
meta-war: an alternative speculation of intelligent warfare


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meta-war: an alternative speculation of intelligent warfare
■zhang yuantao luo yanxia you xiaotong
reading tips
metawar refers to a new type of military activity that uses military confrontation as the main means to conquer the opponent's will and realize one's own intentions by superimposing multiple influences such as politics, economy, and social interaction on the military ecology supported by metaverse technology. metawar originated from the concept of metaverse. the multiple parallel worlds represented by the metaverse and the metabattlefield virtual-real combat system derived from it ultimately outlined a new face of metawar.
since its birth, the concept of metaverse and its supporting technology have attracted great attention from all walks of life at home and abroad. although it is currently mainly focused on people's production, life, entertainment and other aspects, the parallel virtual scenes it provides are highly consistent with the needs of military activities, and have the ability to break the bottleneck problem of the construction of the reality-virtual combat system. it may support the implementation of virtual-reality interactive combat with new theories, new concepts and new styles, thereby driving the emergence of a new form of metawar in intelligent warfare.
the basic connotation of meta-war
meta-war originated from the concept of metaverse. the multiple parallel worlds represented by the metaverse and the meta-battlefield system derived and constantly evolving from it may eventually outline a new look for meta-war and promote the emergence of meta-war.
the development and evolution of the metaverse. the metaverse was first proposed by american science fiction writer neal stephenson in his 1992 work snow crash. it refers to a new form of a mixture of the real world and the virtual world created by virtual and augmented reality technologies. at present, the metaverse is still in the concept brewing stage. its goal is to build a fusion of the interactive evolution of the virtual world and the real world. what happens in the real world can be synchronized to the virtual world, and the behavior of the virtual world can also enter the real world through feedback and have an impact. in the military, the metaverse provides the key technical architecture and endogenous evolution method for the generation of the meta battlefield, and supports the establishment of a virtual ecological environment for the meta battlefield. the continuous development of the meta battlefield is bound to produce a significant leap in the fields of panoramic visual battlefield environment, immersive experience of battlefield actions, virtual-real interactive deduction of the battlefield situation, and intelligent evolution of human-machine combination.
a preliminary exploration of the connotation of meta-war. meta-war is a military activity that is based on the military ecology constructed by meta-universe technology and relying on meta-battlefields, superimposed with multiple influences such as politics, economy, and social interaction, with military confrontation as the main means, and realizing one's own intentions in a virtual and real way. from a technical perspective, meta-war is a battlefield "super system" that is jointly constructed by brain-computer interfaces, intelligent terminals, virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, and through interaction with ubiquitous weapon platforms and force systems on the real battlefield, all things are connected and interconnected to form a real battlefield. from a combat perspective, meta-war connects the real battlefield, the virtual battlefield, and the "brain battlefield" generated by the conscious perception of officers and soldiers, conducts multi-modal deep interaction for large-scale related targets on the battlefield, and enables officers and soldiers to switch freely on demand between the objective real battlefield and the virtual parallel battlefield, and immersively participate in the war process and deduce and predict the results of the war.
meta war combat mode
the meta-war era may usher in three extremely subversive combat modes: "clone" combat in the virtual world, "replica" combat in the real world, and "incarnation" combat in the parallel world.
fighting with "avatars" in the virtual world. it mainly refers to conducting military activities such as network confrontation, simulated combat, and exercises in the virtual environment constructed by the meta-battlefield. the combating parties manipulate the network and public opinion in the background to carry out militarized intervention, and use virtual avatars to enter the virtual world to carry out pre-war military training, deployment and assembly preparation, and organize and implement combat. in the movie "ready player one", the protagonist puts on vr glasses and enters the virtual world "oasis". as the "no. 1 player" who ranks first in the "oasis" ranking, he leads the team to overcome difficulties and finally collect the three "keys" required by the game. although the protagonist and his team also fight with the enemy in the real world, the final outcome still depends on who finds the "key" hidden in the "oasis" first.
real-world "self-made" combat. mainly refers to the fact that in the real world, people use their own weaponized "self-made" to fight. these "self-made" carry people's perception and will, and replace people to complete high-risk and complex tasks. in terms of performance, it can be a humanoid robot, a bionic robot, a mecha robot, etc., which is controlled in real time by humans through brain-computer interfaces, remote control handles, touch devices, etc., and can be organized, variant, assembled, embedded, etc., to autonomously plan and implement combat operations under human supervision. in 2022, tesla launched the "optimus prime" humanoid robot for the first time. its whole body has more than 200 "degrees of freedom", its movement function is close to that of humans, and it integrates tesla's artificial intelligence system for networked learning. it has the ability to perceive complex scenes and make real-time decisions. its military transformation and application prospects are broad. this move may become the "butterfly flapping wings" that pushes humanoid robots into the battlefield.
parallel world "avatar" combat. it mainly refers to virtual clones supported by meta battlefields, machine bionics created by artificial intelligence, and human organisms that interact based on brain-computer interfaces and other means, which are synchronized to form virtual-real interactive mapping, parallel symbiotic evolution, and mixed collaborative victory, which are both illusory and real military activities. "avatar" can be seen as a combination of human beings, clones, and bionics. human soldiers on the battlefield and the various weapons and equipment they operate are twins that can exist objectively and have digital twins, switching, interacting, and evolving in two or even multiple parallel worlds. virtual objects on the battlefield are associated with real objects in reality. humans can control virtual weapon platform objects to fight, and can also let virtual objects inject commands into corresponding real objects, and the real objects fight each other to determine the outcome. in the movie "infinity", the villain deploys a virtual drone group in a holographic three-dimensional digital image through a fingertip touch controller, and controls the virtual drones to perform various actions with body gestures. the virtual drone group maps the associated real drone group to attack the target person in the real world.
the advanced way of meta war
high-dimensional power controls low-dimensional power, and new power subverts traditional power. this is an important law of the evolution of power. three-dimensional warfare marked by airspace can defeat two-dimensional warfare dominated by infantry; the party with electromagnetic power can make the opponent's information advantage "clear"; the party that controls the initiative in space will make the battlefield one-way transparent and defeat the opponent. thousands of years of human war history show that the party that takes the lead in opening up a new combat domain can often launch a dimensionality reduction and domain reduction attack from a higher dimension. when the combat domain of the human macroscopic world is almost exhausted, the virtual combat domain represented by virtual reality technology comes into being. the virtual combat domain and the physical combat domain develop from separation to association and then to integration and symbiosis, gradually promoting the evolution and advancement of meta-war.
decoupling fission. the internet, the internet of things, and the internet of brains promote the intelligent interconnection of all things. meta-war will be developed and designed into a software-based integrated combat system, realizing the transition from real battlefield to virtual battlefield, opening up the decoupling of hardware and software and software-defined combat mode. the various elements that constitute meta-war can be physically deployed in the real world, and can also be preset in software or programs in a virtual network environment, and people can interactively control the networked weapon platform through multi-modal methods such as voice control, visual control, touch control, or brain control.
intelligent evolution. the organic combination of human intelligence, machine intelligence, biological intelligence, network empowerment and virtual-real empowerment jointly realizes the cognition, judgment, decision-making, feedback and upgrade of meta-war. as machines and all things have more and more human-like attributes, the biological pulse characteristics of meta-war are more obvious, and war gradually becomes a game confrontation between intelligent organisms, just like the layout of the meridian network of the human body. "meta-weapons" such as intelligent brain-like bodies, neuron kill chains, and reflex efficiency arcs have become the basic components of combat effectiveness; the "meta-army" composed of a small number of human officers and soldiers controlling a small number of machine bionic bodies and a large number of digital clones will engage in battle with the opponent's "meta-army", which will become the main form of meta-war. this form of combat also has the internal driving force of self-evolution, which can derive many subversive new styles and new methods of play.
mirror war. in this stage, the boundary between real-world war and virtual-world war tends to be blurred and seamless, like a mirror copy, which is the advanced evolution stage of meta-war. in the movie "ender's game", countries on earth select extremely talented people for professional training. when the protagonist and his team mistakenly think that they are "playing a war game", the war scenes in the "game" are simultaneously unfolded in the real world. in the end, the "game" ends with the elimination of alien species in the real world and the protection of human peace on earth. in addition, the advancement of meta-war may also change the classic war theory. for example, the "violence" of war may evolve into a "mirror" in the virtual world and become the "non-violence" feature of war. the method of implementation is to map the combat forces and comprehensive national strength of the warring parties to the virtual and real world, and conduct mirror deductions mainly in a "bloodless" manner based on the meta-war rules followed by all parties. the victory of the mirror deduction war can be used to promote the purpose of persuading and conquering the opponent's will, thereby avoiding the outbreak of large-scale wars in the real world. this will make it possible to use the skill of sowing beans to create soldiers, set up illusory formations, fight a "non-existent" war, and achieve victory without fighting.
(source: china military network-liberation army daily)