. At the same time, the introduction of this policy also means that the subsequent policy optimization of first-tier cities may relax the "housing purchase and settlement" policy in the suburban market, which will have a positive effect on the destocking of new and second-hand houses in the suburbs.
"At present, all parts of the country are implementing policies on settling down by purchasing a house. Some cities are very open about it, while others may be a little more tactful. But the overall suggestion is to base ourselves on the free flow of population and resource factors, and on the new rules of 'people, real estate and money', and to relax the household registration policy to the greatest extent possible, especially in first-tier cities, which need more breakthrough policy content," Yan Yuejin told reporters.
Some people believe that while relaxing the policies on home purchase and settlement, other supporting measures should also be improved.
"It is recommended to improve the level of housing security and optimize housing purchase policies at the same time to achieve more comprehensive and effective real estate market regulation. In addition, although the housing purchase and settlement policy can attract talents, there are also certain risks, such as rising housing prices and fluctuations in the real estate market. Therefore, relevant parties are also required to pay close attention to market changes and adjust policies in a timely manner." Zhang Yue, chairman of Aoyu International, told reporters.
In addition, the notice also made it clear that "housing voucher" resettlement should be vigorously promoted. When implementing demolition compensation in the administrative area of ​​Huadu District, housing voucher compensation methods will be added for demolishers to choose. In addition to the basic compensation amount and housing acquisition reward, the face value of the housing voucher will also increase the policy reward amount (for specific reward amounts and operating details, please refer to the district housing voucher resettlement implementation rules). Housing voucher holders or their immediate family members can purchase commercial housing within a specific time, region and scope, and encourage and support reputable and strong state-owned enterprises to provide high-quality commercial housing.
In terms of implementing the "old for new" policy and meeting residents' demand for improved housing, we will continue to promote the implementation of the "renew purchase" activity for commercial housing, encourage "small for big", "old for new", and "low-end for high-end" commercial housing, and promote "worry-free deposit refund" through the "renew purchase" activity, and fully refund the deposit for eligible people who withdraw from the house within a certain period of time. If you participate in the old-for-new activity in the form of "housing tickets", real estate companies are encouraged to provide additional preferential subsidies.