
establish a safety management mechanism for the entire life cycle of housing


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at present, my country is promoting the establishment of urban housing physical examination, housing pension and housing insurance systems, and using the above "three systems" to build a long-term mechanism for housing safety management throughout the life cycle. experts said that this move will help improve the existing basic system of housing safety management, further improve the level of housing safety supervision, and effectively safeguard the safety of people's lives and property. at present, 22 cities including shanghai are piloting the "three systems" and have achieved initial results.

establish a mechanism to detect housing safety hazards

many of the houses we live in have entered the "middle-aged and old" stage. just as people need regular physical examinations and go to the hospital for treatment when they find physical problems, we should also conduct regular physical examinations on our houses in order to find safety hazards in time and ensure the safety of the houses. even the "young" houses now will become old houses over time, and the safety hazards will increase year by year.

the house collapse accidents that have occurred in recent years have caused great losses to people's lives and property safety, and sounded the alarm for us. if these collapsed houses could have been inspected before, and the safety hazards could have been discovered and eliminated in time, these heartbreaking accidents might not have happened. "no physical examination, no renewal." my country's urban development has entered an important period of urban renewal. ensuring the safety of buildings, facilities, houses, etc. should be put first. before implementing urban renewal, urban and house physical examinations should be carried out first to check for safety hazards and timely maintain and repair them.

housing inspection is an activity to comprehensively evaluate the safety performance of existing buildings through data verification, on-site testing, analysis and calculation. how to conduct a housing inspection?

industry experts said that the requirements for housing physical examinations will vary for houses of different construction years and functional purposes. the requirements for housing physical examinations should be higher for buildings in crowded places involving public interests and public safety, such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals, nursing homes, child welfare institutions, etc. the older the house, the higher the frequency of physical examinations should be. for houses that are more prone to safety hazards, housing physical examinations are more important. housing physical examinations should be implemented by institutions with corresponding technical conditions and technical capabilities.

some cities are actively exploring and promoting regular house inspections. according to the relevant person in charge of the xiamen housing and construction bureau, xiamen is actively exploring the method of first inspection and then physical inspection, implementing a regular inspection mechanism for house structure safety grids, carrying out monthly routine inspections and annual professional inspections of houses by category, and conducting special inspections as appropriate. full coverage inspections can collect information on the current status of houses and screen the objects for physical inspections. after the inspection, the house safety physical inspection information management system will generate a list of items to be inspected, and urge the person responsible for safety to entrust a professional organization to conduct a house safety physical inspection.

according to the relevant person in charge of ningbo housing and urban-rural development bureau, ningbo plans to conduct a comprehensive physical examination of old multi-owner houses within the urban development boundary first, and then gradually expand to public buildings and commercial self-built houses. at present, the drafting of "ningbo housing physical examination technical guidelines (draft)" has been completed, and combined with local characteristics, special physical examination indicators such as housing safety before and after typhoons and soft soil foundation safety have been added.

funding for home repairs and maintenance

the establishment of a housing pension system is one of the important means to put people first, strive to solve people’s urgent problems, and strengthen the safety management of existing houses after entering the period of urban renewal. it not only takes care of the basics, but also the long-term.

recently, the source of funds for housing pensions has aroused public concern. in this regard, the relevant person in charge of the engineering quality and safety supervision department of the ministry of housing and urban-rural development introduced that housing pensions are composed of two parts: personal accounts and public accounts. personal accounts are special housing maintenance funds paid by owners, and the payment is carried out in accordance with current regulations. special housing maintenance funds are usually paid when residents buy houses. therefore, personal accounts for housing pensions can be established directly, and residents do not need to pay additional fees for personal accounts for housing pensions.

the public account funds are special funds or emergency reserves for housing safety of urban governments, and are expenditures made by the government in fulfilling its basic public service responsibilities for housing safety management. in accordance with the principles of "taking from housing and using it for housing" and "not increasing personal burdens and not undermining personal rights and interests", the housing pension public account is established by the government. from the pilot cities, local governments can raise funds through fiscal subsidies and land transfer fees, etc. the purpose is to establish a stable channel for housing safety management funds, without requiring residents to pay extra fees and without increasing personal burdens.

what are housing pensions used for? according to relevant officials, housing pension personal accounts and public account funds jointly guarantee the safety of housing throughout its life cycle. in accordance with the management regulations for special housing maintenance funds, personal account funds are used specifically for the maintenance, renewal and renovation of common parts of residential buildings and common facilities and equipment after the warranty period expires. public account funds are mainly used for housing physical examinations and insurance expenses.

yin fei, dean and professor of the school of law at the central university of finance and economics, believes that the focus of the construction of the housing pension system is the public account. the safety hazards of my country's existing housing stock are becoming increasingly prominent, and housing safety is directly related to public safety. the establishment of a public account is to maintain public safety, to ensure the bottom line, emergency response, and long-term security, and to provide public services such as physical examinations and safety monitoring for related houses in the event of a regional accident precursor or safety hazards in unspecified houses, to provide full life cycle safety protection for houses, and to protect the personal and property safety of owners and public safety.

according to the relevant person in charge of the housing and urban-rural development bureau of xuzhou city, jiangsu province, xuzhou city has actively promoted the pilot work of housing pension. at present, public accounts and personal accounts for housing pension have been established. the funds in the public account are mainly government financial input, and the personal account is the special housing maintenance funds deposited by the owners. the personal pension accounts in the pilot area have also been established, involving a total of 242 communities.

ensuring housing safety through market-based means

the establishment of a housing insurance system will help to comprehensively protect the quality and safety of houses under normal use, natural disasters and accidents.

when a newly built house is insured with the new house quality insurance, it can provide protection for the quality problems of the foundation, main structure, insulation and waterproofing, equipment pipelines, decoration engineering, etc. within a certain period of time after the house is built. it is understood that the new house quality insurance is usually insured by the construction unit, while the existing house can be insured with the existing house safety insurance.

according to the relevant person in charge of the shanghai housing administration bureau, shanghai has implemented a safety insurance system for urban houses, which is divided into existing house safety insurance and new house quality insurance. existing house safety insurance includes main insurance and supplementary insurance, of which the main insurance includes house losses caused by the overall or partial collapse of the main structure, temporary disaster resettlement expenses, compensation for casualties, etc. new house quality insurance is insurance for potential defects in the quality of existing projects, and it is encouraged to continue to purchase insulation and waterproofing project insurance. the feasibility of introducing insurance mechanisms for the high-fall hazards of residential exterior walls and auxiliary components and the safety of elevators and fire-fighting facilities will also be studied.

in the past, in order to ensure the quality of housing construction projects, the housing and urban-rural development departments mainly strengthened supervision through administrative means, and consolidated the responsibilities of construction, survey, design, construction and supervision. after the introduction of the housing insurance mechanism, insurance institutions have become a unique force to ensure the quality of projects and housing safety through commercial and market mechanisms, which is conducive to innovating the supervision methods of project quality and safety through market-oriented means. in order to avoid frequent quality problems such as leakage and cracking in houses, or even safety accidents such as collapse, and then pay large compensation, insurance institutions have sufficient motivation to strengthen the quality risk control of insured new projects, as well as the daily inspections and safety monitoring of existing houses. in practice, some insurance institutions will take out a certain proportion of the premium and entrust third-party professional institutions to conduct regular safety monitoring of insured houses, which objectively plays an important role in ensuring the safe use of houses.

according to the relevant person in charge of the shenzhen housing and construction bureau, shenzhen has implemented risk reduction management. it has promoted insurance institutions to set up professional service teams and expert pools, entrusted third-party professional technical service institutions, distinguished different types of insurance at different stages, and adopted the "artificial + intelligent" approach to implement all-round safety guarantees such as project quality and safety inspections, housing physical examinations, dynamic safety monitoring, and curtain wall safety inspections, so as to move the thresholds for hidden danger discovery, identification, and control forward and prevent them before they happen.

to promote the construction of the three systems of housing physical examination, pension and insurance, safety responsibilities should be further implemented, including the implementation of the responsibilities of all parties for housing safety, the local government's territorial responsibility, and the clarification of the supervision responsibilities of relevant departments. a relevant person in charge of the engineering quality and safety supervision department of the ministry of housing and urban-rural development said that improving urban safety resilience depends on institutional innovation. the ministry of housing and urban-rural development will accelerate the construction of the three systems of housing physical examination, pension and insurance, summarize the replicable and popularizable experiences and models of various places, and continuously improve the existing basic system of housing safety management to protect the lives and property of the people.

(source: economic daily)