
beijing to widen 169 kilometers of non-motorized vehicle lanes this year


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on april 28, 2023, citizens rode on the 10-kilometer waterfront slow-moving system in the lower section of qinghe river in wenyu river park.
data picture/photo taken by beijing news reporter li muyi
on the morning of september 11, the head of the relevant department of the beijing municipal bureau of landscape and greening introduced the construction of greenways in beijing, and also shared a number of representative characteristic greenways in combination with different needs such as cycling and hiking. the construction of greenways in beijing fully utilizes various green spaces such as green land, woodlands, and parks, and has built a total of 1,515 kilometers of greenways in the past 10 years.
in addition to the slow-moving system, greenways are also green spaces suitable for slow leisure activities such as walking and cycling. cao rui, deputy director of the urban greening division of the beijing municipal bureau of landscape and greening, introduced the construction of greenways in beijing.
in addition, the reporter learned from the beijing municipal transportation commission that in 2023, the number of shared bicycle rides in beijing will exceed 1 billion, citizens' willingness for green travel is high, and the proportion of green travel in the city will reach 74.7%.
this year, beijing will also complete 18 tasks to improve the quality of the slow-moving system, widen 169 kilometers of non-motorized vehicle lanes, and complete the spatial quality improvement of roads such as deshengmen inner street, chaoyangmen north and south streets, and chaofu road (dongcheng section), leaving more space for non-motorized vehicle lanes and pedestrian walkways.
greenway construction focuses on the needs of different groups of people
"greenways connect various natural and cultural landscapes and have multiple functions such as beautifying the environment, displaying culture, promoting health and leisure, and connecting urban and rural areas." cao rui said that the prototype of beijing's greenway construction is the fitness trails located in large parks such as the olympic forest park and nanhaizi country park.
in 2013, beijing issued the "overall plan for the construction of beijing municipal greenways". in accordance with the top-level design guidance, the city has successively carried out greenway construction. over the past 10 years, a total of 1,515 kilometers of greenways have been built. the planned backbone greenway networks such as the second ring road, the greenway around the city park, the greenway around the forest park, the central city waterfront greenway, and the east wing river greenway have begun to take shape. greenways in key areas have formed rings, connecting more than 200 parks, scenic spots, and historical and cultural sites throughout the city, providing citizens with more abundant and diverse sports methods and recreational experiences. at the same time, a systematic connection is opened up for wild animal activities and migration channels to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature.
cao rui said that greenways like the three mountains and five gardens greenway, the wenyu river greenway, and the grand canal greenway have attracted many citizens to check in and experience them, and have become important places for daily leisure cycling and hiking.
among them, the greenway is quite different from the traditional slow-moving system. it is not just a simple passage space.
cao rui said that the construction of greenways in beijing has benefited from the achievements of garden greening construction, line selection and spatial layout, and has made full use of the space vacated by the relocation to build small green spaces, pocket parks, and suburban parks and the green achievements of two rounds of afforestation of one million mu, further expanding the green ecology, landscape and service functions. relying on park green spaces to build greenways is not only to build a slow-moving road in the green space, but also to use the working roads in the woodlands to bring citizens into the garden landscape and forest scenes, expand the recreational space, and allow citizens to truly enjoy the achievements of ecological civilization construction and enjoy nature.
for example, the chaoyang greenway demonstration section is 9.5 kilometers long, from anli road to the north park of wanghe park. along the way, you can check in at the olympic forest park, yangshan park, huangcaowan park, beihu woodland, beixiaohe park, wanghe park and many other scenic spots. during the cycling and playing, citizens can randomly open the "park blind box" according to their physical condition and enter the surrounding parks along the route. or for parent-child play, parents can park their car at huangcaowan country park, or bring their own bicycles, or ride shared bicycles for a circular ride. at the same time, huangcaowan country park is open for camping and picnics.
in the construction of greenways, the gardening and landscaping department pays special attention to the different needs of people who like leisure and recreation and sports and fitness, and provides different route experiences. according to cao rui, citizens who like cycling can choose wenyu river greenway, yunchaojian river greenway, changping 42-kilometer cycling greenway, etc. these greenways are suitable for cyclists to go outings in the suburbs and cycling sightseeing. for running enthusiasts, there are the ring city park ring greenway and the green barrier area park ring greenway (chaoyang section) along the historical water system of the old city. their lengths are 5 to 10 kilometers, which can bring different landscape experiences. at the same time, the gardening and landscaping department focuses on the convenience of greenway use, giving priority to line selection and construction in densely populated areas, not greedy for big and perfect, and focusing on the construction of 3 to 5 kilometers of small circulation greenways to facilitate people to walk their children, buy groceries, and commute, connecting the surrounding parks, shopping malls, subway stations and bus stops, while ensuring the green experience, increasing the utilization rate of greenways, so that citizens can see green when they raise their feet and go out to the park.
last year, the number of shared bike rides in beijing exceeded 1 billion
"the slow-moving system is not slow. the fast speed of motor vehicles does not mean a short travel time. cycling is even better than subways, buses and short- and medium-distance travel for citizens." according to jing lubo, a first-level chief clerk at the urban road management office of beijing municipal transportation commission, especially in september every year when commuting, school drop-offs and holidays combine to create high traffic pressure on the road network, the slow-moving transportation system effectively supplements and extends public transportation such as buses and subways through walking and cycling, thereby enhancing the flexibility and adaptability of the urban transportation system.
since 2020, the municipal transportation comprehensive management leading group has included the relevant management work of the slow-moving system into the "beijing comprehensive transportation management action plan". the municipal transportation commission has widely listened to the opinions and suggestions of the public and social groups, carefully sorted out the crux of the problems from the aspects of planning and construction, studied and analyzed them one by one, formulated countermeasures and measures one by one, and formulated annual work plans year by year. a total of 104 work tasks have been completed, and the slow-moving travel environment has undergone significant changes.
for example, the "turn back to open the car door method" is included in the "beijing regulations on promoting civilized behavior"; the operation and management of bicycle lanes are continuously promoted. as of the end of august 2024, the number of rides on bicycle lanes has exceeded 10 million.
data provided by the beijing municipal transportation commission show that in 2023, the number of shared bicycle rides in beijing exceeded 1 billion, citizens' willingness for green travel increased, and the proportion of green travel in the city reached 74.7%.
60% of the 18 slow-moving system quality improvement tasks have been completed
jing lubo said that in april this year, the beijing municipal transportation commission continued to release the "2024 beijing urban slow-moving system quality improvement action plan", which clarified 18 key tasks. at present, government departments at the municipal and district levels are strengthening the urban-rural linkage and departmental coordination of the slow-moving system governance work. establish and improve operational and implementable work standards, such as formulating the "beijing walking and bicycle improvement technical guidelines (revised)" and "beijing greenway planning and design technical guidelines", etc., grasp every work link, carefully design, and form a replicable and popularizable work model. at the same time, change the traditional assessment work method that is purely based on the number of work, organize and carry out regional slow-moving system service evaluation work every year, and focus on improving the overall regional environment.
the beijing municipal transportation commission also introduced the progress of the 18 tasks to improve the quality of the slow-moving system that need to be completed this year.
according to jing lubo, these 18 tasks to improve the quality of the slow-moving system focus on the issues that citizens are most concerned about, and 60% of the total tasks have been completed. for example, the urban road space planning and design standard (db11/1116-2024) has been issued, which clarifies the allocation of space on urban roads according to the priority order of pedestrians, bicycles, public transportation, and cars, and puts forward clear requirements for the protection of slow-moving road rights in mixed traffic sections and alleys and cultural exploration roads in the old city, providing technical support for the scientific and effective use of urban road space resources and the improvement of road space quality.
it is also planned to complete the widening of 169 kilometers of non-motorized vehicle lanes and the addition of 12.7 kilometers of non-motorized vehicle lanes. the work has now been organized for implementation, and 14.5 kilometers of non-motorized vehicle lanes have been widened and 2.5 kilometers of non-motorized vehicle lanes have been improved. all work will be completed before the end of the year.
this year, we will also complete the work of improving the road space quality of deshengmen inner street, leaving more space for non-motorized vehicle lanes and pedestrian walkways; the road space quality improvement projects of chaoyangmen north and south streets and chaofu road (dongcheng section) have entered the final stage of construction, and road space quality improvement projects such as zhongguancun street are being implemented in an orderly manner; the transformation of the 13.8-kilometer slow-moving system of the river patrol road from yongsheng bridge to jiugong section of liangshui river is also a key task this year. at present, the nanhan river waterfront slow-moving landscape improvement project has entered the final stage of construction, and additional connecting channels will be added to improve the connectivity between the waterfront slow-moving system and the urban slow-moving system and municipal roads, and promote the integration of the "water, road and green" three networks.