
why do e-commerce promotions always make mistakes after getting the product and then having to return it?


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recently, a small shop with only 6 people in a county town sold over 70 million yuan worth of goods at 40% to 50% off the purchase price in just 20 minutes because the e-commerce operator set the wrong sales price for the goods, resulting in direct economic losses of up to 30 million yuan. at present, the relevant brand has decided to provide special support to the store to compensate the affected consumers. the store also hopes that the orderer will agree to go through the refund procedure.
this incident is not an isolated case. previously, a company mislabeled a box of sparkling water at 3.5 yuan, which was originally priced at 79 yuan, causing a surge in sales of 300,000 orders and losses of more than 2 million yuan. due to an employee's operating error, a brand's official live broadcast room mistakenly set the price of paper towels from 56.9 yuan per box to 10 yuan for 6 boxes, resulting in losses of more than 10 million yuan... such incidents occur frequently, and there are many reasons, the direct reason being the staff's operating error. what is puzzling is that the price setting should be clear, so why do some stores frequently make mistakes in this regard?
with the rise of live streaming, competition between platforms has become increasingly fierce. in order to attract consumers, major e-commerce platforms have launched a variety of activities such as discounts, discounts, membership benefits, discounts on discounts, coupons on coupons, and various complex activity rules. operators need to be proficient in various preferential rules to avoid setting errors. however, due to high work pressure and complex activity rules, the chances of operators making mistakes also increase. it can be said that the wide variety and high frequency of promotional activities on e-commerce platforms and the complicated rules are an important cause of mistakes.
in theory, the purpose of e-commerce platform promotions is to benefit consumers, make stores profitable, and bring traffic to the platform. however, if the promotion rules are too complicated, it will not only increase the workload of the store and increase the operational risks, but also make consumers confused and discouraged by the various discounts. from this perspective, e-commerce promotions should be less routine and platform rules should be simplified.
in recent years, e-commerce promotions have been increasing in intensity, but the results have been decreasing. in this regard, e-commerce platforms should realize that consumers not only place orders based on price, but also on the quality of the goods and the sincerity of the platform.
platforms should review their own rules, optimize promotional activities, reduce unnecessary routines, and present simple, clear and easy-to-understand activity rules to merchants and consumers. while abiding by platform rules, merchants should also provide reasonable opinions and suggestions to the platform, continuously improve the comprehensive capabilities of operators, and reduce promotional errors. market supervision and management departments should formulate relevant laws and regulations and standards to regulate the operation order of e-commerce platforms and maintain a healthy and orderly market environment.
building a healthy, orderly and trustworthy e-commerce ecosystem requires joint governance by multiple parties so that consumers and merchants can enjoy the benefits of the digital economy in a fair and transparent environment.
(author: xia xianqing), original title: "e-commerce promotions need to be simplified"
source: economic daily