
Back sunning is popular in the dog days! Doctors: These groups should avoid sunning


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As the dog days of summer arrive, sunbathing becomes a popular way to stay healthy online. If you search for "sunbathing" on social media, you can see many netizens sharing their own experiences of sunbathing. All you need is a mat and a flat surface to "sunbathe".

So, is sunbathing really useful? How to do it?

On July 16, a reporter from Upstream News interviewed Dr. Qian Can, a doctor from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Rheumatology and Immunology at the Southwest Hospital of the Army Medical University, regarding the issue of sunbathing that netizens are concerned about. Dr. Qian reminded that proper sunbathing is good for health, but excessive sunbathing can easily cause sunburn.

Is sunbathing useful?

Experts: Proper sun exposure is beneficial to improving physical fitness

"In traditional Chinese medicine, sunbathing the back is a traditional and effective way to maintain health." Qian Can introduced that the back is an important part of the body where the yang energy gathers, and there are two major meridians - the Governor Meridian and the Bladder Meridian. The Governor Meridian manages the yang energy of the whole body. The Bladder Meridian is a meridian that runs through the whole body from head to toe and is closely related to the twelve internal organs. Sunbathing the back can directly utilize the sun's yang energy to warm the yang and dispel cold, dredge the meridians, and remove the cold blockage in the body. The high temperature and strong sunlight during the dog days make the effect of sunbathing the back more significant.

Qian Can said that people with weak constitutions are susceptible to cold pathogens, such as catching cold easily, being afraid of cold, having rheumatoid arthritis, and having diarrhea and abdominal pain due to spleen and stomach deficiency. People with these problems can try sunbathing to relieve the symptoms of cold. For people with yang deficiency and cold constitution, sunbathing is an effective way to strengthen their constitution, promote blood circulation, and enhance the body's metabolic capacity.

In addition, drying quilts in the sun can strengthen muscles and bones, help children's growth and development, prevent osteoporosis in the elderly, and relieve anxiety.

Not everyone can post photos. Pregnant women and other groups are best not to post photos.

"Although sunbathing has many benefits, not everyone can do it." Qian Can said that sunbathing has certain effects on people with bloating, cold and dampness, but it is not advisable for people with qi and yin deficiency or yang excess to rely on sunbathing to lose weight.

Pregnant women, infants, the elderly and the weak; patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension; cancer patients who are undergoing radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc.; patients with photosensitive autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus and dermatomyositis; and patients who are allergic to ultraviolet rays should not sunbathe their backs.

How to sunbathe? Two times of the day are best to prevent heat stroke

The place for sunbathing should be in a sunny and well-ventilated place, and you should choose a comfortable position to fully expose your back to the sun. Try not to lie on the ground.

As for the sunbathing time, avoid the hot afternoon, generally choose 6 to 9, 16 to 18. The sunbathing time should not be too long, generally about 20-30 minutes.

Qian Can said that you need to wear a sun hat when sunbathing your back and avoid sunbathing your head, otherwise it is easy to get heatstroke. The sunbathing areas are mainly the muscles in the middle of the back and on both sides of the spine, which are the running areas of the Governor Vessel and the Bladder Meridian.

At the same time, Qian Can also reminded that during the sunbathing process, you should pay attention to replenishing water to avoid heatstroke or dehydration. After the sunbathing, if you sweat a lot, you should change the sweaty clothes in time and take a rest for a while. Try to avoid taking a shower, using air conditioning, or drinking cold drinks immediately to prevent catching a cold. Avoid strenuous exercise immediately.

After sun exposure, the skin may become slightly red or itchy, which will generally subside on its own. You can apply a soothing lotion for after-sun repair. If the symptoms persist or worsen, you should seek medical attention in time.

Upstream News reporter Shi Heng