
man claims that the shared power bank map information is false, xiaodian technology: information updates may be delayed


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recently, consumer tang sen (pseudonym) reported to the paper's public interactive platform "service pai" ( that he rented a shared power bank from xiaodian technology, but due to inaccurate map information on its mini program, he was unable to return it after going to multiple return points in a row, and was eventually required to pay the maximum amount of 99 yuan by the system. "i went to multiple return points in a row, but either the charging compartment was full or there was no charging compartment at all. the mini program clearly stated that it could be returned, isn't this a scam?"
in this regard, the paper contacted xiaodian technology on september 21. the relevant staff said that the 30 yuan fee was proposed because consumers rented the power bank for too long, "if consumers can provide three proofs that they cannot return it, only the actual usage fee (about two hours) will be deducted."
consumer complaints:
tang sen said that on august 26, he was doing business on wukesong north road in haidian district, beijing, and found that his mobile phone was low on battery. after seeing the shared power bank of xiaodian technology in the chang'an store of wanda plaza, he scanned the code and rented one.
the screenshot of the rental order provided by tang sen shows that the charging standard of xiaodian technology's power bank is 4 yuan per hour. time less than one hour will be charged as one hour. the maximum time is 40 yuan per 24 hours, and the total maximum is 99 yuan.
considering that he was about to go somewhere else, tang sen specifically checked the power bank distribution map on xiaodian technology's mini program and found that there were many return points near the place he was going, so he left wanda plaza with the power bank with confidence.
xiaodian technology mini program map, showing that it can be returned.
however, when tang sen arrived at the new place of business to return the power bank, he found that the nearest return point was full. in order to return it as soon as possible, he went to a convenience store according to the map in the mini program and found that the charging bin in the store was also full.
the charging compartment is full or there is no small electric brand charging compartment.
because he couldn't return the power bank in time, tang sen contacted xiaodian technology's customer service. the customer service said that the billing could be suspended, but he needed to find a suitable return point to return the power bank within 24 hours. xiaodian technology would deduct the fee based on the actual usage time after verification. "during the suspension, the power bank was rented for a total of 2 hours and 22 minutes, and the fee was 12 yuan."
that night, tang sen discovered that there was a return point at xinhua international plaza where his company was located, so he searched everywhere in the building, but did not find xiaodian technology's charging station. the screenshots provided by tang sen showed that the above return points were all available for rent and return.
afterwards, tang sen reported the problem through alipay.
on august 27, xiaodian technology customer service called tang sen and said that he could find the location according to the map. if he returned the car within 24 hours, he would be charged for the actual two hours of use. if the return point he found could not be returned, he would need to provide three or more proofs that he could not return the car.
the recording provided by tang sen shows that during this communication, he clearly stated that he did not approve of xiaodian technology's plan and emphasized that he had previously visited three return points. "after unsuccessful communication with the other party, i was worried that the system would automatically deduct the fees, so i unlinked all the bank cards on alipay."
that afternoon, the alipay small electric charging complaint interface automatically displayed that the complaint processing had been completed.
the alipay small electric charging complaint interface automatically shows that the appeal is complete.
on september 1, tang sen received a message from sesame credit saying, "the 99 yuan consumption deduction failed, please repay as soon as possible." he then complained to 12315 and asked xiaodian technology to determine the responsibility.
12315 processing situation.
on september 12, xiaodian technology communicated with tang sen again by phone. "the other party said that because the rental time is long, if i can return it within 48 hours, a fee of 30 yuan will be charged. if i can't find the return point and can't return it, i need to provide three or more proofs that i can't return it, and the other party will help me apply for a mailing plan." tang sen said that because the mini program falsely marked the return point information, he asked for a refund of one and three compensations, "the other party said that the current plan is the best plan and can't give other compensation."
"now when i click into xiaodian technology's mini program, the payment interface pops up immediately, asking me to pay 99 yuan, and i can't jump to the map." tang sen said, "the power bank is still with me and i can't return it at all. and i don't accept the solution they proposed. i hope they can come up with a reasonable solution as soon as possible."
merchant response:
regarding this dispute, the paper contacted xiaodian technology, and the relevant staff said that due to the characteristics of shared products, the return point information may be updated with a lag. "if the customer arrives at the return point shown on the map and finds that he cannot return the item, he can provide the corresponding photos or location, and we will verify the feedback. if the information is correct, the user can return it by mail with cash on delivery."
the staff said that the 30 yuan charge proposed when communicating with consumers for the first time was due to the fact that the rental time was too long and the power bank was charged based on time, so they chose to charge part of the fee. if the consumer can provide three receipts that cannot be returned, the actual usage fee (about two hours) will be deducted and the power bank will be returned by mail.
the staff member also said that if consumers find that they cannot return the power bank, they can give feedback to customer service as soon as possible to avoid wasting time.
the paper reporter chen leizhu and intern chen shihan
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)