
delayed retirement reform plan: gradually postpone retirement to 63 for men and 55 or 58 for women


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xinhua news agency, beijing, september 13 (reporter jiang lin, zhou yuan) on the 13th, the standing committee of the national people's congress voted to pass a decision on the implementation of a gradual delay in the statutory retirement age. according to the decision, starting from january 1, 2025, my country will gradually delay the statutory retirement age of male employees from 60 to 63 years old, and the statutory retirement age of female employees from 50 and 55 years old to 55 and 58 years old respectively over 15 years.

this is the first adjustment in more than 70 years since the statutory retirement age for employees was determined in the 1950s.

in addition to delaying the statutory retirement age, it has been decided to adjust the minimum payment period for employees to receive basic monthly pension, which will be gradually increased from 15 years to 20 years starting from 2030, with an increase of 6 months each year.

on the basis of the unified implementation of delayed retirement, it is decided to allow employees who have reached the minimum payment period to voluntarily choose to retire early, with the maximum advance time not exceeding 3 years, and the retirement age shall not be lower than the original statutory retirement age; they can also flexibly delay retirement on the premise of consensus between the unit and the employee, with the maximum delay time not exceeding 3 years.

the reform of delayed retirement is a systematic project. in response to the livelihood issues of great concern to the public, the decision also clarifies the improvement of pension insurance incentive mechanisms, the implementation of employment priority strategies, the protection of the basic rights and interests of workers over the statutory retirement age, and the improvement of the elderly care and childcare service system. the decision also makes special provisions for the protection of older unemployed people and early retirement for special types of work.

the 20th cpc national congress and the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee made clear arrangements for the implementation of a gradual delay in the statutory retirement age. the plan released this time was formulated based on a comprehensive consideration of factors such as my country's life expectancy, health level, population structure, national education level, and labor supply.