
Guangzhou property market, new policy introduced again!


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Source: Securities Times

On August 6, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Huadu District, Guangzhou City issued a notice on several measures to further promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, which mentioned the "quasi-hukou" treatment for buying a house in Huadu.

“Quasi-Hukou” Treatment

The notice pointed out that non-local residents who purchase newly built commercial housing in the administrative area of ​​Huadu can obtain the Huadu Talent Green Card and enjoy the district's policy-based preferential admission treatment with the Huadu Talent Green Card and the purchase contract. In the preschool education stage, the children of the cardholders who meet the age requirements are eligible to register for computer allocation of kindergartens run by the education department of the district where they live in accordance with the relevant regulations of the education department on preschool education; in the compulsory education stage, they are arranged by the education department and are eligible to enter the starting grade of compulsory education in public schools (including places purchased by the government in private schools).

In this regard, Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center, said that buying a house to settle down will be a common phenomenon in the future, and even renting a house or having a stable residence can be used to settle down. Since the beginning of this year, more than a dozen cities including Nanjing, Foshan, Wuhan, and Shenyang have issued new regulations on settling down, including restarting the settlement of household registration by purchasing a house, exploring the settlement of household registration by renting a house, and increasing the points for buying a house, etc. Buying a house or renting a house will "give" a household registration. However, the key lies in the value of the household registration, such as whether there is a high-quality degree, and also depends on the market's expectations for housing prices in the area, and whether there are large-scale physical enterprises in the area that can provide large-scale jobs. However, the provision that buying a house can obtain a talent green card does not mean "buying a house will give a household registration."

Under the influence of multiple factors such as the pressure on real estate sales, many cities have joined the battle to attract talent. According to statistics from the China Index Academy, more than 10 cities across the country have introduced policies to allow people to settle down by purchasing a house or apply for settlement by purchasing a house since the beginning of this year. Chen Wenjing, director of market research at the China Index Academy, said that overall, the settlement conditions in most cities are relatively relaxed, and it is expected that the settlement policy for purchasing a house may be promoted in more cities.

Buying a house with guaranteed price?

In addition to the "quasi-hukou" treatment, the notice also proposed to vigorously promote "housing voucher" resettlement, in which the face value of the housing voucher, in addition to the basic compensation amount and housing expropriation reward, will increase the policy reward amount (for the specific reward amount and operation details, please refer to the district housing voucher resettlement implementation rules). At the same time, Huadu District also continued to promote the implementation of the old-for-new worry-free purchase, encouraging commercial housing to "exchange small for large", "exchange old for new", and "exchange low-end for high-end", and promoted the "worry-free deposit refund" through the "renewal purchase" activity, and fully refunded the purchase deposit for eligible people who returned the house within a certain period of time. If you participate in the old-for-new activity in the form of "housing vouchers", real estate companies are encouraged to provide additional preferential subsidies.

In addition, Huadu District also encourages qualified real estate developers to sell existing homes and supports them to take "price guarantee" measures for newly built commercial housing. After buyers purchase new homes, if the property price drops within a certain period of time, real estate developers can provide price difference compensation, home improvement subsidies and other benefits. In this regard, Li Yujia believes that the current policies on land use, planning and construction approval, finance, taxation, and delivery are not clear to encourage the sale of existing homes. Supporting real estate developers to take "price guarantee" measures for newly built commercial housing is easier said than done.

Finally, Huadu District will also promote qualified real estate projects to enter the financing "white list" to support the financing needs of real estate companies. It will prevent risks in real estate projects, strictly implement the pre-sale fund supervision system, and ensure that the supervision funds are used to ensure the timely completion and delivery of the project.

On the same day, the Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau drafted the "Guangzhou City Allocation-type Affordable Housing Management Measures (Trial) (Draft for Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Draft") and solicited public opinions from August 6. The "Draft" clearly states that the sales price of allocation-type affordable housing is determined according to a certain proportion of the price of ordinary commercial housing in the same area, and one family can only own one set. Allocation-type affordable housing is prohibited from being changed into commercial housing and entering the market in any way. Those who own their own property housing after purchase must withdraw from the allocation-type affordable housing. In addition, applicants must have a household registration in Guangzhou, have no house in the city and no record of transferring their own property housing in Guangzhou within 3 years before the application, have not enjoyed preferential housing purchase policies, have paid social security for 3 years in total, and single applicants must be 30 years old or above. Applicants with bachelor's degree or above, intermediate and senior professional and technical titles, high-skilled talents, and Guangzhou Talent Green Card main cardholders can be exempted from household registration and age restrictions, and at the same time shorten the social security period (high-level talents and doctors have no social security period requirements, masters have 1 year, and undergraduates have 2 years). In principle, the building area of ​​a single unit in a new project will be controlled below 90 square meters, with two-bedroom and three-bedroom units being the main type.