
AI enters the classroom and makes the classroom "alive"


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Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

On April 8, students from the Lizhu Robotics Club of Mingzhu Primary School in Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, were experiencing the operation of the "Nine Palaces Robot" under the guidance of a science teacher. Photo by Ning Wenwu (People's Vision)

The picture shows the smart calligraphy classroom teaching at Chengguan No. 1 Primary School in Jingyuan County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

The picture shows that Taihu Gezhi Middle School in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, carried out artificial intelligence classroom teaching with the theme of campus fixed-point guidance robots. Photo by Gu Xiaohua

On July 19, children were interacting with "Poet Li Bai" in the AI ​​Intelligent Hall of Huaibei Library in Anhui Province. Photo by Li Xin (People's Vision)

In math class, the use of smart pens improves the accuracy of geometric drawing and the clarity of auxiliary lines, and shortens classroom drawing time; in English class, students read aloud with answering machines in hand, and the system instantly analyzes the accuracy of pronunciation and grammar, and provides personalized improvement suggestions. Teachers simultaneously obtain student evaluation reports on the terminal; on the playground, with the help of armband devices worn by students, the large screen on the playground can display students' health status in real time... At present, the national education digitalization strategic action is being steadily promoted, and schools at all levels and types are actively exploring the construction of smart campuses, opening up new forms of education, improving the digital literacy of teachers and students, and giving education digital wings.

AI helps personalize teaching

"Look! 'Xiao Fei' interacted with me!" In the artificial intelligence laboratory of Taihu Gezhi Middle School in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, students operated tablet computers to program under the guidance of teachers and watched the "Xiao Fei" intelligent robot complete the actions specified by the operating program according to the instructions. The cute "Xiao Fei" robot showed different expressions such as "cool" and "confused" according to the results of the settings.

With the continuous in-depth application of technologies such as 5G and artificial intelligence in the field of education, advanced technologies such as intelligent analysis systems and personalized recommendation algorithms have made the classroom "lively". The new teaching scene makes learning not only about listening, but also helps to cultivate students' ability to observe, think, solve problems, and express opinions. Students have transformed from "listeners" who receive knowledge to "creators" who participate in practice, effectively improving students' innovation awareness, innovation ability and scientific literacy. AI + big data is constantly promoting personalized teaching.

In recent years, Wuxi Economic and Technological Development Zone has been working hard on "AI + Education" to explore new models of educating people through science and technology. According to reports, in 2021, Wuxi Economic and Technological Development Zone will fully introduce artificial intelligence courses, and offer eight popular artificial intelligence courses such as "AI Fantastic Animals" and "Super Engineers" for different stages of primary and junior high school.

"Before class, the massive amount of high-quality materials in the resource center support us to prepare lessons more efficiently; during class, teachers can use smart tablets to publish various interesting small exercises, which can liven up the classroom atmosphere and collect students' learning data in real time, so as to adjust the classroom teaching rhythm in time." Dong Xiuqin, a Chinese teacher at Taihu Gezhi Middle School, said in an interview, "Smart classrooms have brought more new possibilities for teaching and learning."

"The school has been constantly exploring new models and methods for AI education, building an AI education ecosystem, and creating a professional teaching team to provide students with interesting AI courses and practical opportunities," said Wang Wanmeng, principal of Taihu Gezhi Middle School. "In science and technology innovation competitions, robotics competitions, creative programming and design competitions, Gezhi students have won national and provincial science and technology awards many times."

Smart classroom is the core link of smart campus construction. Wuxi Dongjiang Experimental School is making every effort to build a smart classroom. With the support of the cloud platform, teachers and students can communicate with each other through tablets, and go deep into the whole teaching scene, forming a precise teaching closed loop of preparation, teaching, review and assistance.

Chen Qiuxiao, vice principal of Dongjiang Experimental School, said: "In the past, it was difficult for students to see each other's answers during classroom review. Now, students can use tablets to take photos and upload them in time, so we can provide real-time and accurate feedback and adjust the class progress."

It is understood that the Wuxi Municipal Education Bureau issued the "Wuxi City Work Plan for Promoting Artificial Intelligence Education in Primary and Secondary Schools" in March 2024, which clearly put forward the overall requirements, work goals, main tasks and guarantee measures for promoting artificial intelligence education in primary and secondary schools, and held the "Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom" (preschool group) quality class evaluation activity in June, encouraging teachers to explore the application of generative artificial intelligence, humanoid robots, etc. in education and teaching, and realize the organic integration of education and technology. According to the plan, by the end of 2026, Wuxi will build 10 typical campus application scenarios for artificial intelligence, build 20 high-level artificial intelligence laboratories, identify 30 key schools for artificial intelligence education, develop 40 high-quality courses for artificial intelligence education, and train more than 500 teachers for artificial intelligence education.

What kind of experience will it be when artificial intelligence meets traditional calligraphy?

Recently, a calligraphy class at Guanggu No. 18 Primary School in Donghu High-tech Zone, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, has come up with a new way of doing things. Students interacted with the "AI teacher" through smart devices and experienced a unique calligraphy course: the "AI teacher" used advanced image recognition technology to analyze students' handwriting in real time and provide personalized guidance and suggestions. With the help of AI, students can not only quickly master the basic skills of calligraphy, but also make continuous progress in practice and improve their calligraphy level.

In recent years, the East Lake High-tech Zone has vigorously promoted the deep integration of artificial intelligence and education. The number of artificial intelligence teaching facilities in schools in the zone, the number and types of artificial intelligence courses, and the digital literacy of teachers and students have been increasing. At present, the "AI Smart Calligraphy Classroom" system has been put into use in Guanggu No. 18 Primary School and Huacheng Primary School in the East Lake High-tech Zone.

AI is also empowering physical education classes and helping students grow healthily. In the physical education class at Guanggu No. 4 Primary School, the large screen of the AI ​​intelligent physical test system on the playground scrolls and displays the children's names, grades and other information, while the indoor operation background can see the comprehensive scores, rankings, pass rates and other data of each class's physical test results. With the help of AI technology, the traditional "pen + paper" recording method has disappeared from physical education classes, and physical education classes have become more efficient and interesting.

It is understood that the AI ​​intelligent physical test system is part of the "Smart Education Social Experiment" project of the National Intelligent Social Governance Experimental Comprehensive Base in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone. Lv Peng, deputy director of the Wuhan Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Peking University, introduced to this newspaper that the system uses IoT cameras, machine vision, motion vision algorithms, big data analysis and other technologies to automatically complete the collection of students' sports and health data, realize the autonomy, self-service and normalization of students' physical fitness testing, and form a digital portrait of students' physical health. With the deepening of application, the system will also support individual and group evaluation of students in the East Lake High-tech Zone in the future, and help the whole process of physical quality management.

Data empowers campus governance

"The horizontal axis remains unchanged, and the vertical axis is tripled..." In a classroom at the Beijing Normal University Affiliated Experimental Middle School, the teacher is explaining carefully, and the students are listening attentively. At the same time, through the other end of the network connection, students who are sick at home can also participate in the class in real time.

"Students apply for leave online, teachers approve leave online, authorization is given to watch classes remotely, permissions are automatically revoked after the holiday, and subject data reports are automatically pushed. This series of processes can now be completed in the online leave system." Li Xiaohui, principal of the Experimental Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, introduced to this newspaper.

According to reports, the digital campus construction of Beijing Normal University Affiliated Experimental Middle School started early and has been going on for nearly 20 years. At present, the school has built a fourth-generation smart campus application and education data service system of "cloud platform + data middle platform + SaaS (software as a service) application + education data service", from the consolidation of network and information security, the configuration of hardware facilities and equipment, the construction of smart space environment, to the deepening and promotion of the soft power of digital campus application, the integration and innovation of teaching models, the personalized supply of learning resources and the precise service of education data, etc., to continuously improve the comprehensive support and service capabilities of campus informatization.

In addition to real-time understanding of students' individual situations, teachers' daily teaching and research activities are also more flexible and convenient. The OMO (online and offline integration) intelligent classroom of Beijing Normal University Affiliated Experimental Middle School is equipped with hardware equipment such as online and offline remote interaction and touch-screen teaching all-in-one machines. Teachers can easily switch between online and offline teaching modes, record classroom content in real time, download and share blackboard records, and repeatedly operate virtual experiments... Use the smart tools of smart classrooms to maximize the effectiveness of classroom resources. The online listening and evaluation system can also realize the traceability of course content, online listening and evaluation, and the collection of excellent resources. Teachers can conduct fragmented autonomous learning based on their actual situation, forming an integrated "teaching-learning-research" workflow, which not only provides a good channel for teachers' professional growth and business improvement, but also continuously expands the support capabilities of digital technology in teaching.

With the actual needs of large-capacity course supply and two-way multi-selection between teachers and students, the school has also upgraded the course selection system. During the course selection process, administrators can monitor the course selection process and dynamically adjust courses according to the situation. After the course selection is completed, the system will automatically output a multi-dimensional course selection report to facilitate administrators to analyze course selection and organize class divisions.

Relying on data middle platform, cloud computing, Internet architecture and other technical empowerment, the course selection service has realized the dynamic increase of computing resources at any time, and the high concurrency capacity of the system has been greatly increased. "Most students took less than 1 minute from the beginning to the completion of course selection, and they realized no delay and zero lag in course selection." Chen Guocai, the party secretary in charge of the school's information work, said that through the construction and application of the data middle platform, the smart campus system can maximize the effectiveness of data collection synchronization, provide strong support for teachers, student affairs, school doctors, finance and other subjects, and form an integrated workflow of "management-application-service", which not only improves the efficiency of teachers and students in using digital systems, but also enhances their sense of gain when using digital technology.

Like the Experimental Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, many schools are focusing on using educational big data to empower educational and teaching reforms and give full play to the supporting role of data for smart campuses.

The application of smart campus is also reflected in smart services and smart management. By upgrading the campus management service platform and building a one-stop integrated information system that is interconnected and interoperable, the needs of different positions can be better met. In Xinji City, Hebei Province, 114 school canteens are connected to the city's network kitchen system. Parents can watch the canteen's vegetable washing and cooking processes through their mobile phones, and understand the operation of the food operation room and tableware washing and disinfection room in the kitchen, making the school's food processing process more open and transparent. In Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, an innovative "campus smart pick-up and drop-off system" was created and promoted in 6 schools in the urban area, and iterative upgrades were achieved, benefiting more than 10,000 parents in the county, and significantly improving the traffic rate around the campus during peak hours.

At present, the construction of the National Education Digital Big Data Center has started. "On the one hand, we will extend the monitoring scope of the National Smart Education Platform and expand the depth of monitoring; on the other hand, we will build a data governance platform to share various government data, innovate application scenarios such as new student registration, precision funding, smart ideological and political education, and campus safety, and enable various management services." said a relevant person in charge of the Science, Technology and Informatization Department of the Ministry of Education.

Cloud builds a sharing bridge

Recently, at the Jingheyuan Town Central Primary School in Jingyuan County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, a unique intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting class was held through an online interactive classroom, connecting a rural primary school 20 kilometers away. The cloud built a bridge for knowledge sharing, allowing students from both places to learn on the same screen and share the charm of traditional cultural treasures. On both ends of the screen, students excitedly exchanged paper-cutting skills, scissors flew on the paper, and creativity and joy flowed between the network cables.

The use of digital technology makes it possible to share high-quality educational resources. Schools in different locations can share digital classrooms through the Internet. Even if they are thousands of miles apart, they can "meet online". This plays an important role in promoting teaching and research exchanges, strengthening inter-school cooperation, and achieving balanced development of educational resources.

In response to the problems of uneven urban and rural teaching resources and shortage of teachers, Jingyuan County relies on the "Online Interactive Classroom" of the Ningxia Smart Education Platform, and adopts the teaching and research model of "strong schools leading weak schools" and "central schools leading village schools" to allow teachers and students of small-scale schools in Jingyuan County to enjoy a feast of high-quality teaching resources. Inter-school interactive teaching integrates both online and offline modes. Online, famous and excellent teachers in the main classroom give lectures, and teachers in the auxiliary classroom provide guidance, breaking through the limitations of time and space to achieve synchronous teaching; offline, famous and excellent teachers regularly go to teach and help, and students from small rural schools go to high-quality schools for on-site learning, so as to achieve the mutual sharing of high-quality educational resources in primary and secondary schools in the county, and continuously narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and between schools.

The practical application of smart classrooms is inseparable from the cultivation of information technology capabilities. Jingyuan County has vigorously carried out full-staff training to improve the information technology application capabilities of primary and secondary school teachers in the county. According to the relevant person in charge of the Jingyuan County Education and Sports Bureau, a team of 150 "Internet + Education" seed teachers and a team of 50 excellent teachers have been trained. The vast majority of teachers in the county are able to skillfully use information technology equipment to carry out efficient teaching.

She Yanping, a teacher at Jingyuan No. 4 Primary School, is a beneficiary of the Ningxia Smart Education Platform. She said: "The Ningxia Smart Education Platform not only reduces the burden on teachers, but also gives wings to teachers' vision and helps teachers' professional growth. More importantly, the smart education platform can achieve the sharing of high-quality resources, promote educational equity, narrow the gap between urban and rural education, and comprehensively promote student development."

A relevant person in charge of the Jingyuan County Education and Sports Bureau said that in the future, Jingyuan County will expand network bandwidth, smoothly achieve seamless connection with district and municipal platforms, and fully apply new education and teaching models such as online teaching and high-definition interaction.

With the continuous advancement of large-scale applications, the coverage of high-quality digital resources in China's education has been significantly improved. In recent years, China has focused on narrowing regional gaps and implemented the "MOOC Western Tour Plan 2.0", providing 198,000 MOOCs and customized courses, serving 540 million students in western universities. Based on promoting rural revitalization, the first phase of the digital teaching innovation experiment will be launched in 2023, providing more than 2,500 science, art and other courses to 14,000 rural primary and secondary school students. Today, volunteers from East China Normal University in Shanghai can experience traditional culture, perceive the forefront of science and technology, and communicate their inner worlds with primary school students in Yunnan Province thousands of miles away through the platform.

Digital education is allowing more high-quality resources to transcend time and space, connect urban and rural areas, and cross mountains and seas. (Ye Xiaonan, Ni Zhuoyao, Hua Yiran)

People's Daily Overseas Edition (Page 06, July 30, 2024)