
the first in the country! what is the significance of the joint construction of this center by the province and the ministry?


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it is a general trend to promote the integrated development of education, science and technology, and talents. but how to develop the "three-in-one" and where to start? the ministry of education has handed in a new answer sheet and a new blueprint.
on the 14th, the ministry of education held a launching meeting for the joint construction of the national regional technology transfer and transformation center for colleges and universities (jiangsu), which also means that the country's first regional technology transfer and transformation center for colleges and universities has been officially established. relevant officials from the ministry of education introduced at the meeting that this regional center will focus on the major strategic needs of the country and the needs of industrial development, and will be systematically laid out and constructed in regions with concentrated innovation factors, solid industrial foundations, active capital markets, and prominent strategic roles, combined with regional advantageous industries, aiming to gather advantageous colleges and universities and innovative resources with industrial demand as the driving force, and create a "dual center" that develops new quality productivity and supports innovation of teachers and students, so as to achieve "two-way rush" between colleges and enterprises and transform more scientific and technological achievements of colleges and universities into real productivity as soon as possible.
stimulate the multiplier effect of school-local integration
what are the considerations behind establishing the national college regional technology transfer and transformation center?
"at the beginning of 2024, the national university science park will be managed by the ministry of education. the ministry of education will take this opportunity tothe overall concept of a 'center + node' university scientific and technological achievement transformation system with regional centers as hubs and national university science and technology parks as nodes is proposed, and the exploration of building regional centers will be a key link in this process."a relevant person in charge of the ministry of education introduced.
he also revealed that the focus of the regional center is to promote the deep integration of national advantageous universities and regional advantageous industries, stimulate the multiplier effect of school-region integration, and support national strategies and regional development in a targeted and organized manner.
solving five major problems in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities
what problem was this center established to solve?
"solve the five major problems of university scientific and technological achievements being 'cannot be transferred', 'difficult to transfer', 'unable to transfer', 'unwilling to transfer', and 'dare not transfer'." the person in charge gave a detailed explanation of the relevant key tasks.
in response to the problem that scientific and technological achievements of universities are out of touch with industrial needs and cannot be transferred, he said that we should focus on strategic industry needs, strengthen demand-driven and goal-oriented scientific research topic selection, and establish a scientific research model of "enterprises set questions and collaboration answers" through methods such as "posting a list and appointing a leader", attract the most innovative scientific research teams and projects with market application prospects to settle in regional centers, strengthen scientific research cooperation between schools and enterprises, and carry out scientific research and transformation of results.
in response to the problem of low maturity and difficulty in transferring scientific and technological achievements, he said that it is necessary to create an attractive public transformation platform, strengthen concept verification and pilot production, and build a "one-stop" public transformation platform jointly built, managed and shared by universities across the country, forming a "full-chain" service capability from technology research and development, concept verification, small-scale pilot production to small-batch trial production, providing full-process and full-cycle services for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.
in response to the problem of insufficient professional capabilities and "not knowing how to transfer" in the technology transfer talent team, he said that it is necessary to set up a professional operation team for achievement transformation, create a training and cultivation system for technical managers, strengthen service guarantees and policy incentives, explore scientific and technological innovation education guided by market demand, and cultivate application-oriented innovative talents through practical work with scientific and technological achievement transformation projects as the driving force.
in response to the problem of insufficient attention and unwillingness of all parties to transform, he said that the evaluation should play the role of "baton" and "weather vane", regularly evaluate the construction results of regional centers and the transformation results of participating universities in regional centers, and select and publish "typical cases of university transformation" in relevant fields.
in response to the existing institutional bottlenecks and the problem of "not daring to transfer", he said that it is necessary to deepen the reform of scientific and technological achievement management, actively explore innovations in achievement transformation mechanisms, explore the empowerment of official scientific and technological achievements and asset management reforms, improve the due diligence exemption mechanism, etc., to further stimulate the enthusiasm of scientific researchers for innovation.
forming a new paradigm for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities
after the establishment of the center, what other supporting policies will follow?
a relevant person in charge of the ministry of education told reporters:the ministry of education focuses on playing a policy guiding role, mobilizing the strength of universities across the country, and forming a joint force with jiangsu to jointly promote the construction of the regional center.
"for each industry direction, we will select about 20 universities as participating universities in the first batch, establish a regular docking mechanism, and promote the transformation of projects with transformation prospects; coordinate various resources to increase support, and gather the most innovative scientific research teams to the regional center to carry out technological innovation and achievement transformation; support the regional center to innovate student training and evaluation mechanisms, create innovative entrepreneurship courses and high-quality teaching materials, and improve the quality of training for applied innovative talents; support the regional center to build a national university achievement supply and demand service platform, host the china university science and technology achievements fair, and create a "university brand" for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements; actively promote the participating universities in the regional center to deepen the reform of empowering official scientific and technological achievements, and accelerate the exploration of the reform of separate management of official scientific and technological achievements assets."
"in the process of exploring and promoting this center, the ministry of education and jiangsu province have also condensed the '331' standard for the construction of the regional center. the first 3 is to achieve 'three clarifications' in the construction content, clarifying the construction goals, industrial directions and construction tasks; the second 3 is to achieve 'three in place' in resource support, that is, policies in place, funds in place, and physical space in place; 1 refers to strengthening 'one guarantee' in mechanism innovation, that is, mechanism reform guarantee." he emphasized: "the practice since the planning and construction of the regional center has proved that the cooperation between the ministry and the province can solve the key problems of two-way communication between schools and enterprises, deep integration of industry and education, and effective transformation of scientific and technological achievements of universities into real productivity. it is entirely possible to explore a new path and form a new paradigm for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of universities."
source: guangming daily
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