
chen jian: like renewable energy, we should contribute inexhaustible energy to education


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huasheng online news, september 11 (all-media reporter zhao tongyi, correspondent li xiaoling) on september 10, changsha university of science and technology held a celebration and commendation meeting for the 2024 teachers' day. professor chen jian from the school of energy and power engineering won the school's highest teaching award-the outstanding teaching contribution award.
chen jian, 57, wears a pair of rimless glasses and has slightly gray hair on his temples. he looks serious when he is not smiling. but in the eyes of students, he has a friendly smile and a bright voice. he speaks humorous words in mandarin with a slight hunan accent, which quickly brings him closer to students.
in september 1997, chen jian, who had just graduated with a doctorate, became a young teacher in the power engineering department of the former changsha electric power college. at that time, the internet was not yet developed. in order to prepare for the class, chen jian borrowed a thick stack of materials from libraries, bookstores and other channels. handwritten lesson plans, large wooden triangles, and teaching molds became his standard equipment for class. he wrote and erased the blackboard, and after a class, the clothes on his back were soaked with sweat. "in addition to the hot weather, i was also nervous because i was afraid that my teaching could not meet the needs of students," said chen jian.
(chen jian teaches students. photo provided by the correspondent)
after gaining some experience, chen jian began to explore his own teaching methods. he took students to "borrow the east wind from chibi" to explore the relationship between wind direction and speed and combustion, which not only stimulated students' interest in learning, but also improved their humanistic qualities; he guided students to "watch the guards guarding the borders of the motherland" and understand the power consumption of border defense forces. while discussing how to solve the difficulties and needs of power consumption, he also strengthened students' patriotic feelings...
in addition to using situational teaching to stimulate students' interest, chen jian also attaches importance to cultivating students' theoretical foundation. he requires students to start reading the table of contents and study systematically according to the table of contents and outline. in the annual graduate student interview, he must ask a question: "what book have you read? what is the content of the table of contents of this book?" he smiled and explained: "students who can answer this question have basically read the book thoroughly."
chen jian has devoted all his energy and enthusiasm to teaching for 27 years, and has won 1 second prize of national teaching achievement, 2 first prizes of provincial teaching achievement and 2 third prizes. in the past 4 years, his teaching quality assessment rate has been 100%, and his students' teaching evaluation ranks among the top in the school. huang congying, a student of new energy 2101 class, said, "mr. chen's class gave me a clear understanding of my major. influenced by the teacher, i chose new energy science and engineering as my major."
chen jian knows that as a university teacher, he cannot be satisfied with just being able to teach, but should also influence students with a broader vision and a scientific research spirit of excellence. he has been working hard to make his research field more adaptable to the development needs of the country's industrial layout in the new era and to "provide energy and light" for society.
in recent years, my country's new energy sources such as wind power and solar energy have ushered in development opportunities, and energy technology is changing with each passing day. chen jian keenly captured the prospects for the development of new energy materials and began to explore new tracks.
in 2020, in response to the call of the hunan provincial science and technology association, in response to the electricity consumption of independent peasant households in old revolutionary areas such as liuyang city and longshan county of xiangxi prefecture, chen jian led a team of graduate students into the countryside to explore the feasibility of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects for farmers.
locally, they inspected the roofs and facades of farmers' houses, and used photovoltaic power generation without occupying land resources. they also investigated the feasibility of implementing different forms of agricultural-photovoltaic complementarity, such as photovoltaic agricultural greenhouses, photovoltaic tobacco curing, photovoltaic breeding, and fish-photovoltaic complementarity, to help farmers achieve "self-generation for their own use and access to the grid for surplus electricity", generate economic benefits, and turn farmers' idle roofs into "green electricity production lines."
(chen jian and his team members in the laboratory. photo provided by the correspondent)
over the years, chen jian has contributed to scientific research by working hard. he has presided over five national natural science foundation projects, participated as the main researcher in one national natural science foundation key project, two general projects, and one national key r&d program project, and presided over and completed 21 projects including hunan provincial natural science foundation and provincial science and technology plan key projects.
on the 40th teachers' day this year, chen jian received the outstanding teaching contribution award from the school. he felt that it was both meaningful and affirmative. he said, "in the future, i will continue to shine in both teaching and scientific research, and achieve more substantial results in cultivating more compound talents and serving the local economic and social development."
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