
After driving the Tesla Cybertruck, I really hope everyone can try it


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At the beginning of the year, the Cybertruck off-road vehicle has begun to be delivered overseas, and many people said that it would be impossible for it to enter the country.

As a result of this exhibition tour, we actually tried it in China, and we must share it with you all.

When I touched the car, my first impression was that it was much bigger than I imagined.The vehicle is 5.6 meters long, 2.2 meters wide and 1.8 meters high.Compared with Ideal MEGA, Cybertruck is one level larger.

Just looking at the size of its front trunk, I feel like it can fit a person in there.

(The Cybertruck logo is also printed on the pad. This logo is made up of countless small welding points. It looks very cool.)

And as a pickup truck, this car of course has a rear box. Open the electric roller shutter cover, and you can see that the space inside is very large, with a depth of up to 1.8 meters and a width of 1.2 meters. It is enough to put a single bed in there, so you can just sleep when you are tired of playing.

However, with the size of Cybertruck, can you imagine how difficult it would be to park it?

Our standard parking spaces are only about 2.5 meters wide. If there are cars parked on both sides, you can't park in at all. Even if you finally get in, you can't get out of the car, so a larger space also has its own difficulties.

Of course, appearance is not the point. Take out the card key and walk directly into the car.

(As expected of a 30X stainless steel case, the door is really heavy to open)

As a Tesla, let’s not think about how many “redundant configurations” the interior has. Cybertruck is still simple in its original style. There is basically no decoration on the dashboard except for a strip of metal running across the left and right sides.

However, I really like its overall interior style, which matches the exterior design very well and is very cyber. Things like the sun visor, inside and outside rearview mirrors, and armrests are all angular in shape, and even the oval steering wheel feels a bit tough.

I can say that the whole interior looks and feels a little bit "unreal"...It's like a toy car magnified N times.

As for the leather seats, there is basically no big difference from the Edamame 3. There is a side wing wrap, but the comfort is only average.

Then between the central control and the instrument panel, it is completely hollowed out, and there is a very large storage space at the bottom, but I can’t think of what to put in it at once.

Then let’s sit in the back row and take a look.

Because of the large size of the car, the space inside the car is completely sufficient, like the neck brotherStandard 1.8 mWith my height, my head is not at all pressed against the wall in the back seat of the car, and my legs are still two or three fists away.

It can be seen that there is also a display screen here, which can adjust the air conditioning and seats. It is similar to Edamame 3 and is an old tradition of Tesla.

Of course, the most important thing is the central control screen in the front, which is completely different from the previous Edamame series. Its car interface is quite "cyber", with square icons, clean and tidy, without any unnecessary design elements.It looks like reading a data report.

All functions are fully displayed, and there is no need to open any additional menus. For example, the suspension adjustment and rear bucket switch here can be adjusted directly in one box. It is very simple and comfortable to use.

What’s also interesting is that the bottom button can also open a shortcut key settings center, which includes phone, map, Bluetooth, music, games, vehicle information, etc.

As for the operating experience, whether it is the navigation map or the car body animation,This level of fluency is really amazing.You can see this in action by watching the following demonstration.

The function of this body animation is to quickly open the front trunk, adjust the suspension height and the rear cargo box roller shutter. For a pickup truck, this operation is indeed very convenient.

andThere's an Easter egg here.Do you still remember that when the car was delivered, Lao Ma smashed the car window with an iron ball?

Just tap the car window a few more times on the model to recreate the scene and even record the laughter at that time.

Okay, let's test drive the car. Although this car is big and heavy, with a curb weight of 3 tons,But when I drive it, it feels as flexible as a 1-ton MINI., I am not exaggerating about this.

For example, in this 90-degree right-angle turn, a normal car would have to turn the steering wheel more than one circle to pass, but Cybertruck only needs to turn about 120 degrees, and it doesn’t feel heavy at all. It feels very agile and light, not like a car bigger than MEGA.

Why is it so flexible? The Cybertruck also has the rear-wheel steering we mentioned earlier.

And most importantly, he alsoSteer-by-wire, you canVariable conversion ratioThe functions are made more precise and flexible.

Anyway, after driving a few laps, Brother Neck felt really satisfied.

However, because the production of 4680 cannot keep up, the manufacturing and assembly process of 30X stainless steel is too complicated, and the cost reduction of 48v batteries is far from starting an industrial revolution, this car will definitely not be mass-produced now, and it is more like a muscle show for Tesla.

And due to the shape and materials, it does not comply with the pedestrian protection law.Even if it is mass-produced, forget about entering the Chinese market.We can only take this opportunity to give it a try.

But it has to be said that Tesla always has its own original ideas in car design, just like Ma is building cars for himself, not for the market. It may be sticking to its own opinions, or it may be leading the industry. In any case, Brother Neck appreciates this "anti-mediocrity" car-building concept.

Because breaking the rules is so fascinating.