
youth chapter·becoming a teacher for the first time丨art teacher born in the 2000s: i hope to cultivate students' aesthetic ability and sow the seeds of aesthetic education


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editor’s note
they dedicated their youth to the podium and left their love to their students. they became teachers for the first time and dedicated their first job in life to the cause of education. they love this profession and are working hard to write a brilliant chapter of youth on the land of the motherland. on the occasion of the 40th teachers' day, the paper launched a special plan of "brilliant chapter of youth·the flourishing youth" - becoming a teacher for the first time, to pay tribute to these new forces who have firmly chosen the cause of education.
"being in a school that trains teachers, the environment of teachers and students around me, the curriculum, etc. have all subtly influenced me, making me gradually realize the value of the teaching profession." in june 2024, ning yuchen chose to return to his hometown of chengdu after graduating from university and became an art teacher. when talking about filling out the college entrance examination application four years ago, he told the paper ( that the art major in the teacher training category was not his first choice. at first, he wanted to study in a professional art school, but during his four-year student career, ning yuchen gradually strengthened his determination to devote himself to the cause of education.
recalling his college life, ning yuchen once participated in a volunteer service project organized by the college, teaching art at tanhualin qipan street primary school. "those children are like a group of little angels. after class, some children wrote me cards with very pure and beautiful words, which made people feel very healed. this kind of pure thing in children is hard to get in social interpersonal communication, and it is a very precious gain."
in 2023, ning yuchen, who has not yet graduated, went to chengdu no. 7 middle school linyin school for an internship. he has a special feeling for no. 7 middle school linyin. "no. 7 middle school has a strong learning atmosphere, and the students are very smart. the subject of fine arts may be more inclined to literature and art, and the resonance with students in the liberal arts class will be stronger." every time he teaches, he can feel the good interaction with the students, and the classroom atmosphere is also harmonious.
in an art appreciation class, ning yuchen explained to students the painting travelers in mountains and rivers by the song dynasty painter fan kuan. "i have copied this work before. the size of travelers in mountains and rivers is two meters, so i showed the copied work to the students directly in class, taking this opportunity to more intuitively show the similarities and differences between the historical original and this copied work."
every time after the course ends, ning yuchen feels happy from the bottom of his heart when he receives positive feedback from students.
ning yuchen teaches art to students. all pictures in this article are provided by the interviewee
the road to becoming a teacher is long and arduous
becoming a good and experienced teacher is not easy.
in actual teaching, ning yuchen has also encountered many difficulties. "once i met a child with a complicated family situation. he had a bad temper and often did not follow the classroom rules. he would only restrain his behavior when the head teacher stepped in. he also could not get along well with other children." faced with such a student, ning yuchen did not give up. he tried to communicate with him actively and tried to stand in the child's perspective to understand his behavior and the reasons behind it.
"when i tried to build a trusting relationship with him, i found that he could actually calm down, put aside his hostility and listen carefully to other people's opinions." ning yuchen said that through patient listening and communication, he gradually opened the child's heart, taught him to control his emotions, get along well with his classmates, and become more and more serious in class and actively interact with teachers.
in his teaching life, ning yuchen is constantly reflecting on himself. as an art teacher, and a new teacher who has just graduated, he does not spend as much time with the children in the class as the head teacher and the main subject teachers. he may not be able to have a deep understanding of the students. how should he effectively manage the classroom order and complete the work of teaching and educating people? if a student refuses to follow instructions, what measures should the art teacher take? should he seek help from the head teacher, or intervene in person? when the conflict escalates to a certain extent, how should the new teacher maintain his teaching authority?
in ning yuchen's opinion, it is necessary to establish a rational order. "as a new teacher, i have to tell students what they can and cannot do from the beginning, and establish the authority of a teacher."
in addition, ning yuchen also mentioned some practical problems faced by teachers in their daily work. "teachers' work is not as easy as everyone says. we will have a summer camp for freshmen and teacher training during the summer vacation. we will hold a meeting and study at school one week in advance."
ning yuchen took a photo with the students he taught.
exploring the path of “teaching and educating people”
now, ning yuchen has his own understanding of classroom teaching. "i will quickly go through the main content of a chapter in class, or cite other references while advancing, basically grasping a main element and digging deep into it."
ning yuchen said, "for each class, i will collect a lot of relevant information, and then build a systematic knowledge framework, and use this as the basis for each class. i think this is a more effective teaching method."
as an art teacher, he teaches children in multiple classes. ning yuchen does not feel bored or tedious when facing the same teaching content and teaching methods. "repeatedly teaching the same class actually improves my teaching ability. in each class, i will reflect on where i may be lacking in some aspects and where i need to improve. in the next class, with the same content and the same teaching method, i can teach better and constantly optimize my teaching methods to achieve my teaching goals."
ning yuchen believes that if you teach the same lesson repeatedly, you can become more proficient in it and have more room to express yourself when teaching. you can focus more on divergent or pioneering parts, rather than limiting yourself to memorizing course content.
when it comes to the four words "teaching and educating people", ning yuchen believes that "educating people" is the core key. "the role of a teacher is not only to impart knowledge, but also to be an important guide on the road of student growth. how to care for a student, to cultivate scientifically, and to follow the law of his development is what i want to focus on." ning yuchen explained that nowadays, with the development of network technology, there are many ways to learn knowledge and skills. students can completely learn about the fields they are interested in through books and the internet, and easily obtain the information they need. there is no high barrier to acquiring knowledge. ning yuchen believes that, in comparison, the healthy growth of students and the cultivation of ideological and moral qualities are particularly important.
as an art teacher, ning yuchen hopes to cultivate students' aesthetic ability and improve their cultural and moral qualities. "i think educating people is a more emotional thing. it takes time to observe, feel, and understand students, and to find their corresponding problems carefully, and then solve them, or accompany them and help them resolve them. i hope to help students and help them develop in all aspects."
teaching students
“i want students to have the power to feel beauty”
"except for art students, art courses in high schools are not as valued as the main subjects. students have less time to be exposed to aesthetic education. i think this may be a pity for students, so i hope that through my own efforts, students can have the opportunity to receive richer aesthetic education and enjoy the fun brought by art in the busy high school life." ning yuchen believes that art is not only about learning skills, but also about nourishing the soul. he hopes that through his teaching, he can enable students to have a pair of eyes to discover beauty and feel the power of beauty.
ning yuchen also noted that students' mental health problems have become increasingly serious in recent years. due to multiple factors such as academic pressure, interpersonal relationships, and family environment, some students may develop mental illnesses or even exhibit extreme behaviors.
the cure of psychological problems is a long process. as a secondary teacher, how to give students enough care and guidance when the number of times he meets with students each week is limited has become the direction of his continuous exploration. "in the future, i may pay more attention to the research on art and psychology, such as art therapy. i want to use my professional knowledge to learn how to use art and other methods to help students get out of psychological difficulties and help them overcome psychological barriers."
talking about his ideal, ning yuchen said, "as an art teacher, i think a more ambitious goal is to improve the aesthetic education level of future generations and enhance their artistic literacy. this is also what we, the front-line teachers and front-line art educators, are doing and constantly promoting. generally speaking, the aesthetic literacy of society still needs to be improved, which needs to be promoted and improved bit by bit through education."
"as a new teacher who has just graduated, i can first do what i can do, manage the class i am in charge of now, cultivate the children i can come into contact with, and contribute my own strength to improving the aesthetic literacy of society." ning yuchen said.
the paper reporter zhang yilin and intern wang ting
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)