
Seize the opportunity and act with passion: Speech at the opening meeting | New Era Education Book Excerpt


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The full text is 4700 words long and takes about 6minute

This article is excerpted from "Speech Records on Establishing Morality and Cultivating People", which is the second educational monograph written by Yang Peng, the host of the second batch of junior high school principals' studio in Guizhou Province. This book consists of four parts: establishing a career and leading people, establishing morality and cultivating people, establishing aspirations and educating people, and establishing oneself and reaching people. It contains 40 speeches by Principal Yang Peng, about 180,000 words. In educational practice, the author always regards establishing morality and cultivating people as an important mission and action. At teacher meetings, school work meetings, opening ceremonies, summary and commendation meetings, and wherever there is an opportunity to speak, the author will share his understanding of education, pursuit of virtue and kindness, and desire for true beauty with teachers and students tirelessly. "Speech Records on Establishing Morality and Cultivating People" carefully sows the seeds of noble morality through words and deeds, and implements the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people in various daily rituals. This book presents moral education cases in the form of lecture records, providing educators with an ecological moral education exploration model that strengthens the pertinence, effectiveness and operability of moral education, in order to provide moral education workers with a sample that can be used for reference and reference.

Original title: Seize the opportunity and act with passion - Speech at the 2017 opening meeting of Songtao National Boarding School (content has been deleted and modified)

Dear teachers and comrades:

Spring is the accumulation of the harvest of previous years, the new opportunities for development this year, and the passion for doing things and starting businesses. In this poetic and picturesque spring, we are holding a new school opening meeting here to plan the school's innovative development this year and arrange the school's specific work for the whole year. Now I will report to you and ask you to review and put forward your valuable opinions.


Accumulation and regret

Standing at the starting point of the new year, we stop and look back. In 2016, the people of No. 4 Middle School, with the dream of building "the city's first-class junior high school" and making No. 4 Middle School "the best in the county", overcame many difficulties under the dual pressure of internal and external troubles, and focused on the "ten practical tasks" set at the beginning of the year. We worked hard to create the "five business cards" of No. 4 Middle School, harvesting the rich accumulation in the history of No. 4 Middle School's development and writing a glorious page for the development of No. 4 Middle School. These exquisite "four business cards" are as follows:

The first business card is in premium condition.With the completion of the school's new plastic sports field, basketball court, 4 computer classrooms, 2 recording studios, 3 music, sports and art activity rooms, and 1 electronic reading room, as well as the renewal of old books and experimental equipment, and the replacement of all desks and chairs, the school's greening, beautification, culture, modernization, and informatization have reached a new level. The school's operating conditions have been optimized, and first-class operating conditions have been basically achieved.

The second business card is the high-quality teachers.The school has 59 senior teachers, 70 first-level teachers, 2 provincial key teachers, 21 municipal and county key teachers, 3 Songjiang famous teachers, 10 teachers who set questions for the middle school entrance examination, county term examinations, and unit tests. There are 36 outstanding young teachers commended by the city and county, and the teaching staff is gradually approaching first-class.

The third business card is quality management.The school has been rated as an advanced collective in the city's education system for two consecutive years, and has won honorary titles such as the city's safe and civilized campus, the city's advanced grassroots party organization, and the county's advanced unit for moral education. For two consecutive years, the school ranked first in the county's comprehensive assessment and won the first prize in performance assessment.

The fourth business card is quality education.Every year, more than two students from the school are admitted to Guiyang No. 1 Middle School. This year, Tongren No. 1 Middle School admitted 112 students from our school, doubling the number of last year. For two consecutive years, we have won the second prize for the quality of education of public junior high schools in Tongren City and the first prize for the quality of education of first-class schools in the county. The average scores of many classes in the subject area have exceeded the historical level, and the proportion of outstanding students in the county is increasing from one-third of the county to one-half year by year. The quality of education has supported half of Songtao education.

These four business cards are soaked with the hard work and sweat of all the faculty and staff of No. 4 Middle School, and are a "transcript" with extremely high gold content. Holding it, we are worthy of the expectations and entrustment of the organization and leaders, and the parents of students and the thousands of eyes thirsting for knowledge. More importantly, we are worthy of the title of "teaching and educating" for all the people in No. 4 Middle School! The achievement of this excellent transcript embodies the care and love of the Party Committee, the government and the competent departments, and the hard work and passionate struggle of all the faculty and staff. I often think that No. 4 Middle School is No. 4 Middle School. The tolerance, persistence, tenacity, benevolence in the bones of the people of No. 4 Middle School, the spirit of not bowing, not admitting defeat, not being arrogant or complacent, will surely accompany the rise of No. 4 Middle School on the banks of Songjiang River! I would like to take this opportunity to express my respect with a bow and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

We also have some regrets. We have not done many things well enough, which is mainly reflected in:First, the school's moral education work is not targeted and effective. Students' bad habits are still prominent in some classes. Violations of school rules and regulations occur from time to time, and students' civilized literacy needs to be cultivated and improved. Second, the effectiveness of safety work is not great, and hidden dangers are still prominent. The school spends more time strengthening safety work, and the class teacher still feels great pressure on safety. Safety accidents of all sizes occur from time to time, and some have caused serious consequences. Safety issues have become a headache for all faculty and staff in the school. Third, the self-discipline of the party's work style and clean government has not been firmly established. Some faculty and staff are lax in learning, have weak sense of responsibility, and are not self-conscious. They cannot hold on to rules and principles and are prone to making mistakes. Fourth, the arbitrariness of educational work needs to be standardized. Some teachers are very casual in their work and educational and teaching work, and do not strictly implement the teaching routines of their superiors. The distance between good and bad teaching results is getting farther and farther, and some even drag down the quality of school education and play a negative role. These problems should be taken seriously by us, and the school will take specific measures to deal with them.


Opportunities and Challenges

The school has developed rapidly in recent years, thanks to the right time, right location and right people. There are many opportunities for the school to become a first-class junior high school in the city:First, the conditions for running schools are getting better and better, and the logistical support is getting stronger and stronger. As long as we develop, funding is not a problem. Second, the foundation for running schools is getting stronger and stronger. The conditions for running schools, the level of teachers, and school management are getting better and better. As long as we have the spirit, the school can stride forward. Third, the treatment of teachers is getting better and better. There are many vacancies in the school's professional title evaluation and appointment, and there is a lot of room for teachers to be promoted. The welfare of the school is guaranteed. The government cares about and supports education. The performance bonus can be paid in full and on time. It is worth cherishing. These are all great opportunities for the development of the school. We must take advantage of the situation, follow the trend, and live up to the times.

Of course, we should also be very clear that the school still faces some severe challenges:First, safety hazards are still prominent, and safety management often challenges the bottom line of the school. Ensuring the health and safety of all teachers and students in the school has always been the top priority of the school's work. The school's leaders in charge of safety and the safety implementation department must carefully study and judge the school's safety work, formulate scientific plans, strengthen the management of the environment around the campus, effectively strengthen rectification, thoroughly solve the remaining problems, and build a solid school safety line. Second, the school's development has formed a severe competitive situation. Private schools in urban areas have emerged as a new force, forming an encirclement of our school's enrollment and quality. Private schools have a strong competitive advantage because of their flexible mechanisms and improved service levels. If we slack off a little, we are in danger of being eliminated. All of our faculty and staff must have a sense of survival crisis and the spirit of daring to fight and selflessly struggle. We are here, No. 4 Middle School is here, and the glory of No. 4 Middle School is here.


Passion and action

In the face of the new situation, we must have a greater enthusiasm for work and strive for greater achievements. This year, we must focus on completing the following goals and tasks, and work hard in five areas.

First, we will focus on improving school conditions and build a solid level of school development.We should strengthen the dispatch, coordination and supervision of the project, strive to complete the construction of the student dormitory, canteen and bathroom, and put them into use by the end of the year, so as to end the crowded situation of students. We should implement the cultural school project, green, beautify and purify the campus environment, and continue to build the two-room culture, corridor culture and Shushan Road among the "ten landscapes" according to the campus cultural plan, and strive to make No. 4 Middle School a model school for campus cultural construction in the county.

Second, we will focus on improving teaching quality and consolidate the lifeline of school development.We should strengthen the management of education and teaching, strictly implement the routine of teachers' education and teaching, strengthen the management and use training of education and scientific research and modern educational technology, strengthen the efficient research of subject teaching, and create a county-level model school for education and teaching management. We should pay close attention to the work of the graduating class, ensure that 5 people in the 2017 graduating class enter the top 10 in the county, 40 people enter the top 100 in the county, more than 100 people are admitted to the provincial first-class model high school Tongren No. 1 Middle School, more than 400 people are admitted to the provincial second-class model high school Songtao National Middle School, and the total score and average score enter the top 8 of the city's public schools. The total score and average score of each grade are on the rise. We should strengthen moral education, cultural and sports art work. By holding literary societies, calligraphy and painting academies, Sanwei Bookstore, sports games, art festivals, three lives and four loves, five hearts and five good things, "4+2" special education activities and various subject and skill competitions, the overall quality of students has been significantly improved.

Third, focus on safety and health management and tighten the warning line for school development.We should strengthen moral education, hygiene and health work, carry out the "Four in School (i.e. eating, living, learning and having fun in school), Happy Campus" activities, innovate the management of canteens and student dormitories, and create a city-wide boarding school management model school. We should strengthen security and comprehensive social security management, innovate safety education and safety management methods, create county-level traffic safety model schools, fire safety model schools, and provincial-level safe and civilized campuses to ensure zero school safety accidents throughout 2017.

Fourth, we will focus on improving the Party’s work style and building a clean government, and strictly prevent teachers and students from crossing the red line.We must strengthen ideological and political education and the work of building a clean and honest Party style, strengthen awareness of discipline and rules, and do a good job in targeted poverty alleviation and educational assistance. We must do a good job in building a clean and honest school culture to ensure that there are no illegal or disciplinary violations in the school throughout the year, and that teachers are not subject to any disciplinary sanctions. We must govern the school according to the law, promote openness of school affairs, strengthen supervision of school revenue and expenditure and standardize the distribution of livelihood funds, protect the rights and benefits of teachers, make the use of funds transparent, and run government affairs in the sunshine, so that teachers have greater rights to participate and know.

Fifth, focus on the basic work of teaching staff and build a solid guarantee for school development.We should strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and style, vigorously implement continuing education projects, and effectively strengthen the training of key teachers, famous teachers and young teachers, so that schools have "famous teacher studios and famous principal studios", and key teachers at the municipal and county levels reach "double 20". We should strengthen the "9+3" work, ensure that the dropout rate is controlled within 0.2%, the consolidation rate is above 90%, the enrollment of the first grade of junior high school is controlled within 1,100, and complete the enrollment task of secondary vocational schools.

The school has formed a work plan for these main goals, tasks, methods and measures and distributed it to each department and office, and forwarded the electronic version to the school group. Please read it carefully and find the right direction. Each department and office must strictly follow the school's work plan, set target numbers, identify responsible persons, draw up a roadmap, and complete new tasks.


Feelings and emotions

I have been in No. 4 Middle School for nearly three years. I feel that there is a cultural spirit in No. 4 Middle School, which is altruism. Our education is actually a true reflection of the altruistic culture. Altruism means to understand people, cultivate people, develop people, and complete people. Suddenly I thought of a line in a song, "As long as you live better than me", and I would like to use it to talk about my inner feelings.

"As long as you live better than me" is a kind of cultivation.If you want to run No. 4 Middle School well, you are bound to be slandered and wronged. As a leader of No. 4 Middle School, you must be able to withstand such tests. If you can't stand the anger, you will definitely not be a good principal. As long as the school is doing better than me, no matter how much wronged I personally suffer, it doesn't matter.

"As long as you live better than me" is a kind of sentiment.I once said that I came to No. 4 Middle School because of work needs and the organization's arrangement. I am a party member, and I have to come whether I like it or not. I also thought that I was just a passing visitor in No. 4 Middle School, just like a cloud passing through the sky without leaving any trace. But in the nearly three years since I came to No. 4 Middle School, I have been educated and moved by the sincerity of the teachers, and my blood has gradually permeated with loyalty and love for No. 4 Middle School. When the graduating class was awarded bonuses, several vice principals said that the principal must be awarded an award, but I refused. I thought, as long as the teachers have the hope of being recognized, as long as the teachers live better than me, what else matters?

"As long as you live better than me" is a responsibility.Whenever it is late at night, I often think, what is the meaning of doing this hard, tiring, risky, stressful and thankless job? Looking back on my life, I was born in an extremely poor rural area, experienced a childhood of being poorly clothed and hungry, and experienced many disasters in my youth. I have experienced what growth is. The organization has given me a lot of honor and trust. When the society needs me to do something, how can I refuse it? We train students well and make their lives happier in the future. As long as students live better than me, what does personal gain and loss matter?

"As long as you live better than me" is a supreme state of mind.Many of us are consciously or unconsciously improving this state. It is this kind of sacrifice and dedication that puts others before ourselves and forgets ourselves for others that has made No. 4 Middle School grow from weak to strong and towards glory. As long as you live better than me, nothing can stop me. Let us keep beautiful things in our hearts, keep our original aspirations in mind, work hard, and strive to build a more beautiful and happy new No. 4 Middle School!

Teachers and comrades, we didn't have time to say goodbye to 2016, and we started to say goodbye to every day of 2017. Time flies, and it's been almost three years since I came to No. 4 Middle School. In the past three years, I have often been moved by the noble character of many old teachers: the school had difficulties and lacked teachers, so the old teacher Fu Zongxiang was arranged to teach the third grade and teach two classes across grades, and he did not shirk his responsibility. The old teacher Long Anbao was sent to teach two classes and asked him to stick to it. He said, "Don't worry about me, I can still teach." Last week, Teacher Ou Haihua called me and asked me to transfer her class and take the initiative to take on more work tasks. Teacher Yang Jinling was my head teacher when I was in normal school. When she saw me, she often called me the principal. Many old teachers who are about to retire, such as Teacher Tang Yunxiao, Teacher Yang Chunyan, Teacher Yang Xiuying, Teacher Yang Xingyou, Teacher Tang Shanjin, Teacher Luo Zhijian, etc., are still taking on heavy teaching tasks but never make any demands on me. I think I am very dedicated, but compared with many old teachers, I can't guarantee that I will still have the same realm and height after I turn 50. Maybe what they do may be very ordinary and common to them, but their great teacher ethics of simplicity, righteousness and kindness are really noble and great.

There are also many middle-aged teachers in our school who are still conscientious and silent despite the difficult situation. Many young teachers are unwilling to lag behind and gradually move up their rankings on the performance statistics to prove their value in the school. During this time with the teachers of No. 4 Middle School, I went from understanding many old teachers to admiring them, and I went from paying attention to many young teachers to sincerely admiring them. I was reluctant to come to No. 4 Middle School at first, but later I felt very cherished. It is the teachers' dedication, persistence, and tenacity that educate me, cleanse my impetuous heart, and make me more down-to-earth to serve No. 4 Middle School. I cherish the fate of getting along with you all. I have many problems of my own, and I sincerely ask you to remind me from the bottom of my heart.

In 2017, we pray that all the unhappiness will be gone forever; we are united and will roll up our sleeves to work hard together; we firmly believe that all is well with No. 4 Middle School and the No. 4 Middle School family!

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Author: Yang Peng

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