
"girl was stabbed 218 times by her deskmate", does it not meet the standard of school bullying? multiple responses


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on september 11, the reporter learned from the propaganda department of zhangqiu district committee of jinan city, shandong province that in response to the online rumor that "a girl from zhangqiu bilingual school was stabbed hundreds of times with an awl by her deskmate",an investigation team has been set up locally and relevant issues are being investigated. once the investigation is clear, feedback will be provided to the media.

on the evening of september 8, several videos circulated online, showing that a girl in the sixth grade of zhangqiu bilingual school in zhangqiu district, jinan city, shandong province was bullied by a boy who transferred to the school. in the video, the girl mentioned that the boy sat at the same table and stabbed her with objects such as awls and compasses, some of which even happened in the classroom.

on september 9, the reporter learned from the security department of the zhangqiu district education and sports bureau that the incident mentioned in the video happened half a year ago. in june of this year, the zhangqiu district education and sports bureau and shengjing police station participated in the investigation. when the incident happened, the boy and girl were both sixth-grade students at zhangqiu bilingual school, classmates, and deskmates. the police station took statements from the boy, girl, and their parents. after preliminary investigation,the police station believes that the conditions do not meet the criteria for filing a case and recommends civil mediation between the two parties.the staff member said that among the evidence provided by the girl's parents, some pictures were downloaded from the internet.

the zhangqiu district education and sports bureau conducted a detailed investigation.the survey results show that it does not meet the standards of school bullyingthe bureau also held a special meeting on preventing and controlling bullying.

currently, the girl and the boy are both in the seventh grade at zhangqiu bilingual school, but they are no longer in the same class.the girl's parents made two demands to the school: refund two years of tuition and fees and expel the boy involved. however, the girl's parents have not yet reached an agreement with the school.after the girl's parents posted the online video, the deputy district chief in charge of education led a team to the school to investigate. they will meet with the girl's parents and communicate a result that will satisfy the parents and students as soon as possible.

the reporter tried to contact the publisher of the above video several times.but the other party did not respond.

on september 11, the reporter contacted zhangqiu bilingual school again, and the staff said that the district has set up a joint investigation team, and the specific situation can be followed by the progress and conclusion of the investigation team. the reporter learned from the news section of the propaganda department of the zhangqiu district committee of jinan that the local investigation team has indeed been set up in response to the above incident, and the relevant issues are being investigated. after the investigation is clear, feedback will be provided to the media and the public.

on september 11, the child’s mother spoke out again:the school voted and determined that it was not school bullying. 14 people participated in the vote, and 8 people believed that the boy was not bullying.

chen pingfan, a national "double thousand plan" legal expert and director of furong law firm, provided a legal interpretation of the key issues of the above incident.

1. what are the standards and procedures for identifying school bullying?

school bullying usually refers to the behavior of students in the school environment that causes physical and mental harm to others through violence, threats, insults, exclusion, etc. the specific identification standards may vary from region to region, but generally include the following aspects:

nature of the behavior: including physical violence (such as fighting, pushing), verbal violence (such as insults, sarcasm), cyber violence (such as online defamation, online harassment), etc. frequency and duration of the behavior: occasional conflicts and persistent bullying behavior need to be distinguished, and persistent behavior is more likely to be identified as bullying.

consequences of the behavior: obvious negative impacts on the victim’s physical and mental health, academic performance, social relationships, etc.

subjective intent of the behavior: bullying behavior is usually intentional, that is, the perpetrator intends to cause harm to others in some way.

the identification procedure of school bullying generally includes the following steps:

1. reporting and complaints: students, parents or teachers can report bullying to the school management or relevant departments.

2. investigation and evidence collection: the school or relevant department shall investigate the reported bullying and collect evidence, including but not limited to eyewitness testimonies, video surveillance, written materials, etc.

3. hearing and evaluation: during the investigation, the statements and explanations of all parties involved should be heard to assess whether the behavior constitutes bullying.

4. identification and handling: based on the investigation results, the school or relevant department will determine whether bullying has occurred and handle the perpetrators in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and school rules and regulations.

5. appeal and reconsideration: if a party is dissatisfied with the outcome of a case, he or she may file an appeal or seek reconsideration in accordance with the prescribed procedures.

2. can a multi-person vote be used to decide whether a behavior constitutes bullying?

it is not legally advisable to use a multi-person vote to decide whether a behavior constitutes bullying for the following reasons:

professional requirements: the identification of bullying behavior requires professional legal and psychological knowledge, and ordinary students or parents may lack professional judgment in this area.

fairness and objectivity: voting may be affected by non-objective factors such as interpersonal relationships and emotional factors, making it difficult to ensure fairness and objectivity.

legal procedure: legal procedure emphasizes the collection and analysis of evidence, and voting is difficult to meet the requirements of legal procedure.

therefore, the identification of school bullying is usually conducted by a special investigation team led by the school management or the education administrative department, rather than by voting. of course, the school can listen to opinions from multiple parties during the investigation, but the final identification and handling should be carried out by institutions or personnel with professional knowledge and authority. public opinion and voting results represent public opinion in a sense, but they are not necessarily correct judgments.