
commercial evaluation of four dynamic and stylish mid-size suvs


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in order to more intuitively show the performance of different models in terms of "new car commercial quality",, based on the "new car commercial quality evaluation", more intuitively shows the advantages and disadvantages of different models in terms of new car commercial quality through comparison of various sub-item data, and makes objective evaluations on the data differences to provide consumers with more valuable car purchase suggestions.

the above manufacturer's suggested price only represents the price on august 8, 2024. if there is any change, please refer to the official website

mid-sized suvs have become the first choice for many family users due to their excellent practicality. however, with the upgrading of consumption and the younger market demand, many brands have begun to actively seek new "stimulation points". in fact, good practical performance is only the basis, and the attitude of individuality is the secret weapon to attract young consumers. in previous new car commercial evaluations, we have tested many dynamic and fashionable mid-sized suvs. today we have selected four models with high attention, and compared various test data to see which car has more comprehensive performance in terms of commerciality.

1. body craftsmanship

in terms of body craftsmanship, the alpha t5 scored the highest, with the average gap of most parts of the vehicle controlled within 3.5mm. in comparison, the average gap of the connection between the rear fenders and the trunk of the saic volkswagen tiguan l pro exceeded 5mm. although the average gap of other parts was controlled within 4mm, there is still much room for improvement in the vehicle's craftsmanship.

2. paint film level

it should be noted that since the roof of the alpha t5 and the trunk lid of the xingtu yaoguang c-dm are both made of non-metallic materials, no relevant values ​​were detected during the test.

in the paint film level link, according to the test results, the average thickness of the paint film of the four models reached the standard value of high-end cars (120μm-150μm). as for the spray uniformity, xingtu yaoguang c-dm performed the best overall, so its comprehensive score in this link was also the highest.

3. in-car air quality

in the in-car air quality test, although formaldehyde was detected in the interiors of all four models, only the saic volkswagen tiguan l pro's in-car formaldehyde content did not reach the relevant standards in the "guidelines for passenger car in-car air quality evaluation" (national standard of the people's republic of china gb/t 27630-2011), which was jointly issued by the former ministry of environmental protection and the general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine and implemented on march 1, 2012.

4. noise in the car

in the in-car noise test, in addition to testing the noise inside the car when it is stationary, the test instrument will be placed about 10 cm away from the air outlet of the air conditioner, and then the air volume of the air conditioner will be increased from small to large, and the air conditioning noise value at the driver's position in different gears will be measured.

according to actual tests, in a stationary state, except for the saic volkswagen tiguan l pro, the test scores of the other three models all reached the minimum value of 30db of the test instrument. since it is the only pure fuel model in this comparison, the noise value will gradually increase as the engine speed increases. from the test results, the engine noise suppression performance is acceptable and will basically not cause interference to the driver and passengers in the car when it is working.

in terms of the noise level at the lowest and highest levels of the air conditioner, the xingtu yaoguang c-dm performed best overall. according to actual measurements, the noise levels at the lowest and highest levels of the air conditioner were 35.1db and 62.1db respectively, both lower than the other three models.

5. static in-vehicle vibration

in the static in-car vibration test, the cadillac iq performed best overall, with the vibration value not exceeding 0.1mm/s in both static and loaded states, which had little impact on the comfort of the passengers. in contrast, the vibration value of the saic volkswagen tiguan l pro was significantly higher, and the actual physical sensation was more obvious, which had a certain impact on the test results.

6. skylight

in the test of sunroofs, according to the existing test data, the sunroof area of ​​xingtu yaoguang c-dm accounts for the largest proportion, reaching 61%. among the four models, only the sunroofs of saic volkswagen tiguan l pro and xingtu yaoguang c-dm can be opened. as for the openable area, the former performs better in comparison.

7. control system

in terms of control system, the steering wheels of the four models are of moderate size, taking into account both control stability and flexibility. in terms of steering wheel adjustment, the cadillac iq has the best performance with an adjustable angle of 16.5°. in addition, its steering wheel front and rear adjustment distance test results are the same as those of the saic volkswagen tiguan l pro, both of which are 60mm.

in terms of brake pedal width and the step difference between the brake pedal and the accelerator pedal, which affect driving experience, the test data of the four models are relatively close, and the brake pedal width reaches or exceeds 100mm, which is remarkable. as for the step difference between the brake pedal and the accelerator pedal, the four models are also within a reasonable range. when driving in congested roads, frequent alternating pedaling will not easily cause fatigue.

in terms of the footrest, the saic volkswagen tiguan l pro is made of metal, but unfortunately the size is very average. in comparison, although the footrest of the alpha t5 is larger, the velvet material has become a minus point, which is really a bit regrettable.

8. seats

in terms of seat configuration, according to the measured data, the main driver's seat travel adjustment range of xingtu yaoguang c-dm is relatively large, reaching 300mm. although the test results of the other three models are slightly inferior, they can basically meet the driving habits of most drivers.

in terms of seat cushion length, the rear seat cushion of cadillac iq is only 450mm long, which is at the lower end of the tested models of the same level. in addition, its backrest angle does not exceed 100°, but only 95.4°, which is inferior to the other three models.

in terms of rear floor bulge height, except for the saic volkswagen tiguan l pro, the test scores of the other three models are all 0. in view of the special chassis layout of new energy vehicles, such performance is not surprising.

9. trunk

in terms of trunk, from the measured data, cadillac iq's trunk opening area and minimum width are ahead of the other three models, and the threshold height is 0, which is convenient for carrying large items. the maximum width of the trunk of alpha t5 reaches 1460mm, which is the best among the four models, but the threshold height of 40mm makes it lag behind.

10. parking radar

in the radar sensing test, according to the existing test data, the maximum detection distance of the front/rear parking radar of xingtu yaoguang c-dm reached 2.48m and 2m respectively, and the radar power performance was good. referring to the previous test experience, the closer the continuous beeping stage is to 0.25m, the closer it is to daily use habits. from the measured data, except for the alpha t5, the front/rear parking radar of the other three models has a continuous beeping prompt distance of 0.25m, which is exactly consistent with the test experience value.

11. lighting vision

in the front blind spot test, we used a 70cm high bucket as a reference, and then adjusted the relative position of the vehicle until the top of the bucket could be seen from the main driver's seat. according to the existing test data, the saic volkswagen tiguan l pro has the smallest front blind spot, with the closest distance being only 2.33m. in terms of the rear blind spot, since only the cadillac iq is equipped with a streaming media rearview mirror, its test result is very outstanding, at only 6.5m.

in the test of the field of view of the exterior rearview mirror, although the left exterior rearview mirrors of cadillac iq and saic volkswagen tiguan l pro both use hyperbolic lenses, the latter's test results are obviously better. overall, the field of view of the left and right exterior rearview mirrors of saic volkswagen tiguan l pro are ahead of the other three models.


on the whole, the overall performance of the above four medium-sized suvs is quite good and can meet the needs of daily use. among them, cadillac iq scored the highest and performed well in all aspects, except that the test results of the rear seats were slightly "dragted down"; alpha t5 and c-dm, as representative models of independent brands, also maintained a high level and their overall performance was satisfactory. in contrast, although the overall performance of saic volkswagen tiguan l pro in terms of objective data and subjective feelings met the expectations of the expert jury, there is indeed room for improvement in some aspects, such as body craftsmanship, paint film spraying uniformity and in-car air quality. consumers can make a choice after weighing their personal preferences and concerns.