
a man chose a 398 yuan perm package and paid 2,477 yuan. the shenzhen municipal supervision bureau opened an investigation


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situation report

recently, there was a rumor online that "a perm package costing 398 yuan was charged 2,477 yuan." after learning about this, our bureau immediately went to the store involved for an on-site inspection and filed a case to investigate the suspected price violations by the store involved.

after on-site mediation, the store involved has reached an agreement with the consumer on the refund. next, our bureau will strictly follow the legal procedures to handle it strictly and quickly. at the same time, we remind the general public to carefully check the public display of service prices before accepting services. if you encounter consumer infringement disputes, you can call 12345 to complain in time.

shenzhen municipal administration for market regulation

september 12, 2024

earlier reports

a man chose a 398 yuan perm package, but it turned into 2477 yuan when he checked out! official: the merchant refused to refund

source: nanfang daily

recently, mr. ye from shenzhen reported to red star news that he chose a 398 yuan perm package at a hair salon in longgang district. after the perm, he was told that 398 yuan was the price of a single bottle of solution, while 6 bottles of solution were used in the entire perm process. together with the 89 yuan for the haircut, the total cost was 2,477 yuan.

the billing receipt printed with "daisy beauty" provided by mr. ye

mr. ye immediately complained to the relevant departments. on september 5, the shenzhen consumer council replied that the mediation failed and the merchant refused to refund the money. mr. ye disagreed with this and suggested that mr. ye protect his rights and interests through administrative and litigation means in accordance with the law. mr. ye said that he had complained to the local market supervision and administration bureau.

consumer feedback:

the 398 yuan set meal required more than 2,000 yuan at checkout

complaint for refund failed

according to mr. ye's recollection, at 8 p.m. on july 20, he came to the "daisy beauty" hair salon on baihuiwei road in longgang district and asked twice about the specific cost of the perm service. the hairdresser who received him did not give a direct answer, but suggested trimming his hair first.

mr. ye said that after the haircut, the hairdresser recommended three packages to him, and he chose the mid-range package of 398 yuan. then, he lay down to receive the treatment with the liquid, during which the hairdresser handed him a receipt for signature, claiming that the shop was a branch and needed to confirm the liquid inventory.

"i was alert at the time." mr. ye said that he noticed something was wrong and signed a fake name on the receipt. after the perm was completed, the hairdresser told him that the "398 yuan" was not the total price, but the price of a single bottle of liquid, and he used a total of 6 bottles of liquid in the whole perm process.

the picture of the perm provided by mr. ye

a billing receipt printed with "daisy beauty" showed that mr. ye's project was "ph fine-tuning 398x6", plus 89 yuan for washing, cutting and blow-drying, with a total cost of 2,477 yuan.

mr. ye said that faced with the unexpectedly high bill, he had an argument with the hairdresser. when the package was first introduced, he was not told that 398 yuan was the price of a single bottle of liquid, and the total price charged by bottle was too high. mr. ye also said that the hairdresser said that he had made it clear, and then persuaded him to apply for a membership card for 8,000 yuan, which would reduce the fee to more than 800 yuan after the discount. considering that there were four or five male hairdressers in the store at the time, for his own safety, mr. ye decided to call the police after checking out and leaving the hair salon.

mr. ye admitted that his usual perm costs between 300 and 500 yuan. if he had known in advance that the cost of this perm would be as high as more than 2,000 yuan, he would have made it clear that he would not choose this shop, "i only accept the total price of 398 yuan and ask the hair salon to return the remaining money."

mr. ye said that after he called the police, the police transferred the call to shenzhen’s 12345 hotline, and the complaint was finally handled by the shenzhen consumer council secretariat.

on august 15, according to the feedback from the shenzhen government sms platform, in response to mr. ye’s question,the shenzhen consumer council has contacted the merchant many times by phone, text message and other means, but has been unable to connect with the merchant for mediation.according to article 33 of the china consumers association's "guidelines for consumer associations to handle consumer complaints", if, during the mediation process, the party complained against clearly expresses that it does not accept mediation/does not respond within the time limit, the consumer association will terminate the mediation of the complaint.

the local consumer council responded:

the merchant refused to refund

it is recommended to protect rights through administrative and litigation channels

on august 29, a reporter from red star news visited the hair salon where the incident occurred. the hair salon is located in a street-side shop with two floors. the first floor is for haircuts, and the second floor is for shampooing and massage. the reporter observed that the hair salon only marked the prices for shampooing, haircuts, massages, etc., and did not see any information about perming and dyeing. a hairdresser told the reporter that perming costs 398 yuan, but did not specify whether it was the price of a single lotion or the total price.

a red star news reporter checked the online reviews of the store and found that many comments pointed out that the store would constantly promote card applications, and one comment said, "they applied hair lotion without your consent and i was defrauded of 298 yuan."

the reporter contacted the manager of another branch of "daisy beauty" about this matter, and the other party said that he had resigned at the end of august, and the store on baihuiwei road currently has no manager; in response to mr. ye's report, the other party said that he knew about the matter and someone had gone to the store to mediate the matter, but he didn't know the result of the mediation; as for the negative reviews online, the other party said that "there will be recommendations (for card applications)". the reporter tried to contact other phone numbers of the store where the incident occurred, but none of them went through.

on the same day, in response to what happened to mr. ye, the reporter accompanied mr. ye to the shenzhen consumer council to file a complaint. a staff member said that after checking the relevant records, they had indeed not been able to contact the operator. regarding the newly initiated complaint, the staff member said that they would intervene and handle it with priority.

on september 5, the shenzhen government text message platform gave feedback again, saying that the merchant refused to refund the money and suggested that mr. ye protect his rights through administrative and litigation means in accordance with the law.

"i will definitely pursue this matter to the end. even if i can't get my money back, it can prevent more people from being cheated by this store." mr. ye said that he has complained to the local market supervision and management bureau through the shenzhen 12345 hotline.