
Ambassador Xie Feng: The Ukrainian crisis is not and should not become a problem between China and the United States


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According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, on the evening of July 25, 2024, the Chinese Embassy in the United States held a reception to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Ambassador Xie Feng and his wife, Minister Jing Quan, Defense Attaché Liu Zhan, U.S. government and military officials, friendly people from all walks of life, ambassadors and military attachés from various countries to the United States, overseas Chinese and representatives of Chinese institutions in the United States, more than 300 people attended. The full text of Xie Feng's speech is as follows:

Solving the Peace Deficit and Continuing the Peace Dividend——Speech by Ambassador Xie Feng at the Reception in Celebration of the 97th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

Honorable guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening! Welcome to the Chinese Embassy to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Here, I would like to extend holiday greetings to the people's soldiers and express my sincere gratitude to friends who have long been concerned about China-US relations and China's national defense!

Over the past 97 years, the people's army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China has not only worked for liberation and happiness for the Chinese people, independence and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, but also worked for cooperation and peace for the international community. It has not only become a steel Great Wall to defend national sovereignty, security and development interests, and the "most lovable people" in the hearts of the Chinese people, but also become a well-known force for peace, justice and civilization, and a backbone force in maintaining world peace and tranquility.

The world today has entered a new period of turbulence and change. The dark clouds of the Cold War are gathering again, and the smoke of the hot war is sounding the alarm. Security has become a "keyword" and stability has become a "scarce commodity". The task of the international community to solve the peace deficit has become more arduous, and the call for continuing the peace dividend has become louder. Faced with the historical choice of peace or war, prosperity or recession, unity or confrontation, China firmly stands on the side of peace, dialogue and cooperation, and serves as a stabilizing anchor for world peace, a positive force for international security, and an activist in maintaining peace.

China, which adheres to peaceful development, adds stability to the turbulent world. Peace, harmony and harmony are the concepts inherited by the Chinese nation for more than 5,000 years. The concepts of peace and peace and turning hostility into friendship have been passed down from generation to generation. More than 600 years ago, Zheng He led the world's most powerful fleet on seven voyages and visited more than 30 countries without occupying an inch of land. 70 years ago, Chinese leaders joined hands with India and Myanmar to advocate the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and included them in the Constitution. 60 years ago, on the day when China successfully detonated its first atomic bomb, it solemnly declared that it would not be the first to use any atomic bomb at any time or under any circumstances.nuclear weapon, and recently proposed that the five nuclear powers conclude a "Treaty on the Non-First Use of Nuclear Weapons" or issue a political statement. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has not initiated a war and is a major country with the best record on peace and security issues. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which was just successfully held, emphasized that foreign affairs must firmly pursue an independent and peaceful foreign policy. China did not follow the old path of colonial plunder in the past, and will not follow the crooked path of hegemony in the future. It will continue to firmly follow the right path of peaceful development.

China, which seeks common security, contributes Chinese solutions to solving security problems. In the face of endless security challenges, the pursuit of exclusive security or absolute security will not work. Pressure and sanctions will only lead to escalating confrontations. There is no future for military groups and camp confrontations. President Xi Jinping solemnly proposed the Global Security Initiative, adhered to the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and embarked on a new security path of dialogue rather than confrontation, partnership rather than alliance, and win-win rather than zero-sum. Over the past two years, China has issued a concept document on the Global Security Initiative, proposing more than 20 key cooperation directions such as supporting the role of the United Nations, non-proliferation, biosafety, and artificial intelligence, which have been supported and appreciated by more than 100 countries and international and regional organizations. From jointly building the "Belt and Road" to the three major global initiatives, China has actively provided international public goods to respond to global challenges. It is willing to continue to participate in international cooperation to address climate change, build more consensus around the "Global Artificial Governance Initiative", support the United Nations to hold future summits and reach a "future contract" that benefits all parties, and promote the world to a bright future of peace, security, prosperity and progress.

China, which actively advocates peace and promotes talks, demonstrates its responsibility as a major country in dealing with hot issues. China develops itself by maintaining world peace, and maintains world peace through its own development. As the largest peacekeeping troop contributor among the permanent members of the Security Council and the second largest contributor to UN peacekeeping, China has sent more than 50,000 people to participate in peacekeeping operations, and has fought for world peace in the most difficult regions in the world. We actively explore solutions to hot issues with Chinese characteristics, adhere to non-interference in internal affairs, objectivity and fairness, and address both the symptoms and root causes, and do not impose on others, seek personal gain, or add fuel to the fire. We actively worked for the cessation of war and peace talks in the Ukrainian crisis, and jointly issued the document "Consensus on the Political Settlement of the Ukrainian Crisis" with Brazil, which received positive responses from more than 100 countries; we made unremitting efforts to cease fire and cool down the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and put forward the "three-step" initiative to address the dilemma of the Gaza conflict; following the resumption of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran last year, which led to a "reconciliation wave" in the Middle East, we recently promoted the Palestinian factions to gather in Beijing for dialogue and sign the "Beijing Declaration", achieving great reconciliation and unity among 14 factions, and played a constructive role in maintaining regional peace and stability.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Next year we will usher in the 80th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the 80th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. The disaster of conflict and confrontation between major powers is not far away. The original intention of "preventing future generations from suffering from war" is worth remembering. Major powers bear key responsibilities for global strategic stability. A world of peaceful development requires a generally stable Sino-US relationship. As the world's top two economies and permanent members of the UN Security Council, if China and the United States choose peace and unity, the Cold War and hot war will not be fought; if China and the United States choose openness and cooperation, there will be hope for world development and prosperity. It is hoped that the United States will work with China in the same direction, and promote the stabilization and improvement of bilateral relations in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and be responsible to the people, the world, and the future.

We should value peace and uphold the bottom line of non-conflict and non-confrontation. Sino-US relations are already "too big to fail". The consequences of conflict and confrontation are disastrous, and both countries and the world will suffer. It is worth noting that some people are afraid of chaos in the world. For domestic political reasons, they exaggerate the "China threat" and clamor for the "axis of evil", attempt to play the "China card" to shift contradictions, and do not hesitate to push the relationship between the two countries onto the dangerous path of conflict and confrontation. China is willing to be a partner and friend of the United States, not to bet on the United States to lose, not to interfere in the internal affairs of the United States, and not to interfere in the US election. The United States should stop curbing China's development, stop interfering in China's internal affairs, stop consuming Sino-US relations in the election year, and jointly explore the correct way for China and the United States to get along in the new era.

We should prioritize stability and adhere to the principle of not making trouble or crossing the line. At present, China-US relations have generally stopped falling and stabilized, and dialogues at all levels and cooperation in various fields between the two sides have gradually resumed. The positive progress has not come easily and deserves our cherishment.The existence of differences between China and the United States is not terrible. The key is not to let the differences dominate the relationship between the two countries, nor to artificially expand or create new differences.The Taiwan issue is the first insurmountable red line in Sino-US relations, tolerating and supporting "Taiwan independence" will only bring disaster upon oneself.The Ukrainian crisis is not and should not be a problem between China and the United States, an early ceasefire is in the interests of all parties. We must manage differences with a prudent attitude, handle accidents in a calm manner, and maintain the overall stability of China-US relations.

We should base ourselves on trust and strive for the goal of more exchanges and cooperation. Last year, the two heads of state met successfully in San Francisco and reached more than 20 important consensuses in the fields of politics and diplomacy, economy and trade, finance, law enforcement and drug control, cultural exchanges, and global governance, and outlined the "San Francisco Vision" for the stable, healthy and sustainable development of China-US relations. Both sides should fulfill their respective commitments with practical actions, implement the consensus of the two heads of state without fail, strengthen dialogue in a way of mutual respect, promote cooperation in a spirit of reciprocity, and promote the "San Francisco Vision" to become a "reality". The current geopolitical tensions are like the scorching heat in Washington, while normal friendly exchanges are a little cold. I hope that everyone will work together to cool down the so-called "political correctness", heat up China-US exchanges and cooperation, and jointly promote the stability, improvement and forward-looking of China-US relations.

Now, I propose that

To celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army,

To the development of military relations between China and the United States,

To the friendship between the Chinese and American people,

For the health of all guests,
