
why is india so angry?


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isn’t this a scary tycoon when you think about it?

text | haishangke

india is angry!


two things -

first, iran’s supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei listed india, the gaza strip in palestine and myanmar as places where muslims are suffering. the indian government immediately responded by saying that the remarks made by ayatollah ali khamenei on the social media platform x were “unacceptable” and “strongly condemned”. this happened on september 16.

khamenei photo: information

the second is about "indian ammunition entering ukraine, causing anger in russia". according to the global times, citing reuters, the indian ministry of foreign affairs issued a strong condemnation of this. this incident happened after september 19.

in hai shu's opinion, the two events seem to be unrelated, but the indian ministry of foreign affairs' consecutive strong responses are still worth watching! this clearly shows the many threads in the international community at present. the myriad threads have penetrated into india's "needle eye" and caused some consequences.

india itself is a regional power and a country with rapid economic growth in recent years. it has surpassed its former colonial master, britain, to become the world's fifth largest economy. in the past, india relied more on russia in geopolitics and military fields. but in recent years, india has turned to the united states and the west for help in trade, industrial contracting, and military affairs.

in itself, this is understandable.

india wants to realize its dream of becoming a powerful country, and of course it wants to gain benefits from all over the world while maintaining its own invincibility, including cooperation with china in the brics and other areas.

indian prime minister modi photo: information

specifically on the issue of the russia-ukraine conflict, indian prime minister modi has visited moscow and kiev successively, and seems to be eager to take a different path from the west in mediating the russia-ukraine conflict.

but at present, although both russian president putin and ukrainian president zelensky received modi, especially during modi's stay in kiev, he hugged zelensky seven times in just four hours, the russian-ukrainian conflict has not been resolved.

of course, india is definitely not that “blade”!


at present, what makes india particularly angry is the reuters report:

"government and defense industry officials in india and europe have revealed that artillery shells sold by indian arms manufacturers have been transferred to ukraine by european customers. despite repeated protests from moscow, new delhi has not stepped in to block the transactions."

the international community should know that india's previous position on the russia-ukraine conflict was generally neutral and advocating peace. although india sent representatives to the first ukraine peace summit, prime minister modi himself did not attend. india's signature was not seen in the joint statement of the peace summit.

screenshot of global times quoting reuters report

international import and export data show that india was the largest buyer of russian oil in july this year.

at this time, western media reported that the ukrainian army was using indian-made weapons and ammunition to attack the russian army, and also said that russian foreign minister lavrov had protested in person during a meeting with indian foreign minister subrahmanyam jaishankar in july this year.kremlinthe united states has protested to india at least twice.

what does this mean?

is it to force india to stop importing oil from russia, get rid of its ostensibly neutral stance as soon as possible, and instead be drawn into the western stance and camp in the russia-ukraine conflict?

india seemed to have discovered that the west was playing a game of camp confrontation, so it protested and condemned it, saying explicitly: "the content of reuters is speculative and misleading!"

what is "speculative and misleading"? it simply means that reuters is spreading rumors based on false information, or using lies to trap india!

hai shu wants to say that in the battlefield of the russian-ukrainian conflict, various propaganda materials were written on the shells, including various text versions. this is not for fun, but through the propaganda of some western media, some countries and entities are forced to follow the rhythm of the united states and the west. and once they follow this rhythm, will they lose their own interests? in fact, what they want is to drag others into the water if they cannot achieve their goals. as for the consequences of those who are dragged into the water, they think, there is only one word - who cares!


so, did india deliver weapons and ammunition to the ukrainian army?

in fact, even the statement of indian officials disclosed by reuters is credible. he said, "new delhi has only produced a small amount of ammunition used by ukraine. this amount is less than 1% of the total amount of weapons imported by kiev since the outbreak of the russian-ukrainian conflict. customs records show that in the two years before the outbreak of the russian-ukrainian conflict, india exported $2.8 million worth of ammunition parts to italy, the czech republic, spain and slovenia. from february 2022 to july 2024, this figure increased to $135 million. in addition to parts, india has also begun to export finished ammunition."

the meaning of this statement is very simple. before the russian-ukrainian conflict, india exported ammunition to some nato countries. this is a normal military trade business. however, after the outbreak of the russian-ukrainian conflict, this normal military trade business continued and even increased in amount!

vucic photo: information

this is just like before, when the british media broke the news that serbia had exported $855 million worth of ammunition to a third western country, and these ammunition flowed to the ukrainian army and hit the russian positions!

in fact, serbian president vucic had to respond that his country's companies were fulfilling production contracts. "we cannot export weapons and ammunition to the warring parties - ukraine and russia, but we have many contracts with the united states, spain, the czech republic and other countries. how they deal with these ammunition in the end is their job." vucic also said that serbia needs orders to ensure economic recovery.

the problem india faces is almost identical to that of serbia, namely -

it has a weapons and ammunition supply contract with the west, and its own factories produce and export these ammunitions, which is nothing more than fulfilling the contract.

india seems to be much more confident than serbia. its ministry of foreign affairs spokesman randhir jaiswal said in a statement: "the reuters report implies that india has violated regulations, but in fact there is no violation of any regulations, so the report is incorrect and malicious."

the meaning is also very clear. for example, a person selling kitchen knives meets a buyer who is a wealthy family in the village. should he sell the knife or not? after thinking about it, he realized that there are people at home who need to eat and drink, so of course he should make some money first. but the wealthy family who bought the knife handed the knife to his younger brother who was fighting. then he spread the word that the knife was given away from a certain family.

isn’t this a scary tycoon when you think about it?