
there is only one month left before the physical fitness test for the senior high school entrance examination. how can primary school students with mediocre physical fitness get full marks?


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last year, the new physical education middle school entrance examination reform was implemented across the country.this article will take beijing as an example to talk about the changes and the experiences of those who have gone through it.

according to the new physical education reform of beijing middle school entrance examination,the physical education process assessment scores from elementary school to junior high school will be converted into 10 points and included in the junior high school entrance examination scores.

this makes the importance of physical examination in primary schools self-evident.

becauseit's easy to do the math:in the high school entrance examination, every extra point in chinese, math and english requires great effort. however, if you work hard in physical education, it is not difficult to get full marks in primary school.

that being said,parents don’t need to be too anxious about this because:

  • primary school physical education process assessment, finallyafter the scores are added according to the weights, the total score only needs to be above 80 points., even iffull marks;

  • each item has additional points.directly add to total scorelast year, a child got more than ten extra points just by skipping rope;

  • last november, the beijing education examination authority announced the "beijing compulsory education physical education and health assessment and evaluation on-site examination scoring standards (trial)", based on the principle of reducing anxiety and improving physical fitness.the 30 points for the on-site examination of the high school entrance examination were also adjusted to a more reasonable"achieving good is a full score."

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the original intention of including physical education scores in the high school entrance examination wasthe purpose is to increase the importance of physical exercise rather than simply torturing parents and children.

of course, parents still hope to make use of the last your child improve his or her grades as much as possible.

we exclusively interviewed two haidian parents and summarized their experiences last year.experience the physical examinationoftraining experience + exam tips.

these two caring parents,they share their best-kept experiences and many practical tips that cannot be found anywhere else.

both children were average in sports, but in the end they both scored over 80 points, which was considered a full score.

since the article is long and contains a lot of useful information, we have set up atable of contents

  1. analysis of fraction rules.

  2. how to allocate the focus of intensive practice for ordinary children?

  3. is the in-person exam more rigorous than usual?

  4. what are some useful short-term scoring techniques?

  5. pitfalls to avoid and things to note on exam day.

  6. do i need to enroll in a class?

  7. analysis of policies and future trends.

primary school physical education processtestscore rules

wen yan: primary school physical education processtestscore ruleshow is it? please analyze it.

xiaoqi's mother:

the assessment items for the fourth and sixth grades are very similar. for example, the fourth grade includes:body mass index(BMI), vital capacity, sit-ups,seated forward bend, skipping rope and 50-meter sprint, a total of 6 items.

the sixth grade has one more50m shuttle run 8 times

👆photo provided by the interviewee

but these six tests,the weight of each item is different:for exampleforward bendthe weight is relatively high, accounting for 20%, while the weight of sit-ups in the fourth grade is only 10%.

it should be noted that:the maximum score for the physical education exam for fourth graders is actually 120 points, which is divided into 100 standard points and 20 bonus points.

total score of student physical test (120 points)= standard score (100 points) + additional score (20 points)

the standard score of 100 points is calculated by multiplying the scores of individual subjects by the weights, and then summing them up to get a total score.

the 20 additional pointsall of them were won by skipping rope.

our goal is not to achieve 100 or 120 points, but to get the child to 80 points.(including bonus points)that's it.

because according to the new high school entrance examination physical education score rules,for students in the fourth and sixth grades of primary school who can achieve 80 points or above, the "process points" will be converted into 10 points., included in the total score of physical education in the senior high school entrance examination.

assuming that a child gets 110 points, it is actually converted into 10 points, which means that the extra points are "wasted".

of course, if a child only scored 75 points, then the "process score" of the high school entrance examination would be converted to 8.5 points. considering that most children scored a full 10 points,this 1.5 point difference needs to be made up by cultural courses.

soit is very important to do well in physical education and get process points.

children who are mediocre in sports,
how to distribute trainingpractice key points

wen yan: if the child is normalsports in general, how should we allocate training focus?

xiaoqi's mother:

first, skipping rope is the key to "getting points".

because the individual scores need to be weighted after they are released, but the extra points for skipping rope do not need to be weighted.

for example, in the forward bend test, one child scored a full 100 points, while the other child only scored 80 points, a difference of 20 points.

the weight of this item is 20%. after weighting, one child gets 20 points and the other child gets 16 points, so the difference between them is only 4 points.

as long as the boys can jump more than 137 times, they can get 1 point for every two extra jumps, and 40 extra jumps can add up to 20 points. so the child who is not good at forward bends only needs to jump 145 times to make up the 4 points he missed.

👆photo provided by the interviewee

so my family’s strategy is:

practice skipping rope hard and try to get all 20 extra points; for items that you are not good at, such as the 50-meter run, it is really difficult to improve the scores, and the child’s stability is also poor, so set a lower standard when practicing and aim for 80 points.

this balance can ensure good results.

secondlyparents can refer to the score table below based on their children’s actual situation in advance and set a reasonable and clear goal for their children.

👆photo provided by the interviewee

take my family as an example. when xiaoqi first started doing forward bend, he could only push 3 or 4 centimeters. later, after practicing slowly, he could push it to 12 or 13 centimeters.

according to the score table above, we can see that 13.6 cm corresponds to 90 points, 11.7 cm corresponds to 85 points, and after practice, xiaoqi can push it to 13.2 cm most of the time, which is between 85 and 90 points.

the goal i set for him was 13.6 cm.on the one hand, this is easy for him to achieve; on the other hand, he only needs to work a little harder to jump from 85 points to 90 points, which is more "cost-effective". if the goal is to get full marks, then it will inevitably require very hard work, and the cost-effectiveness is not high.

praise dad:

we alsothe strategy adopted is to play to one's strengths and avoid one's weaknesses. this strategy is still very effective.

my daughter is relatively small and does not have strong explosive power, so it is definitely difficult for her to make significant improvements in subjects related to her physical conditions, such as the 50-meter run, in a short period of time, so we don't force it.

butfor items like skipping rope that can get extra points, the key is

pictureforward bends, sit-ups, these can improve performance through practice, so i will put more energy into practicing.

will the exam site be stricter than school?

wen yan: do ordinary children and those from poor families have an easy life?

xiaoqi's motheras far as i know, all the children in the class passed.

praise dad: the teacher said that everyone in the class passed, including a child who was usually overweight and had a weak constitution. he should have passed with a score of 80 this time.

wen yan:youdo you think the exam is as strict as previously rumored online?

xiaoqi's mother

the situation may be different in each district and each year.

we were very nervous before.but the actual test is not as strict as it is said on the internet.

for example, i heard before that the skipping rope must be prepared uniformly in the examination room.i feel this rule is not reasonable because the heights of fourth graders vary greatly.even if you prepare different skipping ropes, it is difficult to expect children to adjust to the appropriate length by themselves.

but the real testwhen the students were informed to bring their own skipping ropes, so we brought a skipping rope that we usually use for practice and is more convenient to use.

there are also many rumors on the internet.the projects will be scored by machine, but in reality they are not as exaggerated and harsh as what is said on the internet.what we experiencedsit-ups are counted manually.when skipping rope, two teachers count at the same time. i wonder if it will be changed to a machine in 24 years.

praise dad

zanzan's 50-meter sprint performance was not very good.maybe he only scored more than 60 points on the spot,but she made up for it by skipping rope,at lastthe total score is still just over 100.

as for whether it is strict or not, i understand that the situation in each district may be different.

for example, a relative's child lives in shijingshan district. i heard that the school uses machines to count when they practice sit-ups every day to ensure that each movement is more standardized. i wonder if some areas will still use machines to count during actual tests.

wen yan: your children’s physical fitness test scores were all over 100 points. were they good at sports before?

xiaoqi's mother

xiaoqi is not very good at forward bends. at the beginning of training, he could only push three or four i set goals step by step. if i say from the beginning that the child must get 100 points, the pressure will be very great.but i found that this can be improved through continuous practice.

in addition,he was considered overweight before, so there will be problems with the bmiafter the summer training, i lost a lot of weight, from being overweight to normal, but still on the edge, so i think physical exercise is still effective for children's health.

praise dad

great sit-ups. i could only do less than 20 before., often i couldn’t finish it in a minute and would be too tired to lie there.

we sent her back to her hometown during the summer vacation. her grandmother was quite strict.i watched her practice every night for more than a month, and she actually got 40 points on the completely exceeded our expectations.

i think the biggest benefit of practicing is thatlet her know that she can persevere by gritting her teeth, instead of giving up halfway.

in addition, zanzan's body was relatively stiff, and when she started to bend forward, she could only push a few centimeters. i found a video online that taught how to bend fact, it is necessary to train the upper limbs, waist and lower limbs to stretch separately.for example, i would stretch after every physical education class or play. after two or three months of practice, i saw obvious progress.

i like the 50-meter run. i didn't do well in the end, but it's hard to force it.. i didn't put any pressure on her.

share a few shortsuggestions for improving scores

wen yan: before the physical testany suggestions for improving your scores in the short term?

xiaoqi's mother

parents should develop a feasible strategy based on their children’s characteristics in advance.

i think it is more cost-effective to practice skipping rope because it can make up for other poor skills.if your child is already good at skipping rope,you should jump every day when the exam is approaching, it is important to maintain the feel.

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forward bends and sit-ups also need to be practiced continuously., because no matter how good you are, if you don’t practice for a period of time, you may regress.

but you don’t have to do the same thing.for example, when practicing forward bends, you can actually do stretching exercises that reach your toes. for sit-ups, you can practice plank support, or lie flat and lift your legs to exercise the core strength of your abdomen.

praise dad

in terms of exam preparation, there will be a test in october.parents need to teach their children some skillsit is still possible to improve your score quickly.

for example, in the 50-meter race, many children actually have problems with starting and sprinting.

for example, when it comes to lung capacity testing, my colleague's child thought that he should hold back a breath and not blow it all the way. zanzan has a classmate who only blows a little bit at a time - these are things that teachers can easily overlook, so i suggest that parents provide personalized guidance.

in addition, it is recommended that parents personally take their children to complete all the test items.if you practice it yourself, you will immediately find many problems.

for example, i discovered that when zaza was running, she didn't know how to sprint at all. when she saw the finish line, she thought she could stop and slowed down. after correcting this problem, she was able to run faster.

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take an examprecautions

wen yan: what are the pitfalls to avoid and what are the precautions to take on the exam day?

xiaoqi's mother

physical education tests are generally not conducted on campus, and students have to take a bus to a unified testing site.

i heard that many children have to take a long bus ride to get to the examination center.therefore, it is a challenge for children who are prone to motion sickness, and parents should prepare motion sickness medicine in advance.

in addition,don't eat too much for breakfast to prevent nausea after the ride

my little sevenweight is always on the edge, so he didn't eat much that day.i also told my children not to gulp down water during breaks in exams or tests, but to drink it in small sips.

wen yan: do i need to bring anything on the day of the physical examination?

praise dad: we only brought a skipping rope, and the water was prepared by the school, we didn’t bring anything else.

xiaoqi's mother

we brought skipping ropes, water, and foods like chocolate and energy bars that don't count and can quickly replenish calories.

the weather is getting cooler now, so i thinkstudents who are taking the physical examination in october are advised to bring a coat, wear thick outer clothes and thin inner clothes to keep warm on the road, and then wear light sportswear for the test when you arrive at the examination room.

wen yan: i heard that there are multiple chances during the test?

xiaoqi's mother

many projects have two or three chances to take the best result. i suggestfor physically demanding activities such as skipping, 50-meter running, and sit-ups, try to complete them in one go and don’t do them a second time., because in the short term the second time around will only be worse.

do i need to take special classes to practice?

warm words:do i need to take classes or hire a coach?

praise dad

i think parents should still mentionanalyze which one is worth practicing before investing.

because children rarely do everything, it is still necessary to calculate the input-output ratio in advance to help children play to their strengths and avoid their can practice skipping rope more to make up points

zazan’s school places great emphasis on physical education classes, so her daily exercise and training are sufficient.

xiaoqi's mother

i think the class is suitable for two types of parents——parents who have absolutely no time to take their children to practice; or parents who have no idea how to take their children to practice.

taking classes is indeed a way to quickly acquire sports skills, but these skills and methods are actually available in many places with free tutorials and videos.

i think the more economical method is:

you can first sign up for an intensive class and parents can attend along, or watch how the teacher trains the child, and then you can train on your own.

praise dad

we signed up for one, but it didn't feel particularly necessary.the class is right in the community, and there are classmates whom zanzan knows, so it’s very convenient.

if this class wasn't in our community, i would definitely not enroll my child in it.

i took zazan out to play on weekends before, and i also participated in many physical training classes.i think there are basically three types of physical fitness classes.

one is pure physical fitness, mainly running and skipping, interspersed with chasing games;

one is parkour obstacle course, more interesting, more technical, and more intense training;

another type is special sportsfor example, training children to take skipping rope tests, it seems that all sports specialties can be tested at various levels, which also caters to the needs of parents.

if the child is relatively young and is interested, he or she can enroll in a physical fitness class, but i think it depends on whether the child has the time. if the child exercises more and goes out to play more, there is no need to enroll in a class.

regarding future trends,
what can we do?

warm words:what do you think will be the future trend? what long-term plans should we make?

xiaoqi's mother

i think sports are definitely becoming more and more important.from each reform of the high school entrance examination, we parents can see that the proportion of sports scores in various places is actually increasing.

combined with the recent high school entrance examination reform policy released by the beijing education bureau before the holiday: the changes to open-book examinations for morality and legal system indicate that the depth of the examinations needs to be strengthened; after the reduction of subjects, the difficulty of the three main subjects of chinese, mathematics and english may increase.

then there is addition to the assessment of the third year of junior high school, the “process score” from primary school to middle school is also emphasized.this is good news for children who love sports, but for children who don’t like sports very much, it forces them to exercise.

in middle school, the entrance examination also includes ball games and other can take your children to experience more from an early age and choose a ball sport that they are interested in.

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praise dad

i also think that sports will become more and more important.

especially in zanzan's school, the academic workload is heavy. after finishing homework and studying english every day, it is already 8 or 9 o'clock. if you are in middle school and your health is not good, you can't bear it at for long-term learning, physical fitness is very important.

we went on a trip this time.i found that after the physical examination, the child walked more actively than before.. i walked up and down, and sometimes jumped and slammed. my physical strength increased significantly, and my sense of control over my body also practicing is beneficial.

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but i don’t think parents need to be too anxious or put too much effort into getting full marks.

the main purpose isjust let your child have a sport that he or she loves, improve their physical fitness, and keep them in good physical condition.

author:wen yan editor: kk
intervieweexiaoqi's mother and zanzan's father

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