
Who is healthier, people with nocturia or those without nocturia?


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When I was young, I could sleep through the night, but I don’t know since when, I always have to wake up several times at night, making it difficult for me to sleep well the whole night.

Some people say that nocturia is a sign of aging and is normal. Others think that nocturia is normal and that nocturia is a sign of poor kidney function. So is nocturia normal or is it normal to not have nocturia? Let's talk about this today~

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Nocturia vs. Nocturia

Nocturia, as the name suggests, is urination at night.Getting up to urinate during sleepThe phenomenon.

The absence of nocturia may mean that your kidneys are filtering better and producing less urine, or that you are drinking less water during the night.Nocturia meansDrink more water at nightOr the kidneys' ability to absorb water is weak.

Normal nocturia and no nocturia are both signs of good health to a certain extent.The key is to find a lifestyle and water intake that suits you so that the number of nocturia remains within a normal range.

But if you urinate too frequently at nightThis may indicate that there is a problem with your health. If necessary, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Frequent urination at night, some common reasons include: drinking too much water before going to bed, frequent urination, enuresis, diabetes, diabetes insipidus, prostate hyperplasia, reduced bladder capacity, abnormal bladder muscle contraction function, side effects of diuretics, additional adverse reactions,Emotional or psychological stress, etc.

Therefore, frequent nocturia is not an independent disease, but may be a symptom caused by multiple factors. For normal people, frequent nocturia not only affects sleep, but also affects the quality of life.For the elderly, getting up frequently at night can easily lead to falls, fractures, and even cardiovascular disease.

How much urination at night is normal?

As for the normal range of nocturia frequency, it varies from individual to individual, but generally speaking, it is normal for adults to urinate no more than 2 times a night.ifNocturnal urination more than 2 times, generallyAffects sleep qualityIf this situation occurs for a long time, it may indicate that there is a problem with your health.

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In 2002, the International Continence Society defined nocturia asThe patient wakes up 1 or more times during the night to urinateThe consensus of experts in my country recommends that urination ≥ 2 times per night be used as the criterion for nocturia.0-1 nocturia is normal for young people, but forFor the elderly, 0 to 2 times is also within the normal range.

The prevalence of nocturia increases with age. Domestic research results show that 57.5% of people over 18 years old urinate ≥1 time at night, and 24.7% ≥2 times.Older age, high BMI, smoking, hypertension and diabetes are high risk factors for nocturiaExcessive nocturia, especially short sleep time between falling asleep and the first urination, has a significant impact on the quality of life.

Different degrees of nocturia have different effects on the patient's quality of life and health. Of course, the frequency of nocturia may also be affected by factors such as water intake and living habits, so when judging whether it is normal, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the individual's actual situation.

For the treatment of nocturia, you first need to identify the cause, keep a urination diary (what time do you urinate every day, and how many milliliters), and go to the hospital in time if necessary. Different treatments are used for different causes. If you are worried about the abnormal frequency of nocturia, you canTry to adjust your lifestyle, such as drinking less water at night and avoiding stimulating drinks, to reduce the frequency of nocturia

What are the dangers of waking up frequently at night?

Excessive nocturnal urination is commonly referred to asFrequent waking up at night may have certain effects on the body and daily life, especially on the elderly. The following are some of the dangers of frequent waking up at night:

① Affects sleep quality:Frequent waking up at night will lead to sleep interruption and seriously affect sleep quality, thus affecting the next day's mental state and work efficiency.

② Increased risk of cardiovascular disease:Frequent waking up at night can easily lead to orthostatic hypotension in the elderly, posing the risk of cardiovascular accidents, and some may accidentally fall and cause multiple fractures.

③ Increased burden on kidneys:Frequent waking up at night may mean increased burden on the kidneys, which may lead to damage to kidney function in the long run.

④ Urinary tract infection:Frequently getting up at night to go to the toilet keeps the urinary tract open for a long time, which can easily lead to urinary tract infection.

⑤ Osteoporosis:Getting up multiple times at night will affect the absorption of calcium, which may lead to osteoporosis in the long run and easily cause fractures.

⑥ Decreased quality of life:Frequent waking up at night will affect daily life, such as social activities, travel, etc., and bring many inconveniences to life.

⑦ Mood swings:Frequent waking up at night may lead to significant mood swings, such as anxiety, depression, irritability, etc.

⑧ Hormone disorders:Excessive urine discharge at night may affect hormone balance and lead to endocrine disorders.

For male friends, frequent waking up at night is often a precursor to prostate disease. To alleviate the problem of frequent waking up at night, first go to a regular hospital to check whether there are diseases such as prostate hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis, do a urinary system B-ultrasound and urine routine to rule out the possibility of urinary tract infection, and also seedoes it existThe problem of enlarged prostate.

How to relieve frequent waking up at night?

Frequent waking up at night affects the quality of sleep and life, seriously hindering our daily work and life the next day, which is quite distressing. The following tips can help you alleviate the problem of frequent waking up at night:

① Adjust your drinking habits:Avoid drinking too much water, tea, coffee, juice, etc. at night, especially before going to bed. Reducing the amount of water you drink can help reduce the amount of urine you produce at night.

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② Quit drinking:Alcohol and beverages increase urine production, and limiting your alcohol intake can help relieve frequent nighttime waking.

③ Regular work and rest:Maintain a regular work and rest schedule and ensure adequate sleep. Developing good work and rest habits will help regulate body functions and reduce the number of times you get up at night.

④ Healthy diet:Maintain a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less salty and sugary foods. High-salt foods can cause edema, which in turn affects urine excretion.

⑤ Exercise:Proper exercise can help strengthen kidney function and reduce the frequency of nocturia. For example, light exercise such as walking and Tai Chi can help improve kidney function.

⑥ Control your emotions:Maintain a good attitude and avoid negative emotions such as anxiety and depression. Mood swings and insomnia may lead to increased urine output at night, which in turn affects the number of times you get up at night.

In short, nocturia may seem like a minor problem, but it can actually cause multiple damages to the human urogenital system, cardiovascular system, etc. Therefore, if you have frequent nocturia for a long time, it is recommended to seek help from a urologist and receive appropriate symptomatic treatment according to the doctor's advice.

Planning and production

Author:Wu Zhigang, The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical UniversityUrology Deputy Chief Physician

Audit丨Xiao YongshuangDeputy Chief Physician, Department of Urology, Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University


Editor: Yinuo

Light up "Watching"

Pay attention to urinary health!