
Qingdao Bank won two "Xinzhi Awards" and achieved remarkable results in digital transformation


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In order to promote the technology-driven and data-enabled financial innovation and stimulate new momentum for digital transformation, Jinke Innovation Club recently held the "2024 Financial Technology Innovation and Development Forum". At the meeting, the organizers commended the "Fifth Excellent Cases of Digital Transformation of Financial Institutions". Among them, Bank of Qingdao won the "Information Security Excellent Case Award" and "Digital Risk Control Excellent Case Award", demonstrating the innovative strength of Bank of Qingdao in the field of financial technology.

The "Xinzhi Award" is an authoritative award in the field of financial technology hosted by Jinke Innovation Society. It aims to discover and commend outstanding cases that lead the deepening development of digital finance. This year's selection brought together 304 participating cases from 121 financial institutions. After online voting and expert group scoring, Qingdao Bank's "New Generation Intranet Access Control System" and "Intelligent Account Risk Management Platform Project" stood out and won the "Information Security Excellent Case Award" and "Digital Risk Control Excellent Case Award" awards respectively.

Technology drives development. Over the years, Bank of Qingdao has made full efforts to promote digital transformation as the key to serving the real economy and boosting its own high-quality development. In order to enhance its "digital power", Bank of Qingdao has formulated a top-down digital transformation strategy based on national planning and its own reality. A digital strategic transformation committee has been established at the head office level to accelerate the bank's digital transformation strategy, continuously improve management quality and service efficiency, and infiltrate digital genes into the entire process of business innovation and operation management.

Qingdao Bank's "new generation intranet access control system" has significantly improved the security of system access and effectively reduced the risk of data leakage by introducing a zero-trust architecture, providing strong support for remote and home office work. The "intelligent account risk management platform" uses big data and artificial intelligence technology to achieve refined and personalized account management, providing customers with a better service experience.

This award is a recognition of the digital transformation achievements of Qingdao Bank. In the future, Qingdao Bank will continue to uphold the concept of innovation-driven development, deepen the application of financial technology, promote digital transformation to a higher level, and contribute to the digital transformation of the financial industry.

Source: Peninsula Metropolis Daily Peninsula News Client
