
"bigwigs" from all walks of life gathered in chongqing to discuss the development of new quality productivity of automobiles


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on september 20, the automotive new quality productivity development forum was held in chongqing. representatives from national ministries and commissions, regional governments, industry experts, and corporate executives discussed the new features, new hot spots, and new pain points in the development of automotive new quality productivity.
china's smart electric vehicles account for 60% of the global market share
zuo shiquan, chief engineer of the equipment industry development center of the ministry of industry and information technology, said that intelligent connected new energy vehicles, as a strategic emerging industry in my country, integrate new technologies such as new energy, new materials, new generation information technology, and advanced manufacturing. they use scientific and technological innovation to open up new tracks, create new momentum, and form new advantages. they are a typical representative and important engine of new quality productivity.
in july this year, the penetration rate of domestic new energy passenger vehicles exceeded 50%, further proving that my country's new energy vehicles and technological innovation have achieved new advantages in leading global development, becoming a new driving force for high-quality development, and forming an industrial chain ecology and new quality productivity with advanced technology, complete industrial chain, and strong international competitiveness.
liu mingshen, deputy director of the information technology and industry development department of the national information center, shared the same sentiment. he said that after 2020, china's new energy vehicle market has entered an accelerated development stage. in the past few years, the penetration rate was below 5%, while from january to august this year, the penetration rate increased to 49.3%, which is far higher than the medium- and long-term development plan target for new energy vehicles. at present, the overall domestic automobile market is experiencing negative growth, but the growth rate of new energy vehicles has reached 33%.
liu ming pointed out that one of the important features of the current development of the new energy vehicle field is that the transitional technology route continues to maintain rapid growth. from january to august this year, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles increased by 7.7 percentage points, of which pure electric vehicles increased by 0.6%, hybrid vehicles increased by 5%, and extended-range vehicles increased by 2.1%. plug-in hybrid vehicles have a rapid growth trend.
"in addition, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles of different brands has increased, while the penetration rate of different models has decreased. among them, domestic brands have reached 67%, luxury cars have 28%, and joint venture brands have less than 7%." liu ming said that china's smart electric vehicles have also reached more than 60% of the global market share, but in terms of brand overseas influence, there is still a gap between domestic brands and global brands in japan and germany, and there is still great potential to be tapped in the future.
zuo shiquan also pointed out that the development of the automotive industry is still facing some difficulties and challenges. for example, there are still shortcomings in automotive chips and basic software; with the accelerated development of new technologies such as the new generation of electric batteries, disorderly competition has emerged in the market; the abuse of protection measures internationally has affected the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain. these all require the industry to study carefully and jointly respond to and solve them.
focus on business models to promote industrial innovation
cheng bo, dean of tsinghua university suzhou automotive research institute and deputy director of the state key laboratory of automotive safety and energy conservation, said that to promote the development of new quality automotive productivity, it is not enough to have only products and supply chain ecology, but also hard-core technology and high-end brands, which cannot be separated from the support of the industrial innovation system.
cheng bo gave an example. ten years ago, tsinghua university decided to set up some research institutes for specific industries in economically developed and industrially close regions to promote the industrialization of technology, provide high-end services, and explore new industrial directions and the cultivation of industrial ecology. the general policy is demand-oriented, innovation-driven, financially boosted, and market-oriented. after the establishment of the institute, it cooperated with the government to establish a research and development platform, a product verification platform, an investment platform, and a business incubation platform. over the past decade, tsinghua university suzhou automotive research institute has transformed hundreds of high-tech achievements and incubated more than 200 technology companies, including many listed companies and companies to be listed.
cheng bo emphasized that no matter how big or small a product is, it is not possible to create it with a single technology. after the functions are completed, various technologies need to be superimposed in terms of performance and environmental suitability. after the technologies are integrated, they must also be easy to manufacture and have reliable quality. "after the technology is commercialized, the problem of technology capitalization must be solved, because start-ups do not have funds of their own. to truly turn a product into a commodity, it is not enough to have technology and products alone. it is necessary to integrate and exchange interests with the market, talents, resources and other aspects to build a business model."
the core of innovation is talent. in the view of yang zhiming, a special researcher at the state council counselor's office and president of the china labor society, in the context of digital intelligence empowering the automotive industry, the demand for talent in the automotive industry is shifting from quantity to quality, and from unlimited supply to limited supply. a large number of new generations are engaging in new modern service formats such as the internet of vehicles. he suggested that the vitality of talent in the digital intelligence empowerment automotive industry should be fully stimulated through institutional and mechanism innovation.
state-owned enterprises need to accelerate their transformation to the new
ji xiaonan, former chairman of the supervisory board of key state-owned large enterprises of the state council, said that state-owned automobile companies are an important force in my country's automobile industry, and state-owned enterprises should play a leading role in developing new quality productive forces.
ji xiaonan introduced that according to relevant data, there are 35 domestic automobile factories in my country, 8 state-owned automobile enterprises, and 3 managed by the state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of the state council, namely china faw, dongfeng motor, and chongqing changan automobile under china north industries group. in recent years, china faw, dongfeng, and changan have attached great importance to the development of new energy vehicles, and will complete a total direct investment of nearly 36 billion yuan in new energy vehicles in 2023. among them, changan invested 10 billion yuan to build and put into production the chongqing yubei new energy vehicle production base, which has reached world-class levels in design, technology, equipment, and manufacturing. however, it is worth noting that the current new energy penetration rate of the three major central enterprises in the whole vehicle industry is relatively low.
"from the perspective of state-owned assets supervision, the main purpose is to encourage enterprises to innovate boldly and remove some institutional and mechanism barriers that affect high-quality development." ji xiaonan said that at present, state-owned automobile companies are not developing fast enough in the new energy vehicle business, so it is necessary to conduct targeted assessments. faced with the rapid development of new energy vehicles, state-owned automobile companies must accelerate the strategic shift of state-owned automobile companies to win a considerable share in the competition for new energy vehicles, give full play to the advantages of the state-owned assets system in concentrating resources to run automobile companies, actively promote the construction of state-owned automobile companies' innovation consortiums, and continue to promote the reorganization and integration of state-owned automobile company resources. in addition, it is also necessary to improve the original innovation system arrangements of state-owned automobile companies and boldly stimulate a strong atmosphere of innovation in state-owned automobile companies.