
tianjin port: a ferry ticket between the port and the digital world


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i have been to the c-end terminal of tianjin port three times, and i saw different scenery each time.
the first time i saw it, i was shocked. on the rainbow-colored dock, there was no one to be seen, and only the sound of the waves could be heard. the unmanned quay cranes and self-driving container trucks were running in silence. i thought, this should be the future form that the seaport industry is pursuing.
the second time, i saw the technology. i learned in detail about the digital infrastructure behind the smart terminal, from the smart base built by perception and connection to the ai ​​solver, and then to the autonomous driving technology and port model. i thought that hidden under the world's first smart zero-carbon terminal is a smart base construction model that can be used in various fields.
the third time, we saw the methodology of the industry's digital transformation. just now, we followed cctv's "new intelligence china says-talking about intelligence" column and visited tianjin port again under the camera. the difference this time is that the leaders from huawei and tianjin port discussed in detail the construction ideas, development experience and methodology summary of tianjin port's smart terminal. we can not only see the technology, but also the thinking and judgment behind the technology. i think these successful experiences and methodologies as the core of tianjin port's digital development may be the "smart tickets" that thousands of industries are looking for.
today's story starts from a cherry and an unmanned wharf, and gradually expands our horizons, trying to explore the universal methods and answers for the digitalization of an industry.
let us collect together this ticket between the traditional pier and the digital world.
"cherry freedom" has been a hot topic in recent years. cherries, which are loved by chinese consumers, have brought great challenges to import and transportation. this fruit is very delicate and it is difficult to keep it fresh once it is damaged by external forces or stored for a long time. in order to ensure that consumers get fresh cherries, tianjin port has jointly opened a "fruit express line" with relevant port units.
in this "race" with cherries, terminal efficiency becomes crucial, and the role of smart terminals is brought into full play.tianjin port can deliver cherries to major cities in north china such as beijing and tianjin within 5 hours from the time the ship arrives at the port.
the upgrade of terminal efficiency is not limited to import scenarios, but is equally important in the export field. with the growth of china's automobile industry, automobile exports are growing rapidly - tianjin port exported 240,000 vehicles in the first five months of 2024 alone, a growth rate of 40%.
from the journey of a cherry and a car, we can see that the efficient, unmanned and intelligent port is actually closely related to the lives of each of us.
behind the improvement in import and export transportation efficiency is the digital innovation and upgrading of scenarios such as unmanned container trucks at terminals, remote control of quay cranes, and intelligent scheduling.
among them, horizontal transport at the dock is a challenging job. truck drivers often need to work in three shifts, and the oncoming vehicles and nighttime driving increase safety risks, making it increasingly difficult to recruit workers for this position.
the c-end terminal of tianjin port has joined hands with huawei to build an intelligent horizontal transportation management system (fms). by equipping the intelligent driving system with road-cloud network collaboration and integrating 5g+l4 autonomous driving technology, beidou, high-precision maps and other technologies, it has realized fully unmanned and automated intelligent horizontal transportation at the terminal, thus realizing a transportation system with zero accidents. in addition, through the use of new energy such as wind energy and photovoltaics, the terminal has also achieved environmentally friendly operations with zero carbon emissions.
another key task in the dock is quay crane transportation. originally, workers had to climb up extremely high tower cranes and gantry cranes and bend over for a long time to operate them. the working environment was poor and not good for adopting huawei's f5g technology, a large-bandwidth, low-latency network environment was established, and the c-end terminal of tianjin port realized remote control of quay crane operations.workers do not need to be present on site, but can remotely control cranes in a comfortable office, and one person can control multiple cranes, which not only improves the working environment but also greatly improves production efficiency.
there are many ships entering and leaving the port, and the order and time of entry and exit need to be arranged in advance. it is difficult to find the optimal solution through manual calculation, and manual planning is time-consuming, which affects the efficiency of ships entering and leaving the port.through the tianchou ai solver created by huawei cloud, continuous optimization of the berth plan, quay crane operation plan, container loading plan and yard plan for ships entering the port is achieved, helping tianjin port to increase equipment utilization by 15% and shorten the time ships spend in port by 10%.
combining advanced technologies such as ai solvers, large models, and autonomous driving with terminals is a real two-way journey. from the perspective of tianjin port, exploring the automation and intelligence of terminals is its long-term development strategy. from huawei's perspective, as early as 2019, huawei began to explore the close integration of digital technology with the industry. in 2021, huawei has successively established industry corps in various fields. one of the key focuses of the transportation intelligence corps is the digital transformation and upgrading of ports.
in this way, the development needs of tianjin port met the technical strength of huawei. the integration of the two brought the first truly automated, intelligent and low-carbon terminal to the global seaport industry.
when "the fairy tale of the pier" turns from a dream into reality, we may discover more mysteries in it.
the model of industry digital transformation and upgrading provided by tianjin port smart terminal may have its significance spilling over from the seaport industry and flowing into thousands of industries.
how can we consolidate our own needs and advanced technologies to achieve truly feasible, valuable and rhythmic digitalization?
this problem is facing every industry and every enterprise, and also facing the overall operation trajectory of the economy and society.
most of the time, companies will encounter a difficult situation before digital transformation and upgrading: based on the industry itself, it is easy to be overly conservative and unable to absorb the results of advanced technologies such as cloud computing, ai, and big models; if they aggressively pursue advanced technologies, they will find that digital technology does not match their own characteristics. blind digitalization may also bring about a series of problems such as uncontrollable costs, unknowable results, and unpredictable rhythm.
how can we balance industry scenario innovation and digital transformation and upgrading? obviously, we must find the answer to this question in truly successful projects. huawei and tianjin port's joint innovation in smart terminals may be a mirror.
in the construction of the smart terminal, huawei and tianjin port have demonstrated a close collaborative relationship.huawei has the technology and provides its own 5g, f5g, l4 autonomous driving, ai big model, tianchou ai solver and other root technical capabilities. tianjin port has the willingness to innovate, process flow and scenario requirements, and also provides rich practical experience in the port industry, providing a clear development blueprint.
with the efforts of both parties, the construction and development of smart terminals have been promoted step by step. starting with the unmanned horizontal transportation system of the c-section terminal, tianjin port has built an intelligent base based on perception, connection, and computing, and has also jointly created the port industry large model portgpt with huawei. looking to the more distant future, tianjin port and huawei will also promote the integration of ports, industries, and cities, and continuously amplify the value of digitalization.
in all industries and enterprises, everyone has a strong desire to innovate. how should their innovative desire be combined with advanced digital technology?
what is the core that can glue together the different experiences, capabilities and ideas of huawei and tianjin port?
perhaps this answer is a ticket for thousands of industries to enter the digital world.
as the saying goes, different industries have different principles. the development characteristics and industry knowledge of each industry are different, but the challenges and solutions faced in the process of promoting digitalization are highly consistent.
for example, we often encounter the problem of how to uniformly apply several digital technologies; it is easy to fall into the vicious circle of digital islands and duplicate construction; and we often find that the pace of digital development is difficult to control.
in the case of tianjin port smart terminal, it is very noteworthy that these problems did not occur. what was relied on was a construction model that built an architecture and platform and then followed up with scenario innovation.based on its own digital development experience over the past decades, as well as joint innovation with partners and customers in many fields, huawei has summarized a set of practical methods for digital transformation of the industry. the success of the tianjin port case has once again proved the effectiveness of this method. before enterprises board the passenger ship of the digital world, they may wish to collect the digital "ticket" provided by huawei.
the core of this approach is that digitalization requires architecture and platform first, and scenario innovation based on the industry intelligent agent reference architecture, while continuing to iterate. specifically, its contents include:
1. architecture first.for the digitalization of enterprises, you can refer to the five-layer reference architecture of intelligent entities proposed by huawei, and build the foundation of the digital intelligence architecture with intelligent perception, intelligent connection, intelligent base, intelligent platform, and ai big model.
2. platform first.the intelligent era requires a digital and cloud-based foundation, superimposed with an ai intelligent computing power foundation. once the foundation is built, digitalization will have reusable platform resources, and subsequent construction can continue to advance.
3. scenario innovation.under the framework of intelligent entities, it is necessary to innovate solutions based on customer business scenarios. a scenario is a starting point, and an effective scenario can drive the entire digital intelligence system forward.
4. move forward transformation is a continuous change that requires continuous iterative development. through continuous iteration of new applications, the system can become increasingly intelligent.
based on the intelligent body reference architecture, tianjin port first used cameras, sensors, 5g, f5g and other technologies to create the cornerstone of intelligent perception and connection; built an intelligent base based on huawei cloud and storage, providing general computing, ai computing, and data entry capabilities; the intelligent platform provides various digital tools to model the data, and ultimately realizes autonomous operation and intelligent control of equipment through ai big models.
this approach helps companies overcome the difficulties of integrating basic technologies, confirms the reasonable relationship between base construction and application construction, and provides the rhythm and path for sustainable development.
the cooperation between huawei and tianjin port has once again proved that this practical method can serve as a link between the industry and digital technology and scenario-based innovation, helping companies avoid most of the uncontrollable factors in intelligent development.
in the vast ocean of digital intelligence full of treasures and reefs, a correct and effective "methodology" is a ticket; a valuable planning consultation is an opportunity of the times.
the digital world seems far away but is actually near.
ocean routes are the maritime connectors between the two continents.
in the digital transformation of the industry, industry demand and digital technology are like two continents. they originally developed independently and did not communicate with each other. only by establishing routes between the two and enabling them to exchange resources and trade with each other, can the idea of ​​digitalization of the industry be successful.
using the digital intelligence practice methods provided by huawei as a ticket, enterprises in various industries may establish such routes in their own fields like tianjin port. this is the route of new quality productivity.
asking science and technology for new quality productivity is the call and cry of this era. but it is not easy to achieve this goal. a large number of advanced digital technologies have emerged in this era, and companies also have a high willingness to innovate and transformation needs. but how to open this anchor point and open the channel for new quality productivity has become the biggest challenge for companies.
in order to solve this problem, huawei has proposed the goal of "a digital and intelligent world within reach", hoping to leverage its own technological advantages and successful experience in industry transformation, and work with partners to enable enterprises in thousands of industries to easily transform into digital ones.
"the fairy tale of the pier" is a microcosm of the digital age. it tells the story of the rebirth of a traditional industry and how the most advanced technologies are integrated and implemented. it also tells how thinking, experience, and insight can become the industry's weather vane.
a quiet dock, busy machinery, and colorful sea breeze.
coming from afar is a ship loaded with new quality productivity.