
ministry of human resources and social security: there are three main tasks for gradually delaying the statutory retirement age


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wang xiaoping, minister of human resources and social security, said at a special press conference of the 11th meeting of the 14th national people's congress standing committee on the 13th that the measures adopted by the standing committee of the national people's congress clearly define the main tasks of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age, which include the following aspects:

first, the statutory retirement age will be gradually delayed. from january 1, 2025, the statutory retirement age of male employees whose original statutory retirement age was 60 will be delayed by one month every four months until the age of 63; the statutory retirement age of female employees whose original statutory retirement age was 55 will be delayed by one month every four months until the age of 58; the statutory retirement age of female employees whose original statutory retirement age was 50 will be delayed by one month every two months until the age of 55.

second, gradually increase the minimum payment period. starting from january 1, 2030, the minimum payment period for employees to receive basic pension on a monthly basis will be gradually increased from the current 15 years to 20 years over 10 years, with an increase of 6 months each year.

the third is to implement a flexible retirement system. when an employee reaches the minimum payment period for receiving a pension, he or she can voluntarily choose to retire flexibly in advance, with the longest advance time not exceeding 3 years, and the retirement age shall not be lower than the original statutory retirement age of 60 for male employees and 55 or 50 for female employees. when an employee reaches the statutory retirement age, the employer can flexibly delay retirement by reaching an agreement with the employee, with the longest delay not exceeding 3 years.

wang xiaoping said that the measures also make policy arrangements to improve the pension insurance incentive mechanism, promote employment, strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of groups such as workers over the statutory retirement age, workers in flexible employment and new employment forms, early retirement for workers in special occupations and high-altitude areas, and improve the pension and childcare service system.