
unlocking the "lunch break lying down" requires strengthening government coordination


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in september this year, the first local standard for lunch break equipment and facilities in primary and secondary schools in china, "standards for the equipment and facilities for lunch breaks in primary and secondary schools" (hereinafter referred to as "standards"), was implemented in shenzhen. the standard sets standardized requirements for the safety, environmental performance, comfort and other factors of lunch break equipment and facilities such as mattresses, sleeping bags, desks and chairs, and folding cabinet beds, thereby comprehensively regulating the lunch break equipment and facilities market, preventing products with safety hazards from entering campuses, and improving the environment and quality of students' lunch breaks.
in recent years, the issue of lunch breaks for primary and secondary school students has attracted much attention. due to limited conditions, many schools can only let children sleep on their desks. this not only affects the quality of the nap, but may also affect the health of children. therefore, it is indeed of practical significance to ensure that children have the nap time they deserve and realize the transition from "sleeping on their stomachs" to "sleeping lying down". against this background, the introduction of a special "specification" to standardize equipment such as nap mattresses and folding cabinet beds can be regarded as an important supporting work. from a national perspective, actions in this regard have been gradually launched in many places. for example, binjiang district of hangzhou is currently promoting research on relevant specifications.
taking into account the differences in actual conditions, various places have actively explored local standards for students' "lying down for lunch breaks", which reflects pragmatism. on the one hand, it can provide schools with accurate scientific references for selecting standardized lunch break equipment. as public reports show, many schools across the country have launched "reclining" desks and chairs on campus to create a more comfortable nap condition for children. with the standards for lunch break equipment, schools can have better references when equipping them, thus realizing the transformation from "from nothing to something" to "from something to excellence". on the other hand, the introduction of standards is also conducive to stimulating the enthusiasm of related companies for research and development and production, improving the standardization of lunch break equipment production, providing schools with more humane choices, and reducing the unit price of equipment through large-scale production.
however, it should also be noted that the introduction of relevant standards is only the first step. accelerating the promotion of "reclining" lunch break equipment that meets standards and specifications into campuses is a more important action. behind this, there is the issue of sharing expenses and costs. this will inevitably require all localities to strengthen government-level coordination and provide necessary financial guarantees for the equipment. for example, some places have included the introduction of "reclining" desks and chairs into campuses in the list of key livelihood projects, supporting qualified regions to take the lead in trialing and equipping newly built, renovated and expanded primary and secondary schools with "reclining" nap desks and chairs; some have clearly stated that they will implement the "lunch break lying down" project for primary and secondary schools as an action to promote large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones. it should be said that these exploratory actions are worthy of reference and reference by more places.
of course, how to make students "lie down and sleep during lunch breaks" can be more in line with local actual conditions. for example, in response to the suggestion submitted by the national people's congress representatives to implement the "comfortable lying down and sleeping" project for lunch breaks in primary and secondary schools as soon as possible across the country, the ministry of education once emphasized in its reply that "guide, encourage and support places with conditions, coordinate existing school conditions and facilities and equipment, and create conditions for students' lunch breaks according to local conditions." some schools open multi-purpose rooms, reading rooms, gymnasiums and other places to students during lunch breaks and equip them with lunch break facilities; some schools install wall-mounted folding storage bed cabinets around the classrooms to improve students' sleeping conditions... these diversified actions naturally have different requirements for lunch break equipment. therefore, local areas may wish to explore in accordance with local conditions in terms of standard setting, facility configuration, and funding guarantees based on their own actual conditions.
but what is certain is that in order to truly enable all primary and secondary school students to achieve the transition from "sleeping on their stomachs" to "sleeping lying down" during lunch breaks as soon as possible, the government should strengthen overall planning and provide sufficient supporting support and encouragement. this is a major educational event and a matter of people's livelihood, and it is worth it for all regions to create conditions and work hard to follow up. (author: ren ran is a media commentator)