
how to take a bath more healthily after autumn? when is it not suitable to take a bath? find out in one article


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after autumn

temperatures start to drop

the weather is getting drier

do you still take a shower every day?

many friends found after taking a shower

skin starts to develop dandruff and rashes

so i reduced the number of baths in autumn.

but some people still keep the habit of taking a bath every day.

after autumn, these 5bathif you can't wash itdon't wash

also, don’t take a shower at these 3 times!

let’s find out together~


don’t take these 5 baths in autumn if you can avoid them

frequency is too highbath

some people are used to taking a shower every day, but the temperature starts to drop in autumn, and the temperature difference is relatively large. in order to adapt to the environment, the skin is prone to roughness and dandruff. if you still take a shower as frequently as in summer, it will accelerate the loss of skin oil and moisture, and even damage the skin's stratum corneum. at this time,the skin becomes drier and more fragile, causing itching and possibly even bacterial infection.

✅correct approach:

in northern regions, such as beijing, it is sufficient to take a bath 1 to 2 times a week in autumn and winter. in southern regions or for people who like sports, you can take a bath every other day or once a day.

too longbath

many people like to listen to music or the radio while taking a bath. time flies by unknowingly, but staying in a closed environment like the bathroom for a long time can easily make you feel suffocated. in addition, taking a bath for too long can also affect the sebum membrane that protects the skin surface. over time, even healthy skin may become problematic, causing dry and itchy skin.

✅correct approach:

generally, 5 to 10 minutes of showering is sufficient.even if you take a bath, it is best not to exceed 20 minutes. especially for people with cardiovascular diseases, it is not recommended to take a bath for a long time.

temperature is too highbath

as autumn arrives, the weather starts to get cooler. some people, because they are afraid of the cold, like to take a bath with a higher water temperature, thinking that this is very comfortable. but in fact, too high a water temperature will excite our nerve endings, accelerate the loss of body water, and then aggravate the dryness and itchiness of the skin after bathing, and even induce urticaria.

in addition, too high water temperature can easily lead to blood vessel dilation, causingthe blood supply to the heart and brain is reduced, and people with underlying diseases may even suffer from arrhythmia and sudden death.

✅correct approach:

the water temperature for bathing should be close to human body temperature, around 37℃ ~ 38℃, and generally not exceeding 40℃.

very strongbath

proper scrubbing is good for cleaning the skin, but it must also be based on the fact that the skin does not become red or painful. if the scrubbing is too strong, it will damage the skin's barrier function.

a healthy skin barrier can prevent dust, bacteria, etc. from entering the body, and can also play a moisturizing role. if it is damaged, it will accelerate the loss of water, causing sensitivity, dryness and itching, and it will be more susceptible to bacterial infection. therefore, it is better to clean it moderately when taking a bath.

✅correct approach:

take less baths,healthy skin 2-4 weekstwistone bath will do.the force should be light, and the skin should not become red or painful.

cleaning products are too harshbath

the skin is relatively dry and fragile in autumn. if you use bath gel with strong cleansing ability or use too much, it may damage the skin's protective layer, reduce skin tolerance, and cause dryness and itching.

when choosing cleaning products, we should pay attention to its cleaning ability and be as gentle as possible without damaging the skin. for example, it should not dry the skin after use and keep the skin shiny and smooth.

✅correct approach:

after taking a bath, you canfirst wipe your body with a soft towel, then use a moisturizing body lotion as soon as possible to lock in moisture in your skin.symptoms of dry and itchy skin can also be relieved.


will taking a shower after 9pm generate dampness and destroy yang energy?

rumor:at 9 pm, yin is strong and yang is low, so try not to do anything that damages yang, such as taking a bath. secondly, after taking a bath, the pores of the body are open and easy to absorb moisture. at this time, if you use a fan or air conditioner, the pores will close and lock in moisture.

the saying that taking a bath will destroy the yang energy mainly refers to the fact that after taking a bath, if you do not keep warm enough, the yang energy of the human body will be affected.

the saying that taking a bath creates moisture mainly refers to not drying the body and hair in time after taking a bath, which allows the invasion of cold air and causes the body to become more damp. both of them have little to do with what time you take a bath.

things to note when taking a bath at night:

as autumn arrives, the weather starts to get colder. keep warm when taking a bath and after taking a bath. dry your body promptly and thoroughly, including your feet. it is best to use a towel to dry the moisture between your toes. blow dry your hair promptly, and do not go to bed directly when your hair is still wet. when you just take a bath, your body will be a little excited and it is not easy to fall asleep immediately, so try not to take a bath right before going to bed at night.


don't take a shower at these 3 times

in high fever state:

it is generally not recommended for patients to take a bath when they have a high fever. first, the water on the body surface will take away some heat when evaporating. if the patient is in the period of rising body temperature, it may aggravate the symptoms of chills and be detrimental to the condition; secondly, taking a bath will also cause blood vessels to dilate and the heart rate to increase.aggravate symptoms such as fatigue, palpitations, dizziness, etc. caused by high fever.

on an empty stomach or after a full meal:

do not take a shower right after a meal. if you take a shower right after a full meal, the blood flow to the digestive tract will be relatively reduced, and the secretion of digestive juice will be can cause indigestion and may also increase the burden on the heart.and take a shower right after a may cause hypoglycemia, and even symptoms such as collapse and is not recommended to take a bath when you are full or empty stomach. it is best to take a bath one hour after a meal.

when you are overly tired or physically exhausted:

after long-term physical activity or strenuous exercise, the blood circulation is in an active state. taking a shower immediately will increase the burden on the heart and blood vessels, and it may be fatal for people with poor physical fitness. when the brain is engaged in long-term mental activities, the brain has a very high demand for blood. if you take a shower immediately, the blood will be transferred to the skin, which may causethis causes a rapid decrease in blood supply to the brain, leading to fainting.