
big news! "20 regulations of hunan province on standardizing the operation of primary and secondary schools" released!


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in order to fully implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, vigorously develop quality education, deepen the special rectification of illegal school-running behaviors in primary and secondary schools, and improve the governance capacity of basic education, the hunan provincial department of education recently issued the "20 regulations on standardizing the school-running behaviors of primary and secondary schools in hunan province". let's learn about it together——
hunan province's 20 regulations to standardize the operation of primary and secondary schools
1. further standardize educational and teaching behaviors
1. strictly standardize teaching management.schools must strictly implement the national curriculum plan and curriculum standards, carefully formulate their own curriculum implementation plans, offer all required courses, and must not arbitrarily reduce courses such as physical education and health, art, labor, science, information technology, and comprehensive practice. schools must organize teaching in accordance with the timetable and relevant regulations. without special circumstances, the timetable must not be changed at will, and classes must not be taught ahead of schedule or beyond the syllabus. ordinary high schools must scientifically arrange the subjects taught each academic year to ensure that students complete all required courses and elective required courses, strictly manage credit recognition, implement elective classes in an orderly manner, and strengthen student development guidance.
2. strictly regulate work management.schools should establish a system for coordinating and publicizing student homework, and strictly control the total amount of written homework. no written homework will be assigned to first and second graders in primary schools, but appropriate consolidation exercises can be arranged in school. the average time for written homework for other grades in primary schools should not exceed 60 minutes per day, and for junior high school students should not exceed 90 minutes. high school students should arrange homework time reasonably. teachers should improve the quality of homework design, innovate the types of homework, encourage the assignment of tiered homework, flexible homework and personalized homework, and fully review and correct student homework. parents should not be required to correct homework, and social practice homework that is unrealistic and increases the burden on parents should not be assigned to parents or assigned in disguise. homework should not be assigned using mobile phones or required to complete homework using mobile phones. it is strictly forbidden to assign repetitive and punitive homework.
3. strictly regulate work and rest management.schools should arrange work and rest time reasonably according to different urban and rural areas and seasons. the morning class time for primary and junior high schools should not be earlier than 8:20 and 8:00. the break time between classes should not be less than 10 minutes, and the lunch break time should not be less than 90 minutes. in principle, the end time of evening self-study for boarding students should not be later than 20:30 for primary school, 21:30 for junior high school, and 22:30 for high school. schools should guide parents and students to arrange work and rest time reasonably. the bedtime for primary school students should not be later than 21:20, the bedtime for junior high school students should not be later than 22:00, and the bedtime for high school students should not be later than 23:00. primary school students should sleep 10 hours a day, junior high school students should sleep 9 hours, and high school students should sleep 8 hours a day. schools should pay attention to humanistic care, properly arrange for early and late students to enter school in time, and in principle, students' lunch break time should not be occupied for unified activities. teachers should not "drag the class" or start classes early, and ensure that students rest and do appropriate physical activities between each class to reduce static behavior.
4. strictly implement sports activities.schools should offer adequate physical education and health classes, 4 hours per week for primary school students in grades 1 to 2, 3 hours per week for grades 3 to 6 and junior high school, and 2 hours per week for senior high school. guide students to exercise scientifically and help them master 2 or more sports skills. implement the physical activity system during the big breaks, do eye exercises once in the morning and afternoon every day, and hold at least one comprehensive student sports meeting or sports festival every year. reasonably arrange the time for students' physical activities inside and outside the school, and ensure that students have 1 hour of physical activity time inside and outside the school every day.
5. strictly regulate after-school services.after-school services are limited to schools in the compulsory education stage. schools in all regions should improve the level and quality of after-school services to meet the diverse needs of students. after-school services must strictly follow the principle of voluntary participation by students. schools and teachers shall not force students to participate. schools shall not use after-school service time to organize students to practice questions and prepare for exams, teach new courses or make up lessons collectively. services provided by schools for students such as early arrival at school supervision and self-study, lunch and rest supervision, and evening self-study shall not be included in the scope of after-school services. institutions and personnel that do not meet the requirements are strictly prohibited from entering schools to provide after-school services.
6. strictly regulate the management of student books.schools in all regions must select textbooks from the catalog of textbooks for primary and secondary school teaching issued by the state and our province, and must not select textbooks or readers that are not included in the catalog. various types of special education should be integrated into the curriculum, and special textbooks or readers shall not be compiled and selected in a unified manner. strictly implement the principle of "limited grade, limited subject, limited scope, limited quantity, limited total amount" for the selection of teaching materials and the requirements of voluntary subscription, free purchase, and public disclosure; recommend extracurricular readings to students in accordance with regulations, and shall not organize unified subscriptions or force purchases. textbooks, teaching aids, reading materials and various resources entering the school shall implement "all entry must be reviewed" and "all use must be reviewed". schools shall not accept any unit or individual to illegally promote textbooks, teaching aids, reading materials and various teaching resources (including tablets, etc.), and shall not force or covertly force students to order teaching aids, reading materials and various online and offline resources in any form.
7. strictly regulate the use of electronic products.schools should strengthen the management of students' electronic products entering the school, and strictly prohibit students from bringing personal mobile phones, phone watches, learning machines, tablets and other electronic products into the classroom. those brought into the school must be kept in a unified manner, and students' call needs must be properly solved. if tablets are used for teaching purposes, the school must report to the competent education administrative department for approval, and the use of electronic products for teaching shall not exceed 30% of the total teaching time per day. educational apps that have not been registered with the education mobile internet application registration management platform shall not be used, and apps that have implanted learning content beyond the syllabus, pushed subject training advertisements, commercial advertisements and games shall not be used.
8. strictly regulate teachers’ teaching behavior.teachers should be educated and guided to strictly abide by the professional code of conduct for teachers in the new era, correctly implement educational punishment, and protect and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of students. faculty and staff should not privately occupy or deliberately destroy students' personal property, and teachers should not use the classroom and students to "attract fans" and "attract attention" online. it is strictly forbidden to impose corporal punishment, disguised corporal punishment, and other acts that insult personal dignity on students. it is strictly forbidden to discriminate against students from disadvantaged groups or ignore or condone student bullying.
2. further standardize the enrollment and class organization behavior
9. strictly regulate enrollment behavior.adhere to the simultaneous enrollment of public and private schools to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to enter school. compulsory education schools implement the policy of free admission to nearby schools and lottery admission for overcrowded schools. it is strictly forbidden to organize various examinations for the purpose of selecting students, or to use various competition certificates, social training results, and test certificates as the basis for enrollment. ordinary high schools enroll students based on the results of the junior high school academic level examination and the results of comprehensive quality evaluation. adhere to local enrollment. it is not allowed to enroll students beyond the plan, enroll students in advance, or enroll students with sports and arts expertise and minor languages ​​in violation of regulations. it is strictly forbidden to enroll students across regions in violation of regulations. it is strictly forbidden for schools to enroll students in violation of regulations in disguise by organizing or participating in training courses (summer camps), using intermediary agencies, training institutions, and individuals. it is strictly forbidden for schools to publish enrollment advertisements without authorization or to compete for students by means of high material rewards, tuition reduction, etc. it is strictly forbidden to collect various fees linked to enrollment or donate to support education. it is strictly forbidden for public ordinary high schools to enroll repeaters.
10. strictly regulate class organization behavior.compulsory education schools should balance class organization and resource allocation. they should not set up key classes and non-key classes in the school under any name. it is recommended to use computers to randomly organize classes. it is strictly forbidden to organize key classes and specialty classes based on students' awards, competitions and test scores. ordinary high schools are encouraged to balance class organization.
11. strictly regulate student registration management.schools in all regions must handle the registration and change of student status for primary and secondary school students in a timely and accurate manner in accordance with regulations to ensure that "persons and student status are consistent and student status follows the person". students' transfers must be strictly managed. students who do not meet the transfer conditions or fail to comply with the approval procedures must not be transferred for any reason. students' student status files must not be transferred in violation of regulations, and students' student status information must not be changed or processed without authorization. the confidentiality system for student status must be strictly implemented to prevent the leakage and abuse of student status information.
3. further standardize the conduct of supplementary classes
12. strictly regulate the organization of supplementary classes.schools are strictly prohibited from arbitrarily adjusting statutory holidays and holiday closing times, organizing students to attend classes collectively during holidays (including weekends and summer and winter vacations), or organizing collective classes or examinations in disguised forms such as making up for the difference or cultivating excellence. if the class hours are delayed due to the establishment of test sites such as the middle school entrance examination, the college entrance examination, and the academic examination, the school can make up for the actual hours during the holidays or summer and winter vacations during the semester after reporting to the competent education administrative department for approval and filing, and no fees may be charged. schools are not allowed to jointly organize training courses with social training institutions, participate in the establishment of off-campus training institutions, rent or lend campuses and school buildings to social forces for paid classes, select teachers, and organize students to make up for classes at social training institutions. it is strictly prohibited for in-service teachers to participate in off-campus training and engage in paid tutoring and raising children in violation of regulations. ordinary high schools are strictly prohibited from jointly conducting paid training in small languages ​​and sports and arts courses with off-campus training institutions.
4. further standardize examination evaluation
13. strictly regulate examination management.all local schools must strictly follow national regulations to organize examinations, strictly control the number of examinations, improve the quality of examination questions, and must not organize examinations in violation of regulations, or organize regional or cross-school examinations for all grades of primary schools and non-graduation grades of junior high schools. compulsory education academic quality monitoring shall be conducted by subject sampling, and unified examination papers shall not be used for unified examinations. schools are strictly prohibited from conducting examinations in conjunction with off-campus training institutions.
14. strictly regulate evaluation management.schools in all regions shall not rank schools or issue enrollment targets based on enrollment rates; they shall not organize publicity or hype about top scorers in the college entrance examinations and high-scoring students and enrollment rates; it is strictly forbidden to persuade students with learning difficulties to give up the exam in pursuit of enrollment rates, excellence rates, and pass rates. schools should use the test results reasonably and inform students and parents in an appropriate manner. it is strictly forbidden to adjust the class and seat arrangement of students based on the test results. it is necessary to further improve the implementation methods of comprehensive quality evaluation, effectively reduce the burden on students and parents to upload materials, and strictly prohibit schools and teachers from colluding with off-campus institutions to force or induce students to participate in paid practical activities.
v. further standardize the management of school activities
15. strictly regulate activities on campus.all localities must implement the "hunan province primary and secondary school teacher burden reduction list" (xiang office [2020] no. 19) and the white list of supervision, inspection, evaluation, and on-campus activities, strictly control all kinds of supervision, inspection, evaluation, demonstration, publicity and education activities for primary and secondary schools, and must not force primary and secondary schools to arrange activities and work that are not related to education and teaching. campus activities organized by education administrative departments and schools must follow the laws of education and teaching, conform to the physical and mental characteristics of students, and be conducive to promoting the all-round development of students. any activities that affect the normal education and teaching of the school, promote bad value orientations, and contain commercial behaviors are not allowed to enter the campus. strictly manage the activities of traffic stars entering the campus to prevent students from chasing stars and cheering. primary and secondary schools are strictly prohibited from introducing third-party institutions to promote services or products to students without the approval of the education department. schools and teachers are strictly prohibited from recommending to students or parents the official accounts, apps, and mini-programs of third-party institutions that have not been approved by the education department, and forcing or covertly forcing recommendations, hints, and inducement for students and parents to purchase designated products or services. it is necessary to strengthen the management of activities such as non-school personnel entering the campus to visit, study, inspect, and express condolences, strictly control the scope and duration of activities, and not affect the normal teaching of the school or increase the burden on teachers and students.
16. strictly regulate all types of competitions and research and practice activities.schools in all regions shall not organize or host social competitions or organize students to participate in any competitions other than those listed by the national and provincial education administrative departments, shall not provide venues, funds and other conditions for illegal competitions, and shall not "use competitions to promote (or sell on behalf of)" any materials and goods. it is strictly forbidden to organize students to participate in commercial celebrations, opening ceremonies and other activities. schools shall carry out research and practice in accordance with regulations, select qualified bases (camps) and hosting institutions, and shall not arbitrarily change the approval content such as activity time, location, out-of-town personnel, and funding sources.
vi. further standardize the management of home-school contact
17. strictly regulate the communication between home and school.schools should regulate the release and management of information in parent communication groups. it is strictly forbidden for schools and teachers to release information such as grade rankings, student performance in school, advertisements, requests for help, and donations through wechat groups, qq groups, and dingtalk groups, and to require parents to send red envelopes, swipe greetings, and like, and to collect various insurance premiums, donations, and other living service fees. teachers should respect students' privacy and must not disseminate information such as students' family backgrounds and physical conditions. schools are strictly prohibited from organizing parents to participate in various live lectures and online training courses that have not been reviewed by the education department.
18. strictly regulate the management of parent administrative departments and schools at all levels should effectively strengthen the leadership of the work of parent committees, and promote and guarantee the healthy development of parent committees. parent committees are elected by the school and parents in accordance with certain democratic procedures, and members of parent committees shall not be appointed by schools or teachers. schools should strengthen guidance on the performance of duties of parent committees, ensure that parent committees effectively participate in school management and education, and ensure that parent committees carry out their work in accordance with laws, regulations, and in an orderly and effective manner. parent committees should play an active role in supporting the work of schools, and shall not engage in matters unrelated to their functions, and are strictly prohibited from organizing activities that violate discipline, regulations, and laws. if there are any charges in the name of parent committees, it will be deemed as illegal charges by the school and the relevant leaders and teachers will be held accountable.
vii. further strengthen the governance of illegal school operations
19. establish a supervision and notification system for violations of school operation regulations.the provincial department of education will promptly collect, organize, and transfer clues to illegal school operations reflected in various petition platforms and channels. for clues with clear directions, a clue transfer form will be sent; for clues of illegal school operations with clear problems, serious nature, bad impact, untimely rectification, and repeated problems, a problem supervision form will be sent, and a copy will be sent to the discipline inspection and supervision departments for investigation and punishment. the clues of problems reflected by the "national primary and secondary school management service platform" will be sent to all localities through the monitoring platform. all localities should strengthen the supervision and implementation of clues, do a good job in investigation, verification, rectification, feedback, etc., and report the results of the handling on time. the provincial department of education will follow up and regularly report on the standardized school operation, problem verification, supervision and rectification, and actual results in various places. at the same time, all localities should establish a corresponding inspection and reporting system to urge schools to run schools in a standardized manner.
20. strengthen accountability.the accountability for illegal school-running behavior is subject to hierarchical management. if the county, city or district education department violates the regulations, the municipal and prefectural education department shall order it to make corrections, issue a notice of criticism, and cancel its qualification for annual assessment and evaluation at the municipal and prefectural levels and above; if the school violates the regulations, the education administrative department shall order it to make corrections, and give it administrative punishments such as criticism, revocation of educational honorary titles, reduction of enrollment plans, and suspension of enrollment depending on the circumstances; if teachers and management staff violate the regulations, the education administrative department or the school shall order it to make corrections, and give it administrative punishments such as criticism, warnings, demerits, demotion, and transfer from the job position depending on the circumstances. for regions and schools that fail to hold them accountable and fail to take effective measures to stop and correct illegal school-running behavior, the higher-level education department shall notify the local government and set a deadline for correction, and at the same time link it with evaluation and evaluation, funding allocation, project arrangements, etc.
provincial department of education supervision telephone: 0731-82204148